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[b]Thread only for condolences to Jim's family[/b]

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9 November 2007 21:45  

Number of messages: 12396
From marhaban, Algeria, (9 November 2007 17:33)

لا يمكن للكلمات وحدها أن تعبّر كم أنا آسف لسماع هذا
الخبر الحزين.

Words cannot alone express how sorry i am to hear this sad news.


10 November 2007 12:41  

Number of messages: 12396
Turkish condolences (posted by Smy) :

Allah rahmet etsin= May God have mercy on him(for the deceased one)
Başınız sağ olsun = My condolences (literally "May your soul be alive" )(for the mourning ones)
"Requiescat in pace" (since Jim was fond of Latin)

10 November 2007 02:50  

Number of messages: 7963
From Kafetzou (Laura), in Western Canada:

Jim, alias Porfyhr, was a wonderful communicator, and a meticulous translator of unmatched integrity. I had many interactions with him of all kinds, from normal everyday discussions about translations to disputes which we always managed to solve. I found Jim to be a very sensitive man, who was not too proud to offer a heartfelt apology when we had a disagreement.

I valued my interactions with Jim so much, and felt as if I knew him personally, even though we had never met face to face. I cannot express my shock at learning that he is no longer with us, although we finally have an answer to the question that has plagued us since the beginning of October: "Where's Jim?" I know I speak for others as well, when I send my deepest condolences to his loved ones for your (and our) loss.

10 November 2007 08:55  

Number of messages: 1671
From Ian Megill, living in Japan:
I received my first welcome to the Cucumis site from Jim, and I always felt him to be a very intelligent, honest, industrious and caring man.
I had already been missing his important presence here for a few weeks, and I had openly expressed such feelings several times on this site. Then I suddenly heard the terrible news of his passing, and it left me speechless and very very sad.
I wish I had been at least able to thank him, from the bottom of my heart, one last time for all his excellent work and friendly interaction with all of us here.
I miss him very very much...
Ian Megill

10 November 2007 09:49  

Number of messages: 1263
If God lets Jim go,
I will let God go.

10 November 2007 17:11  

Number of messages: 765
From Cisa (Cate), Hungary:

Jimet egy nagyon kedves, életvidám humoros embernek ismertem meg. Nagyon fog hiányozni. Kérem, fogadják legőszintébb részvétemet. Nyugodjék békében.

(I got to know Jim as a very nice, optimistic person with a good sense of humour. I'll miss him very much. I would like to express you my deepest condolence. May he rest in peace.)

10 November 2007 17:42  

Number of messages: 1014
Hoewel ik je niet echt zo goed kende, ben ik er van overtuigd dat jij een geweldige persoonlijkheid had! Altijd goedlachs, vriendelijk en een goed gevoel voor humor!
Ik zal je missen, vriend..
Waarom God jou heeft uigekozen, zal nooit iemand weten, maar 1 ding weet ik zeker,, er zullen zoveel mensen zijn die je missen!

Although I didn't know you that good, I am convinced you were a great personality! Optimistic, friendly and a good sense of humour!
I'll miss you my friend..
Why God has chosen you, will probably no one know, but 1 thing I do know,, a lot of people will miss you!
Rest in Peace, Jim..

Tere Jim.. Sa olid alati sõbralik minu vastu.. Kunagi ei kaevanud millegi üle. Ma igatsen su järgi siin "cucumis"?? Las jumal võtab su hinge, ma loodan et oled paremas kohas, kui see maailm. Puhka rahus Jim!

"Hi Jim, you were always friendly to me.. never complained about something. I'll miss you here on Cucumis! May God have your soul, I hope you are at a better place, then this world! Rest in peace Jim.."

12 November 2007 14:41  

Number of messages: 871
Jim will be missed as well for his commitment and enthusiasm as for his competence. Personally I will always remember him as the person who was a fan of the finnish singer Katri Helena and even performed her songs (also in my translations into swedish). I also got a lot of encouragement from him which made and will make me feel so good. I deeply regret that we were not aquainted long enough to meet and sing together which was planned. Next time I have the possibility I promise to perform Katson sineen taivaan and remember him. For the moment there is only silence in my heart.

My deepest sympathies to his mother, family and friends

Hvila i frid, Jim

Lea (Maribel i Cucumis) från Åbo, Finland

(Jag skrev det där på 7. november efter att jag hade hört den dystra nyheten och på finska låter det ungefär så här

Tulemme kaipaamaan Jimiä sekä hänen sitoutuneisuutensa ja innostuksensa että ammattitaitonsa vuoksi. Henkilökohtaisesti muistan hänet aina henkilönä, joka piti Katri Helenasta, ja jopa esitti hänen laulujaan (myös minun kääntäminäni ruotsiksi). Sain häneltä paljon rohkaisua ja kannustusta, mikä lämmitti kovasti. Olen hyvin surullinen siitä, että emme ehtineet tuntea toisiamme tarpeeksi kauan, jotta olisimme ehtineet tavata ja laulaa yhdessä kuten suunnittelimme. Seuraavan kerran, kun minulla on mahdollisuus siihen, lupaan esittää Katson sineen taivaan ja muistaa häntä. Tällä hetkellä sydämessäni on vain hiljaisuus.

Syvin osanottoni Jimin äidille, perheelle ja ystäville

Rauha sielullesi, Jim

Lea (Maribel Cucumiksessa) Suomen Turusta

12 November 2007 15:19  

Number of messages: 1263
I know that God cannot wait to call you back, but the world will regret, for you have quit your wonderful dreams shared with us. [from China]

13 November 2007 10:11  

Number of messages: 3785
[edit] My condolence to Jim's familly :

Je n'ai connu Jim que quelques mois, mais il a su s'intégrer trés rapidement dans notre communauté de passionés de langues, par sa compétence, sa gentillesse, et son enthousiasme. Je suis effondré par la nouvelle de sa mort, car Jim était synonyme de vie. Jim laisse un grand vide derrière lui.

12 November 2007 17:32  

Number of messages: 2247
A vida nos mostra pessoas excepcionais, devemos cuidar delas enquanto é tempo, como se fosse o último dia.
Sem dúvida, o Jim foi uma destas pessoas excepcionais.
Meus melhores sentimentos à família, desejo que nossas palavras possam dar mais força para suportar a ausência e ajudar a amenizar a dor.

Life shows us exceptional people, we should take care of them while there is time, as if it was the last day.
No doubt that Jim was one of those exceptional people.
My best feelings to the family, I wish that our words can give more strength to bear the absence and help to ease the pain.

Thaís - From Ceará/Brazil

12 November 2007 16:56  

Number of messages: 1549
"En unos pocos meses Jim nos brindó la ocasión de conocer a una persona apasionada, inteligente y con un carácter admirable. Se granjeó nuestro afecto en muy poco tiempo. Y hoy nos hace falta."

Guillermo, Madrid.

16 November 2007 07:12  

Number of messages: 2102
Viaţa este plină de lucruri bune şi rele, de încercări duse la bun sfârşit sau ratate, de sentimente, de multe ori şi de eşecuri. Dar e frumoasă şi merită trăită din plin, pentru că este fragilă şi, uneori, mult prea scurtă. Ar trebui să nu fie permis să mori tânăr, părinţii nu ar trebui să nu supravieţuiască copiilor...

Dumnezeu să te ierte şi să te odihnească, Jim! Vei rămâne mereu în memoria noastră.

Andreea, Romania

13 November 2007 09:57  

Number of messages: 8114
Jag fick aldrig tillfället att lära känna dig då jag blev medlem på cucumis ungefär samtidigt som du försvann, våra vägar korsades bara en gång över en översättning. Jag har förstått hur saknad du är och jag vill bara tillägga att allt jobb du gjort med den svenska delen av cucumis är enastående!! Hoppas att vi som är kvar kan upprätthålla det.

Vila i frid.
Pia Lundin alias pias

16 November 2007 06:24  

Number of messages: 878
Dit bericht zorgt voor tranen in mijn ogen en kippenvel op mijn armen. Onvoorstelbaar dat van de beste mensen zo vroeg hun leven wordt ontnomen. Heel veel sterkte in deze tijd..



23 November 2007 17:27  

Number of messages: 8114
Hi people!
Your gathered condolence's above has been sent today for Jim's family. And your pdf-file as well, Rodrigues.

19 November 2007 11:39  

Number of messages: 3706

I got very stucked the past days, and I couldn't think in an appropriate condolence message to send to Jim's family. I'll post one now below, maybe it could go in a next pack, if it would be any.


A Jim Sundström.

Descanse em paz, caro amigo! Estamos ainda desconsolados com tua partida. Mostraste-te uma pessoa afável e de bom coração, e isso nos basta para termos a certeza de que cumpriste os planos para os quais foste designado.

A comunidade do será eternamente grata por tua breve, porém rica, contribuição.

Fausto G. Cintra
Franca, São Paulo, Brasil


To Jim Sundström.

Rest in peace, dear friend! We are still disconsolate upon your departure. You showed yourself a kind and good-hearted person, and this is enough for us to be sure that you fulfilled the plans for which you were designated. is eternally thankful for your brief, although rich contribution.

Fausto G. Cintra
Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

20 November 2007 14:37  

Number of messages: 256
Jag är inte
en schlager.
Jag råkar bara
handla om samma saker.

I'm not
a pop song.
I just deal with
the same trivialities.


20 November 2007 15:31  

Number of messages: 8114
Please people, don't add more condolences.

Well.. of course you could write them here, but
NO more will be sent to Jim's family now.


23 November 2007 12:26  

Number of messages: 8114
Recieved this card today from Jim's mum..It's in swedish but I'll try to translate here below...
Thank you Pia and other members from Cucumis for the consideration you shown us, and for the fine words and greetings!
We appreciate this very much and Jim is for sure giving you all greetings from his heaven.

Warm regards
Jim's mother and father.

ps. Please give our greetings and thanks to other cucumis-friends.

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