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Sad reality...

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30 October 2007 11:46  

Number of messages: 108

Look at that video... Then expose your opinion.
I must say I couldn't watch it all, it's too hard.


30 October 2007 11:51  

Number of messages: 8113
I couldn't either watch
Can't understand how people can be that cruel,
things like that made me sooo angry.

30 October 2007 11:53  

Number of messages: 108
It's absolutely amazing! I can't believe! I cried while watching it, it's so so harddd
Why is there people like that

30 October 2007 12:01  

Number of messages: 8113
yeah...I can't neither understand. Maybe if people like you and me stop buying stuff like fur we can end this cruelty..
btw. I has also cried many, many times over animals being bad treated.
This is a verry important debate you started mireia!

30 October 2007 12:04  

Number of messages: 108
I didn't use to care about animals, really. They were there, and that was all. But that video has changed my mind...
I'd like everybody to watch it, and realise about how mistaken we are for buying fur.

I gotta go to school now... ¬¬ Being little is so cruel too!

See you later!



30 October 2007 12:30  

Number of messages: 1014
Hmmm, I have seen such movies before
Well, It was quite shocking,, but it's not only animals who are treated so bad, even humans!
I told you before, this world is fucked up!

30 October 2007 12:44  

Number of messages: 8113
I hope your day in school anyway will be ok or even fun.I kind of smiled as reading the thing you write about being's true..I can remember.

About animals...
Here is a link to a organisation (not from Spain) but they kind of working for animals right in different fields...if you are interested.
It gives a bit of hope to know that there are god things in the world to.


30 October 2007 13:04  

Number of messages: 3785
This was really hard to watch. That's really sad.

30 October 2007 13:22  

Number of messages: 1014
I am little too!
well, let me say I am young ^^

Mireia, school? how come.. don't you got holidays now?

31 October 2007 08:45  

Number of messages: 12396
Human being is from far the most cruel animal on earth, it works pretty good together with the notion of making money. I'm pretty sure that prehistorical human beings were much less cruel with animals, even if they were using furs. Here now, notion of rentability and profit increased a lot cruelty, these workers transformed into killing machines, just taking away the fur from animals, not even taking care about if these animal are still alive or not, is one of the most disgusting and revolting video I ever saw since a long time.

In England, friends of animal are very violent, they sometimes kill other human beings (involved in "scientific" experience on living animals), but you know I wouldn't "throw them stones" after seing this video the link of which you brought here, mireia.

30 October 2007 16:06  

Number of messages: 2247
Oh no!
I can't watch this... Oh God.
I couldn't stand seeing the poor animal bleeding.
I'm all tears right now.

30 October 2007 16:07  

Number of messages: 108
Yuppi! I'm free from school!
Tristangun, how old are you? I'm 15, I think I'm more little than you Maybe I'm the littlest here! Why do you say that I should have holidays from school? Why, why, why? I don't have, unfortunately... ¬¬ You're free there? Hmmm... maybe I should plan a trip...
Pias, thank you for the link! It's very interesting!
Jp and Franky, I totally agree with you too. I can't understand how they can be so cruel... I wonder and wonder... but I don't find any logical response... They don't have heart, not even brain!

We must fight against that. Let's wear synthetic clothes, what for do we need the fur Would you like someone to take your skin like that just for wearing it as a coat


30 October 2007 18:08  

Number of messages: 8113
Yes, you are absolutely right mireia,
No fur or leather or 'things' that belong to animals for me either!! I wish I was a 'true' vegetarian to,,,but I'm not(yet) but working on it.

30 October 2007 19:35  

Number of messages: 1014
Oh yes Mireia, maybe you are very young (but I am 16, though!)

and yes, everyone in Belgium has a week off..
great isn't it?
well, It's my second week now to be honest! just the week before this holiday, I had an infection so I couldn't leave the bed! (pff, it's rather boring to stay in bed for 7 days! During the day you can only watch babyprogramms on the television,, it's funny to watch one time, but not 7 days!)

And well, Mireia, not everyone feels the same for animals.. and not even for humans!
Today I've read in the newspaper that 52% of the Americans would like to see an American invasion in Iran (They want to have other human beings, being killed! I don't understand it, how can you WANT a war?
Same in Brussels, Belgian capital.. last year 2 Polish boys stabbed a boy because he didn't want to give his Ipod,,
Well, maybe I am just too young to understand anything about this world, or maybe I am not the only one who doesn't understand this world?

What Francky has said is true too! Money Money Money..

Humans, have screwed up this world

30 October 2007 19:27  

Number of messages: 8113,money,money (unfortunately)
and tristangun, you are NOT to young to understand or have an opinion about this world I think. keep on doing that!

30 October 2007 19:37  

Number of messages: 1014
Ah! at least someone agrees with that!

By the way, call me Nathan!
it's so unpersonal when you call me Tristangun: It's just a nickname I use when I am on internet..

What is your name, just Pias?

Oh about the money! I think everyone likes money, not? well, of course does not everyone wants to have much money,,
but I think it's true, money doesn't make you happy! it just makes things easier!

I would like to have a lot of money later! But I would never, and I really mean never do that if I have to harm a human, nor an animal (like many people do, to make money..)


30 October 2007 19:50  

Number of messages: 8113
Hi Nathan! I'll realy try to remember your 'real' name many names and nicknames for an old person like me to remember (joke).
You can say just Pia to me.

btw. My opinion is that NO ONE can really understand this whole world, no matter how old you became, maybe (????) it gets a little bit easier when you get older..due to life experience and so on.
the moore misstakes you make, you learn things from it..did you get that?

30 October 2007 19:57  

Number of messages: 1014
Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan
I hope my name is printed in your mind now!
so, what's my name again Pia?

Hmmm, yes I can be sure that I don't got any life experience yet! (and the experience I do have is just possitive, so)

Well, somethimes I wonder if it is better to live now these days, than live in the past!

Some people don't even care what is happening in this world, which makes me quite sad.
Others know what's happening, but they don't care..
One person who did care about this world was my uncle, he really wanted to change this world.. But well, soon he met the real reality! this world cannot be changed, and well.. rest I rather keep personal
I know I cannot change this world into a better place, but I can try to make the best of it!

30 October 2007 20:31  

Number of messages: 2102
What a good idea!!! From now on, I'll call you: Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan. Really good name.

30 October 2007 21:08  

Number of messages: 1014
Oh, that's number 2 on my list that I hate:

> Pias

> Iepurica

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