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| 18 september 2008 14:12 |
 LeinAantal berichten: 3389 | Hi Maddie
Would you like to do this one?
Here is my bridge, good luck!
We thank us (must be a typo: should obviously be ‘you’) for your inquiry and we are happy you have chosen our (guest)house for your stay.
Unfortunately we must inform you that we don’t have any accomodation available for the date you wish (want).
However, we would be very happy to be able to welcome you as a guest another time.
Sunny greetings from St.Johann (I think this is a place).
| 18 september 2008 22:12 |
| Can you PLEAS translate from Romanian to English or Deutsch or Tükish.Thank you very very much.
"Te iubesc mult ne intilnimsi facem dragoste ti amo." |
| 20 september 2008 00:37 |
Poor little Jim. She is often ill. Sorry for her and you. So you are going surfing next weekend.Wow. Surf for me to, please. Yes, I'm fine, but need my bed now. See you tomorro, beauty. |
| 21 september 2008 00:12 |
multimesc Maddie
I will be back very very soon.
Tantine |
| 25 september 2008 15:59 |
 LeinAantal berichten: 3389 | Heel hartelijk bedankt voor uw (vriendelijke) hulp, de informatie die u heeft gegeven is erg nuttig.
Een fijne dag gewenst,
Vriendelijke groeten,
OK, how is this?
'vriendelijke' is kind. I put it in there to stay close to your text, but it sounds a bit weird in Dutch and personally, I would leave it out (that's why I put it between brackets). Especially since 'kind greetings' is a common way of ending a note or letter and it makes it not only a bit weird, but also double.
Literally, this text now says:
Thank you so much for you (kind) help, the information you provided is very useful.
Have a nice day,
kind greetings,
| 25 september 2008 17:52 |
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| 26 september 2008 13:36 |
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| 27 september 2008 23:02 |
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| 1 oktober 2008 17:33 |
| Hehe, I'm not sad.
Well, these pictures trick us huh? Weird! It's a mirror!!!
How about that? →  |
| 4 oktober 2008 10:42 |
| Hi Maddie
You are one of the sweetest cumumiss on here
Multimesc for your kind thoughts
Ruth |
| 8 oktober 2008 23:30 |
| Hi sweet Maddie; It's super. Dreams becomes reality.  It's really super. Have had a hard day today, running around doing different things and I think tomorrow will be the same. Francisco has just left, hes was sooo tired. I REALLY FEEL SAD FOR HIM.
But looking forward to seing both of you. And time will arrive sooner than we think now.
Great Hugs
Lene |
| 9 oktober 2008 23:02 |
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| 12 oktober 2008 22:29 |
| ¡Muchas gracias!  |
| 24 oktober 2008 17:58 |
| Grazie Amore  |
| 29 oktober 2008 17:13 |
| ciao bella. io chiamo remo
io poco parlo italiano. io voglio imparare lingua romeno. adeso io domicilio in lugano. schweiz. per favore sepre messagio scrivi. email aadresse mio. sevdasavasi@hotmail.com. aspeto. buna giornata. |
| 31 oktober 2008 20:28 |
| "......Ascultă-mă te rog cu atenţie. Nu am 4 ani şi nimeni nu îşi permite să mi se adreseze aşa, nici în viaţa reală.
Nu cred că tonul pe care îl foloseşti e potrivit; nici nu suntem prietene de o viaţă, ca să îmi poţi da lecţii.
Nici mie, nici altcuiva. Părerea mea este că vorbeşti şi scrii în română foarte ciudat---nu ca un vorbitor nativ.
Şi te rog nu îmi mai trimite mesaje personale. Încearcă să îţi rezolvi dilemele copilăreşti cu ajutorul altcuiva.
Asta ca să nu mai îmi amintesc de modul de exprimare. Îţi reamintesc, nu ne tragem de şireturi! ....."
Mai fetita, cate mesaje personale ti-am trimis? Ce lectii ti-am dat si ce intelegi tu prin tras de sireturi?
Cum m-am adresat, ce ton am folosit in mesajele despre care MINTI cu atata NERUSINARE?
Ti-am trimis un singur mesaj in care iti laudam engleza si te intrebam cum traduci "oare", apoi un altul cu multumiri!
Cine te-a deranjat? Eu, Doom`ul sau Dex`ul? |
| 3 november 2008 23:05 |
| Hi Maddie,
Sorry, I have to correct something in my bridge.
Could you edit your text like this :
turgutözal caddesi /susesi lojmanı/ kadriye / antalya / TÜRKİYE My baby why did you do something like this, You make me feel ashamed Don’t forget you have a place in my heart forever. Enormous kiss.
| 14 november 2008 14:30 |
 Freya Aantal berichten: 1910 | Bună!
Deja am votat corect pt traducerea cu " Se chiudo gli occhi...", dar ea a mai fost făcută demult aici. Nu cred că se mai poate face ceva acum. Mi-am adus aminte de ea acum că ai tradus-o tu.
Sper că nu te superi...
| 22 november 2008 20:21 |
| Well, Alone today. Trying to work a bit and will go and prepare dinner for me, little one, alone.
See you later. |
| 24 november 2008 22:39 |
| The power of words
That summer, I was 17 years-old and the clumsiness that comes with it. A gorgeous dancer was making me fantasize. I didn’t dare to tell her, but I had the idea to read some words I had written in my school notebook… This is the way you start Max Gallo's memories ["The power of words"] |