Cucumis - שירות תרגום מקוון חינם
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תרגום - Το φιλόξενο και οικογενειακό (יוונית)

תוצאות 1 עד 20 מ קרוב ל26
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4 יולי 2007 03:22  

מספר הודעות: 849
Don't speak German I'm afraid. Can't va;idate it (and no, I am not asking for yet again another interim translation)

7 יולי 2007 10:12  

מספר הודעות: 849
sarımsaklı ayvalık ????

8 יולי 2007 15:59  

מספר הודעות: 85
I guess "sarımsaklı ayvalık" is turkish because it doesn't make sense in german. So, I left it.

8 יולי 2007 16:14  

מספר הודעות: 12396
You were right it is proper names from two towns in Turkey (touristic places near the sea, as you can see here)

8 יולי 2007 17:17  

מספר הודעות: 85
Who will validate the translation?

8 יולי 2007 17:18  

מספר הודעות: 12396
I guess irini, she's the Greek expert

8 יולי 2007 17:19  

מספר הודעות: 85
But she can't. That's what she wrote before. (see the previous messages)


8 יולי 2007 17:23  

מספר הודעות: 12396
we need a bridge-translation in English for this text, I think.

8 יולי 2007 17:37  

מספר הודעות: 12396
I expressed myself uncorrectly using the term "bridge-translation", as here it is to check the one which was already done into Greek. So irini has got to ask the community to tell wether the translation is good or not, she also can ask for some points to JP to allow her to request a translation into English, from the German text.

8 יולי 2007 17:42  

מספר הודעות: 12396
And you should have a look to the link I posted above, in order to find the Greek name of these two citiesand edit your translation with what you'll have found.
I'll ask for the english version, but you must not translate into english, translation must be done by another member and validated by the English expert.

8 יולי 2007 18:12  

מספר הודעות: 12396
I edited ayvalik into Greek characters (from the Wiki where I found it), but I couldn't find "Sarımsaklı "...

8 יולי 2007 18:25  

מספר הודעות: 85
Sarımsaklı is the region in which belongs the city called ayvalik (Αϊβαλί). Propably there isn't a greek name for it.

8 יולי 2007 18:27  

מספר הודעות: 12396
So maybe it could be simply transliterated using Greek characters?
I saw tristangun did a translation into English, but I don't know if it will be validated, because I could notice some mistakes...

8 יולי 2007 19:46  

מספר הודעות: 85
If you think I should translate it using greek characters, no problem!! It's: Σαριμσακλί

8 יולי 2007 19:56  

מספר הודעות: 12396
As far as it is understood by Greek people reading the text as a Turkish area (after all this is an advertisement for an hotel in Turkey)
this is the way it has to be typed, I don't think I'm wrong telling that.
I'll edit .Oh! done already! fine!

9 יולי 2007 21:53  

מספר הודעות: 849
Irene has points. Irene however is sick and tired of having to ask for intermediate translations for silly members who don't understand that their requests will not even be translated most times. Asking for them in both French and English to make sure. Asking for clarifications for these and never getting them. Irene is in general sick and tired of asking for things that are to be considered and are never done. Irene will continue doing her duty until a new expert is found. Irene does NOT appreciate this kind of suggestions thrown her way as if she doesn't know what to do and haven't done as much as she can although she is extremely busy and has spent a year in hell. Nor does she appreciate being addressed in the third person. Irene feels that some should be more courteous but has been around long enough to know that sensitive people are rare and far in between and therefore can act as insensitively as she now does herself; it will only make her one of the crowd.

Final note: As long as I am an expert on Greek language I would appreciate it VERY much if you left the editing of the Greek translations to me and occasionaly heeded my requests for a translation to be removed.

9 יולי 2007 22:33  

מספר הודעות: 12396
Please, Irini, take it easy, I was posting in direction of chrysso91, this is why I used the third person, don't be so angry and use excessive words towards me, because it is very stressing.

I didn't mean to harm you at all, and as an admin I can edit all the texts , this is my job to do it; especially if the expert isn't here.
If you were here the day I began to post about this translation, you'd tell me what you think, and I'd have used the second person instead of the third one, it is obvious.

Then you say some members are stupid not to submit their texts into another bridge-language, the guy in question couldn't do it because he hasn't got enough points to do that.
So if you're tired to ask for a bridge translation at any time, I did it for you, why are you charging me with your angerness?

Where is the problem here, we are all volunteers here, aren't we? I'm not taking some of your job, I mean I'm not taking the bread off your mouth. And we aren't in one of these F... offices where one can evacuate his/her urban stress on the others, are we?

10 יולי 2007 04:30  

מספר הודעות: 3785
Keep cool all, we are all in the same ship.
I would like to recall that we are not responsible for the translations being done or not. Cucumis is not promising to translate the requests within 1 day. There are requests pending since 2 years, and I feel very confortable with this. So don't spend all your energy on these intermediary english requests.

Irene, I guess your frustration is not only due to this translation and its messages. I didn't noticed any hurting words in them. You can send me a message or open a topic on the admin forum if you want to speak about this.

Francky, maybe you want to evaluate the translations too fast. Irene not being online for 2 days or a week, doesn't mean she gave up. I suggest you edit translations in languages you are not expert in, only when the expert agreed (if there is one).


11 יולי 2007 18:46  

מספר הודעות: 85
Μήπως δεν βρήκες πολλά αποτελέσματα γιατί έβαλες Σαριμασκλί; Νομίζω πως μεταφράζεται Σαριμσακλί! Τι να σου πω... Εγώ πρώτη φορά το ακούω...

11 יולי 2007 18:55  

מספר הודעות: 849
Well let's see who can help us with the following shall we? 3 results for Σαριμασκλί, 42 για Σαρουμασκλί.

Those who cannot read it please ask for a translation or check wiki

Note: Greek people reading about e.g. Izmir or even Beijing do not want a transcription of the name really. Same happens in all cases where we have a different name or transcription. Right or wrong this is how Greeks are and this is supposed to draw Greeks therefore we have to choose the best one of the options for Greeks.
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