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Postcard exchange

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12 September 2007 22:29  

Number of messages: 2132
Great idea Goncin, I'm in.

12 September 2007 23:12  

Number of messages: 1263
please send emails to me:

13 September 2007 11:24  

Number of messages: 12396
goncin, Thais and menininha are going to receive postcards I sent them today. ( As it is sent to Brasil, maybe not before next Monday, so...)

I'll send postcards to anybody here who asks me to (and I hope I'll receive some from my addressees too!)

Maybe some exhibition of the landscapes from these postcards would be possible at cucumis?
It would be great !

13 September 2007 14:32  

Number of messages: 3706
Postcards for Chantal, Maski and thathavieira are already on the way as well .

turkishmiss, please send an e-mail to goncin AT gmail DOT com telling me your home address, and I'll send you back the addresses of everyone I already have.

Francky, yes, it's possible to exhibit the landscapes here on Cucumis - you just need a scanner and Photobucket.

13 September 2007 15:51  

Number of messages: 878
hihi, I'll probably buy some nice cards tomorrow.. Oh and pluiepoco, do I have to copy the chinese characters, or can I just write in normal characters

13 September 2007 16:07  

Number of messages: 3706

This is an excerpt from a conversation by mail between me and pluiepoco:

Just one question, pluiepoco: does Chinese mail services deliver correspondences addressed in Latin caracters? I want to send you a handwritten postcard, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to copy them properly onto paper. If I couldn't, I print and paste it (with "real world" glue).

Latin is postable, but the courier won't be that intellectual, so the best way is to print and paste.

The post card does not have envelope, doesn't it?

You can directly write latin pinyin on it (...)

Because of this, I sent him a postcart written in both Chinese and pinyin (Latin transliteration of Chinese characters), to make sure the card will arrive.

For those who can't see Chinese characters on their computers, I made an image depicting pluiepoco's address. Check back the last message from me on your e-mail, Chantal: the image went attached to it.


13 September 2007 16:18  

Number of messages: 2247
Hey Chantal, I'm thinking about that too... I think I'll print the image goncin sent me...
I'll go send the cards tomorrow...

Anyone who want to receive a card from me send me your adress still today!!!

Chantal, Francky, Goncin, Maski, Menininha, Pluiepoco and Turkishmiss: You already are on my list!

13 September 2007 16:16  

Number of messages: 3706
Thatha, check back your e-mail: Chantal's address must be in the last message from me.

13 September 2007 16:20  

Number of messages: 878
Goncin.. she just said she has it!

13 September 2007 16:50  

Number of messages: 2247

I think that I wrote weirdly before, I edited the phrase.

13 September 2007 16:52  

Number of messages: 3706
I'm in a dazzled day... My mind just doen't stop tricking me today...

13 September 2007 19:41  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
What a great idea!!

By the way, you can see that even the Goncin's message is under Thais' one, it came first, on 16:16, and hers, 16:18.

13 September 2007 17:20  

Number of messages: 2247
Because I edited it...

Are you joining us Casper?

13 September 2007 17:33  

Number of messages: 878
But we already have 3 ppl from Brazil . Lol no just kidding, it would be nice if you join us too Casper!!

13 September 2007 17:50  

Number of messages: 3706

As you probably know, Brazil is a very large country. Thatha is in Fortaleza, Ceará, in the Northeastern region of the country. I'm in Franca, São Paulo, Southestern region, just 120km far from Menininha. Casper lives at Curitiba, Paraná, South region.

While me and Menininha are quite near from one another (we are almost "neighbours" ), Casper is a bit far from us and Thatha is veeeery far from us all (something like 5000km far). I'm almost sure that you are nearer from Francky or Maski than I am from Thatha.

All this history is to show you Brazil is a so large country that we have actually so many different climates, language accents and landscapes. You'll see how Brazilian postcards are different from one another.

13 September 2007 19:40  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Where do I subscribe?

13 September 2007 19:44  

Number of messages: 3706
Send a mail to goncin AT gmail DOT com telling your home address and I'll send you back the list with the other subscribers' addresses.

13 September 2007 20:31  

Number of messages: 793
Well I could send postcards from Sweden, but it is extremely expensive. They are trying to eradicate all post offices by ridiculously high fees. I'm not poor I'm just very much against the method. What shall all grumpy female nightmares now do??

I would although love to send real Christmas cards (I love that).

Chantal, are you chauvinistic, there are people who like nude male men smoking pot on postcards too...


13 September 2007 22:47  

Number of messages: 2247
Hey Goncin, you forgot more "E"s
veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery far...
Anyone remember my map?

13 September 2007 23:29  

Number of messages: 1263
Yes, I remember, but goncin, in order to avoid wrong codings, I suggest you use attached sheet or wordfile.

And looking at the characters and languages barriiers, I found it is more a national barrier than a personal barrier.

Because When we ourselves communicate, it need common language, but when we represent our country, we have no common languages, we need our own language.
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