| |
| 18 October 2007 07:36 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Hi all
Does anyone here, by any chance, know something a bit more in depth about "Linear A" and "Linear B" languages?
Because i have a question I don't really know how to phrase a google search for
Thanks  |
| 30 October 2007 18:57 |
 CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Hi Maski
There is a book called The World Atlas of Languages, I don´t know if it was published in Croatia, but maybe you could try that.  And Wikipedia, of course!  |
| 30 October 2007 19:06 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Thank you! That's a good book for me to check out anyway
I don't trust Wiki much when it comes to technical things |
| 31 October 2007 08:05 |
 CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Hi Maski
I´m glad I could help a little. Yeah, I got that book in Hungarian for my birthday and it´s just cool, there´s no day without reading it a little...  |
| 22 November 2007 17:58 |
| Linear is something useless on Autocad  |
| 22 November 2007 18:38 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Not at all! It allows you to place vertical and horizontal dimensions into a drawing  |
| 22 November 2007 19:56 |
| lol,yeah..it makes my job easier  |
| 22 November 2007 20:00 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | graphics designer? I can only use Photoshop and not that well either  I would love to be able to do 3D. |
| 22 November 2007 20:07 |
| I'm studying software in a technical high school and Autocad is one of my unnecessary subjects  |
| 22 November 2007 20:11 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Enojoy it, not everyone gets such cool subjects  (I studied tourism and had to do bookkeeping |
| 22 November 2007 20:15 |
| Haha,I'm not the right address to enjoy it.I'd like to study tourism or any major about languages  |
| 22 November 2007 20:16 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Ah  Well you will have a chance to make a better choice in college |
| 22 November 2007 20:18 |
| It's impossible now  The system here is really weird  |
| 22 November 2007 20:23 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | So fu... fight the system  Did you know that studying in Czech is free for foreigners and comes with a health insurance, you just have to be able to follow classes in Czech language? And they have a pretty good (applied) linguistics department, i hear. Explore your options, systems are faulty, don't let them tie you up
(Sorry if I'm butting in where I shouldn't) |
| 22 November 2007 20:27 |
| Czech language-it sounds cool but I'm interested in Far East languages.Thanks,but it'd be good to know a bit of Czech |
| 22 November 2007 20:30 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | I'm studying Korean now, it's fun and just a bit hard  Good luck |
| 22 November 2007 20:33 |
| I've been learning Chinese since last year but the language I really want to learn is Japanese  |
| 22 November 2007 20:37 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Did you learn the symbols? Some at least  |
| 22 November 2007 20:40 |
| Yeah,I'm learning them,too.My desk at school is full of Chinese characters  |
| 22 November 2007 20:42 |
 MaskiNumber of messages: 326 | Hihi way to use public property  |