Well, gamine..., thanks a lot. I feel flattered by your kind words; but you are overestimating me very much! I know well enough just one language; I’m still learning that of my parents; and with reference to others, I’m clearly a dilettante –or in some cases, a simple beginner.
Concerning Rainer Maria Rilke, I’m very glad to know of your interest in him and knowledge of him. I absolutely love his poetry, which I find arrestingly beautiful; but it is also amongst the most challenging and thought-provoking ever written, in any language, at any time. His are poems that require and repay frequent re-reading –even the first, and simpler, ones—, (and if the capacity of a work of art to sustain endless returns and fresh approaches is a mark of its quality, then Rilke’s poetry must stand out –and it does!-- as being exceptional.)
The satisfaction that I gain when reading (and trying to translate) his poems, springs as well –paradoxically— from not being satisfied, not achieving full understanding…; from knowing that there is always more and more to be understood.
(When I have more time at my disposal, I’ll send to your inbox some additional words about Rilke; and --why not?-- one or two of his poems

; which are what actually matter.)
My best regards, gamine! It has been a pleasure to know you (thanks to Rilke)!