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| 26 mei 2008 11:56 |
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| 26 mei 2008 18:00 |
| Hi!!!
i have a question for you.I would love an answer...do you know if Krauchuska is a Romanian last name?? or if Marya is a Romanian name...i really yould love an answer
| 26 mei 2008 19:51 |
| Multumesc foarte mult! Multumesc! |
| 27 mei 2008 11:41 |
 LeinAantal berichten: 3389 | Hi Madeleine
that syntax link is brilliant! I would never have found it myself so I've bookmarked it straightaway. Thanks a bunch!  |
| 27 mei 2008 12:17 |
| Hi
Thank you for your kindness. Though I am not sure if I was of any help on that particular translation.
Best wishes,
Ghasem |
| 27 mei 2008 18:10 |
| But thanx 4 your help  |
| 28 mei 2008 18:16 |
| Buna, Madeleine, nu reusesc sa gasesc textul in engleza pe care l-ai tradus, cel cu registrul comertului, ma poti ghida? multumesc |
| 2 juni 2008 18:59 |
| Bonsoir Madeleine. Je sais que tu parles le français. Je peux te faire un pont en français si cela peux t'aider. Il ny à qu'un seul mot que je ne connais pas, et je pense que mon français est meilleure que mon anglais. A moins ,bien sur,
que tu a deja ton pont en anglais. |
| 2 juni 2008 20:36 |
 LeinAantal berichten: 3389 | You're welcome!
Didn't realise it was for you though
Or maybe I'm talking about a different text now? |
| 3 juni 2008 02:04 |
| Hello MADELEINE. The most important is that you have got a bridge. If I can help you another time, don't hesitate. Smile. |
| 4 juni 2008 13:29 |
 LeinAantal berichten: 3389 | I was wondering why you weren't on the postcard list - it seems very much 'you' (as far as I know you...). Hurrah and welcome! |
| 5 juni 2008 15:29 |
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| 5 juni 2008 15:30 |
| benim b çeviri war çevirebilrmisiniz |
| 6 juni 2008 10:40 |
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| 7 juni 2008 13:21 |
| Hi,
Can you help me translate this text into Romanian language, i don't have any points anymore and you would really help me a lot.
I really wish we wouldn't fight about such things as yesterdaynight. I really didn't mean anything bad with my text. I only want you in my life, you know that...Please don't be upset with me anymore. I love you very much and never wanted you to be upset on me. |
| 7 juni 2008 14:04 |
| Thank you very much, now let's see if it will help ;-) |
| 7 juni 2008 15:11 |
| Yes, you are right. Things we do for love. . .
She write me back, can you translate it maybe?
Mersi pentru mesaj, nu sunt superata. Sunt acasa, sunt in pat, ma doare burta...
i think it's not very nice, but i still want to know... |
| 7 juni 2008 15:18 |
| I would like to write a nice text in Romanian,
maybe you can translate this for me from English into Romanian...
Yesterday i was at my work, i worked very good, only because of you, because i love you so much, you give me the energy to achieve great things. I just want to make you happy, take your pain away, so that you feel good forever. When i look at your picture i smile and think, my lady.
When it's night, i watch to the stars in the sky and imagine you are beside me and we watch together...than i give you a kiss and show you how much i love you!
You would help me really if you translate this...thnx anyway... |
| 7 juni 2008 18:30 |
| I understand, but the problem is, there is not much translating into Dutch,English and Deutsch. But you really helped me a lot, only i askes also for the translation of this line:
Mersi pentru mesaj, nu sunt superata. Sunt acasa, sunt in pat, ma doare burta...
i think she has pain in her belly... |
| 8 juni 2008 06:10 |
| Mulţumesc enorm pentru această "DESCOPERIRE"!!!
Pur ÅŸi simplu sunt foarte foarte bucuros de acest incredibil fapt!
Credeam că trebuie un program special. Să nu credeţi că nu am încercat prin diverse căi şi cunostinţe să pot avea ocazia să scriu pur şi simplu gramatical.
Mersi pentru ajutor,şi sper ca altadata să nu vă suparaţi cînd cineva ca mine vă cere un ajutor. |