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Source language
French Celui qui renonce à devenir meilleur cesse déjà...
Celui qui renonce à devenir meilleur cesse déjà d’être bon.

Translations to be evaluated
Den som giver afkald på at blive bedre, holder allerede op med at være god.
Jeg har prøvet på at være tro til sætningen på fransk. Der findes lignende vendinger på dansk:
-"Den der holder op med at blive bedre, holder op med at blive god".
-"Den som ikke ønsker at blive bedre, holder op med at blive god".
Den sætning, du bad om at oversætte, har visse nuancer som jeg har prøvet at gøre tydelige på dansk.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
27Source language27
English Not dead ? ! ?
A backend update for cucumis !

Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.

First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).

Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.

And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.

Happy 2019 to all of you!

Completed translations
French Pas mort ? ! ?
Danish Ikke død ? ! ?
Swedish Inte död ? ! ?
Translations to be evaluated
O actualizare backend pentru Cucumis!

Da, astăzi am lucrat timp de câteva ore la nişte actualizări, în special în chestiuni de securitate.

În primul rând, tot site-ul se află acum în HTTPS din motive de securitate (făcut acum câteva săptămâni).

De asemenea, parolele erau înainte înmagazinate în mod vizibil în baza de date. Asta a fost corectat, şi acum, parolele sunt encriptate.

Iar în cele din urmă, un buton de [ŞTERGERE SPAMMER] pentru administratori.

Fericit 2019 tuturor!
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
English Adjacent, fold in biscuit mix.
-One/Two cup biscuit mix
-Adjacent, fold in biscuit mix.
obs: esta é uma frase de uma receita de uma Quirche,
ao meu entender parece ser a massa que vai de base.

Translations to be evaluated
-Um/dois copos da massa misturada.
-Ao lado, bata a massa misturada.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin Nic: hae ouēs uōbīs malam rem magnam dabunt....
Nic: hae ouēs uōbīs malam rem magnam dabunt. S:sed cūr malum uōs nōbīs mināminī? P: quia nostrōs agnos conclūsōs habētis. Nic: nisi illōs nōbis prōdūcētis, arietēs erimus, et in uōs incursābimus.
tradução de texto literário

Translations to be evaluated
Nic: estas ovelhas davam-vos grandes coisas más. S: mas por que é que vós nos ameaçais com o mau? P: Porque tendes os nossos cordeiros encerrados. Nic: vós conduzireis só aqueles a nós, teremos sido atingidos, e atacar-vos-emos.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores...
Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores exspectare suspensis furculis, non essende a marcata hora in marcatum locali, sofrerantur abominabilis et

arreptanditis sanctiones. Spiritus Dixit.

Dura Praxis, Sed Praxis

Translations to be evaluated
Todos os animais que grandes doutores façam esperar suspendidos desde os garfos, não sendo desde a hora marcada no local marcado, abomináveis sanções tenham sido sofridas. Disse o espírito.

Prática dura, mas prática.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Russian Привет! Познакомимся? Я Сергей.
Привет! Познакомимся? Я Сергей.

Translations to be evaluated
Olá! Vamos conhecer-nos? Chamo-me Sergei (Сергей).
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin Estote parati Ad servandum
Estote parati Ad servandum

Translations to be evaluated
Estejam prontos para cumprirem
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin Maria, mater gratiae
Maria, mater gratiae
Dulcis parens clementiae
Tu nos ab hoste protege,
Et mortis hora suscipe
Jesu tibi sit gloria
Qui natus es de Virgine
Cum patre, et almo Spiritu
In sempiterna saecula
Texto sacro. Não encontrei boas traduções por sites que fazem tradução automaticamente.

Translations to be evaluated
Maria, mãe misericordiosa
De cima tu nos protege
Na hora da morte nos receba
Jesus seja a tua glória
Que nasceu de uma virgem
Com o pai e o santo espírito
Pelos séculos e séculos
in saecula saeculorum: geralmente é traduzido como "eternamente" ou para "sempre".
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Turkish ey can; kimseyi kirmasozden agiri ...
ey can; kimseyi kirma
sozden agiri yoktur
beden cok yükü kaldirir ama gönül her sözü

Translations to be evaluated
Cher être humain; ne brise personne
Il n'y a rien de plus dur que des paroles.
Le corps peut soulever une charge énorme mais la volonté ne peut soutenir tous les mots.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Fête
bin aydan daha hayırlı olan kadir geceniz mübarek olsun
Fête des musulman

Translations to be evaluated
Que la nuit du Kadir qui apporte du bien, bien plus que le bien de mille mois, soit bénie.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Misafirliğim ağır gelmesin...
Misafirliğim ağır gelmesin...
fran4ais suisse

Translations to be evaluated
J'espère qu'en tant qu'invité, je ne suis pas une charge.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Croatian Poštovani Ramo Useinović, Primili ste zahtjev za...
Poštovani Ramo Useinović,

Primili ste zahtjev za rezervaciju smještaja preko sajta

Ovaj email sadrži informacije sa podacima o vremenu dolaska, broju noćenja, broju osoba i ostale podatke vezano za Vas smještaj. U nastavku e-maila pogledajte konkretne detalje. Podaci o vašem nalogu:

Naziv smještaja: Aura Apartmani

Vaša prezentacija

Vaš identifikacioni broj u našem sistemu je 123
Vaš oglas je pregledan 321puta.

Translations to be evaluated
Droga/Drogi Ramo Useinović,

To jest potwierdzenie Waszej rezerwacji przez strone internetowÄ…
Ten mail zawiera informacje o czasie przybycia, ilość dni noclegowych, ilość osób i inne informacje oraz inne informacje dotyczące Waszej rezerwacji noclegu. U dołu maila znajdziecie więcej konkretnych informacji. Informacje o Waszym koncie:
Nazwa Waszego noclegu: Apartament Aura
Wasza prezentacja
Wasz numer identyfikacyjny w naszym systemie to 123
Wasze ogłoszenie wyświetlono 321 razy.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Bulgarian По-добре сам отколкото с актьори
По-добре е да бъдеш сам, отколкото с актьори.

Completed translations
French Il vaut mieux être seul que mal ...
Spanish Es mejor estar solo que con actores.
Italian È meglio...
English It is better to be alone than in bad ...
Turkish Yalnız olmak
Translations to be evaluated
Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές.

<edit> "Καλύτερα να είναι μόνος του κανείς, παρά με υποκριτές." with "Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές." according to Linguistics and kafetzou's suggestions (01/15/2017)</edit>
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
French Séjour dans un bastidon sur la plage
Sur la plage privée, au bord de la mer Méditerranée, profitez d'un emplacement exceptionnel et de la vue panoramique sur la baie d'Agay.
Laissez-vous bercer par le rythme des vagues et des cigales, dans le sable ou sur la terrasse, le soir au coucher du soleil.
Location d'une semaine de vacances pour quatre personnes du samedi au samedi.

Translations to be evaluated
Privatstrand am Mittelmeer.
Geniessen Sie die einmalige Lage und den Panoramablick auf die Bucht von Agay.
Lassen Sie sich beim Sonnenuntergang vom Rhythmus der Wellen und dem Zirpen der Zikaden einlullen, sei es im Sand oder auf der Terrasse.
Vermietung für 4 Personen, von Samstag auf Samstag
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Italian Se tu della mia morte (Alessandro Scarlatti) Se...
Se tu della mia morte (Alessandro Scarlatti)

Se tu della mia morte,
aquesta destra forte, la gloria non vuoi dar,
dalla a'tuoi lumi,

Se tu della mia morte,
aquestra destra forte, la glóri non vuoi dar,
dalla, dalla a'tuoi lumi,
dalla, dalla a'tuoi lumi.

E il dardo de tuo sguardo,
sia quello che m'uccida, sia quello che m'uccida,
e mi consumi, sia quello che m'uccida,
e mi consumi

Translations to be evaluated
Se você da minha morte,
a esta direita forte, a gloria não quer dar,
por tuas luzes,

Se você da minha morte,
Se você da minha morte,
a esta direita forte, a gloria não quer dar,
por tuas luzes,

E o dardo de teu olhar,
seja aquele que me mata, seja aquele que me mata,
e me consome, seja aquele que me mata,
e me consome
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Basque oroitzia hobeda mitzoan artzia baino
oroitzia hobeda mitzoan artzia baino
phrase basque gravée sur un bracelet en argent de marque H Teguy

Translations to be evaluated
Le souvenir est meilleur gardien que la parole.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sen beni tanımazsın ben onun eski erkek...
Sen beni tanımazsın ben onun eski erkek arkadaşıyım sen onla konuşuyor musun? O şimdi nasıl evleneceğini duydum,bu doğru mu? Rahatsız ettiysem özür dilerim sadece onun nasıl olduğunu bilmek istiyorum numaranı mail ru da buldum yardımcı olursan sevinirim
Merhaba Rusça,Kazak yada Özbek dilinde olabilir teşekkür ederim

Translations to be evaluated
Ты меня не знаешь, я его старый приятель,ты с ним общаешься? Я слышал, что он женится, это правда?Прости если побеспокоил, я только хочу знать, что с ним произошло, я нашел его номер и почту, буду рад помощи.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Greek Καλή πρόοδο.
Καλή πρόοδο.
η γνωστή ευχή που δίνουμε σε κάποιον για την επιτυχή εκπλήρωση μιας εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας (δεν γνωρίζω αν καν υπάρχει-συνηθίζετε στα αγγλικά).
Όπιαδήποτε διάλεκτος θα ήταν ικανοποιητική.
Τα Γερμανικά τα βάζω έτσι (εγκυκλπαιδικά) απλά για να το γνωρίζω. Δεν μου είναι απαραίτητο.

Translations to be evaluated
Guter Fortschritt bzw. gute Fortschritte.
Kommt ganz darauf an in welchem Kontext man diesen Satz benützt
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Danish I filmen ”Die Welle” hører vi om et eksperiment,...
I filmen ”Die Welle” hører vi om et eksperiment, der går galt . Filmen handler om Rainer, der er lærer. Han vil vise sine elever, hvad autokrati er. Eleverne er skeptiske, men de bliver hurtigt interesserede i lærerens undervisning. Tim, der er elev på skolen, bliver meget begejstret for projektet. Han oplever, at han pludselig er en del af et fællesskab , som han ikke tidligere måtte være med i . Eleverne kalder deres gruppe ’die Welle’. Alle skal bære en hvid skjorte. De elever, der ikke bærer en hvid skjorte, er ikke en del af ’die Welle’. I løbet af ugen bliver sammenholdet mellem eleverne meget stærkt. Derfor bliver de også kede af det , da Rainer vil opløse ’die Welle’. Filmens slutning er meget dramatisk.

Translations to be evaluated
German German - "Die Welle" Translated by Vesna J.
Im Film "Die Welle" hören wir von einem Experiment, das schiefgeht. Der Film handelt von Rainer, der Lehrer ist. Er will seinen Schülern zeigen, was Autokratie ist. Die Schüler sind skeptisch, aber sie werden sich schnell für den Unterricht des Lehrers interessieren. Tim, der Schüler an der Schule ist, wird sehr begeistert von dem Projekt. Er bemerkt, dass er plötzlich Teil einer Gemeinschaft ist, in der er zuvor nie gewesen ist. Die Schüler nennen ihre Gruppe "die Welle". Alle sollen ein weißes Hemd tragen. Die Schüler, die kein weißes Hemd tragen, sind kein Teil der "Welle". Während der Woche wird der Zusammenhalt unter den Schülern sehr stark sein. Deswegen sind sie auch sehr traurig darüber, als Rainer "die Welle" auflösen will. Das Ende des Films ist sehr dramatisch.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Russian Привет! Буду рад познакомиться и дружить! Я...
Привет! Буду рад познакомиться и дружить! Я Сергей. Как твое имя? Добавь меня в друзья на сайте Друг вокруг?! Обменяемся фото?!

Translations to be evaluated
Olá! Alegrar-me-ei se eu conhecer e fizer amigos! Chamo-me Sergei. Qual o teu nome? Queres acrescentar-me como amigo no site da rede social Друг Вокруг (Amigos ao redor)?! Tens fotos para partilhares comigo?!
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
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