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Innboks - tristangun

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9 September 2007 11:55  

Antall Innlegg: 1549
I don't think "Esperando" in this case is "hoping" but rather "waiting".

9 September 2007 14:07  

Antall Innlegg: 29
sorry but my english is not good enough

10 September 2007 14:35  

Antall Innlegg: 655
what does this mean??

bebek yüzlü -- baby face

güle, güle Nathan

16 September 2007 14:38  

Antall Innlegg: 793
Hi Nathan!

< I would like to know a bit about your products >


18 September 2007 22:54  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Nathan!
Thanks for your ideas about the points for a collaborative translation.
That's what I thought would make the most sense too: if two people do the translation, we share the points. I guess if we needed three people, we would split the points three ways, but I don't suppose we would ever need three people!
I guess some translators, like elmota, don't expect to get points, they just want the good karma! And maybe of course -- "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" -- for me to do a bridge for them later. But it does seem easier to simply give them the points for it right away, than to have to keep track of who has done what for me...
Old man, old brain...
BTW, I saw you're going to China for a year! I really envy you: I have studied Chinese for maybe seven years or so now, but I've never even been there once, and I live only an hour's plane flight from Harbin!
Take care and have a good (educational!) experience! XiaoXin Dianr!
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh...

19 September 2007 12:24  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Nathan,

I'm sorry, but my computer at home is so old, I don't have the ability to chat with it! But you can ask me anything you like here, and I'll be happy to answer you!

Ni yijing zai zhongguo ma? Wo hen xianmu ni! Ni zai nali zhu? Qing gaosu wo ni de meitian de shenghua zenme yang!

Wo deng ni de e-mair!
Zai rensheng li yao ai, yao zhihui, yao haha xiao...

19 September 2007 12:30  

Antall Innlegg: 2747
Hi Tristangun

I saw your photo on Thatha's slide show You look handsome!!!

I've got msn, my address is ruthkt @ wanadoo . fr this is the same as my email address so if you need to send me an email you've got it.

I hope I can help with your essay.


22 September 2007 08:49  

Antall Innlegg: 744
yes Nathan in Arabic is: نيثان
which can also be read as: Nithaan, if you wish to drop the "aa" it becomes: نيثَن which is read as "Neethan", thats because there is no soft A in Arabic, its either A as in car, or E as in see

22 September 2007 14:32  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Nathan,

Sorry, as I told you before, I don't have msn. But I also told you to feel free and ask me anything in my mailbox here!

23 September 2007 09:46  

Antall Innlegg: 1263
You are so smart!!! Wish to see you in China.

23 September 2007 10:00  

Antall Innlegg: 2481
Dank je Tristangun! Now I'll study seriously on these info and I'll ask you questions about it later. I hope I'll learn Dutch before long!

23 September 2007 11:51  

Antall Innlegg: 1263
Zhong wen is litterally China's writting
Han Yu is literally Han's language

23 September 2007 14:24  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Well, it certainly expressed your ideas clearly!

You know, maybe you could try to read more in English: your writing style was very colloquial: it sounded sometimes as if you were speaking the text, not writing it. Not wrong as such, but you might benefit from more exposure to many different kinds of English writings...

Just a suggestion from an old teacher!

26 September 2007 10:41  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Tristan,

I thought you were in China, but you're in Germany!

You jet-setters have poor old guys like me confused...

26 September 2007 10:50  

Antall Innlegg: 1263
Yes, something has to be verified.

26 September 2007 10:55  

Antall Innlegg: 464
Nee, twee uur dus ik heb gedaan op woensdag.

Ik was trouwens net met die "Als het leven bedrog is..." vertaling bezig :P
Wil ik ze opsturen komt er "vertaling wordt nu gedaan door een ander lid" Grrrr!

26 September 2007 11:01  

Antall Innlegg: 464
In een gastgezin? Fijn!
Ge moest is weten hoe jaloers ik ben op de talenrichtingen (je doet toch zoiets als moderne talen ofzo, niet? Anders zat je nu denkik niet in Duitsland), het beste wat ik kan verwachten is een trip naar wiskundeland

In ieder gevan, vielen spass daar!

26 September 2007 11:32  

Antall Innlegg: 464
Uitwisselingen, ja zo hadden wij (alez, die van de talen bij ons, maar viavia heb ik er ook nog iets aan gehad ook een uitwisseling vorig jaar met Duitsland, mensen uit Werther.
Genoeg vrienden in de talen, waardoor mijn msnlijst nu ook wat deutsche madchen rijker is

Waarom ik dan geen talen doe?
Ik zal het zo zeggen, had mij op latijn, grieks en wiskunde gestort en er bleef niet veel meer over van mijn lessenrooster :P
Jammer van de uitwisselingen, maar een mens kan spijtig genoeg niet alles hebben *zucht*

26 September 2007 13:21  

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Ha ha! That's funny! You're such a jet-setter, you're not even sure of the name of the town where you are now! ;;

A "jet-setter" is a member of the "jet set," the kinds of rich and busy people who are always flying to many different places in jet airplanes!

Anyway, I envy you! I didn't have the chance to do that when I was young! Take care, and learn many things!

7 Oktober 2007 12:07  

Antall Innlegg: 1655
Hey, it was just a joke!

I know, in the "real" life many people say they don't understand when I joke because I'm too serious...
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