| |
| 21 Iulie 2007 17:14 |
| btw, reject my german solution then, I don't know that word in german..
and I don't see a button where you can reject it by yourself..
tristangun |
| 21 Iulie 2007 19:35 |
| Hi, brave is like same as courageous right?
tristangun |
| 21 Iulie 2007 19:51 |
| oh, btw do you speak turkish?
do you know this in turkish?
I'll miss you?
tristangun |
| 21 Iulie 2007 20:29 |
| it isnt with me
just the blue box and white arrow!
nothing below it
tristangun |
| 21 Iulie 2007 20:32 |
| lol,
tu es un animal de sexe!
had to be translated, but how do you say right word for 'animal de sexe' ?
in dutch it's just the same: seksbeest, but I don't think you say, you are an sexanimal..
isn't it better to say, sexbomb? |
| 22 Iulie 2007 19:44 |
 TantineNumărul mesajelor scrise: 2747 | Salut Francky,
Pour moi, "sexbomb" se traduit en français par "bombe sexuelle", et donc ce premier ne peut être une traduction de "sex fiend".
En anglais "fiend" veut dire "diable".
Le terme "sex bomb" est normalement reservé aux femmes, alors que le français "bête de sexe" se refère plutôt aux hommes.
How shocking that Nathan knows all of these words whether in English or in French he's the same age as my daughter. lol
Tantine |
| 23 Iulie 2007 13:29 |
 smyNumărul mesajelor scrise: 2481 | Hello Frankcy, of course I do understand what you mean in all of your messages. I understand I haven't done enough mistakes to be authorised only to translate to Turkish yet. don't bother about it  thanks again. |
| 23 Iulie 2007 17:01 |
 kellieNumărul mesajelor scrise: 17 | HI!!!SORRY FOR MY MISTAKE...
| 23 Iulie 2007 20:10 |
| http://www.cucumis.org/translation_1_t/view-the-translation_v_24977.html
could you check this link?
it's completed long time ago, but It's wrong..
well, it's not wrong
but it says, Islandi? but better would be
Islandi keel ^^
| 23 Iulie 2007 20:15 |
| Haha, my french sucks if I see what you edit every time
| 23 Iulie 2007 20:34 |
| Bonsoir Francky,
je viens de recevoir un message de puyo faut à qui j'avais demandé un renseignement concernant une traduction, il semble qu'elle se soit trompé sur le premier mot.
Farkettim üzgün oldugunu mecbur oldugun icin üzülmemen gerekir. Bende budrumda kalmiyacam Adana ya gidecem. Bodrum, Istanbul, Izmir Adana fotograflari sana göndericem.
Peux tu arranger cela s'il te plait, merci.
à bientôt
| 26 Iulie 2007 21:21 |
| hi !
is this good translation?
nichts schafft sich, alles entwickelt sich:
nothing creates itself, everything evolves |
| 27 Iulie 2007 10:23 |
| Haha, you don't have to chew my work
I was just asking, do I know you look up everything in your 'old' dictionary..
well, thanks alot though..
N. |
| 27 Iulie 2007 18:56 |
| Sorry I didn't know this - there was no note from you.. I transmitted it w/ capital letters again, because I thought, that this would be the cause... |
| 27 Iulie 2007 20:20 |
 kellieNumărul mesajelor scrise: 17 | Hello Francky5591!!
Well,I can't understand what is wrong with my translations!!!"Volim te" means "Σε θÎλω" in Greek.My translation was with cap fonts as the original.Help me to understand.. |
| 28 Iulie 2007 12:51 |
| Could you please explain what those
'I don't know what it is, watermelons maybe' mean?
it are those 'green/red half circles above your points,
I got 2 outof 5, and you got 3 outof 5
Thanks alot,
N. |
| 28 Iulie 2007 15:05 |
| No !
I know it are watermeloenen
but what is use of it?
I got 2 full
you got 3 full ^^
| 28 Iulie 2007 15:13 |
| thanks!
whii, but I don't get it with the 500/300 points  |
| 29 Iulie 2007 14:00 |
| Pff !
JP has sent me the files for translating into estonian!
but !
they've already been translated into estonian.. but grr !! alot of them are wrong, like 10-15 pages to correct, waaaaahh!!!
| 29 Iulie 2007 14:22 |
| oh and!
I edited my profile, I changed the image
but seems like it will not change, still bob the builder |