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WHY DO WE LIVE??????????????

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26 December 2007 22:00  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
religions are different for everyone, but i'm just asking one question in general ...
For those of you who believe that God brought us to earth , and that when we die, we go to heaven, Back to God ... ...... Then why do you think that God wanted us to live this life first, before going back to Him???????

28 December 2007 17:56  

Number of messages: 464
I've had this sort of discussions on a lot of forums already... They always turn out in fights; people calling eachother dumb and refusing to listen to eachother

So, there should be respect for all sorts of religions.

28 December 2007 18:19  

Number of messages: 1910
Oh, that's the usual question. I think you can find your answer in the Bible. I'm born in the Christian Orthodox religion and I can tell you that people live first this life on this earth because we have to give reasons for God to let us pass to Heaven or to let our soul burn in hell. We go back to Him forever only if we did good things while living, more than bad things, because I think nobody did only good things.
I don't know what to say I'm a simple daughter of God and i don't know if I'll deserve to go to Heaven, this is to be decided in time.
God allows us to live first this life also because he wants us to know the beauty of life and also its realities. He wants us to create a better world and not to destroy it like some are doing now.
If it were for me, I would continue this message but I guess everybody knows this ongoing "story" of life on Earth and the reasons why God made human beings.
I also have a lot of respect for every other religion because normally we don't choose our religion(only when people wish to change it for various reasons: especially when getting married to somebody who hasn't been baptised in your religion).

That is my opinion.


28 December 2007 19:02  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
ok first Uru , I do have respect for every other religion and i personally respect every one and each of them, however they are, i just asked this question to get the opinion on what people aspect from different religious are. especially here on cucumis that we have members from all over the world with different religions. i didn'd open this discusion to ofend anyone, so if i did sorry , i was just curios to see the way people look at life from different religions.

28 December 2007 19:07  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
Freya respect your opinion 100%, it cant be wrong couse it is your opinion, and people who are to come, please just write what you think , not what is wrong or right , sincerly, nga_une

29 December 2007 12:26  

Number of messages: 464
I know you wouldn't open a discussion to offend anybody, I'm just telling what could happen.
On the other hand, I think the Cucumis users aren't the people to argue about religion

rather about bad translations hehe

30 December 2007 03:00  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
hahaha wow, well people come and discuss then, Urunghai, call your people

30 December 2007 21:17  

Number of messages: 1014
I don't believe in one religion, I think all religions have something to believe in.
1 thing I am sure about is that we aren't going to a "special" place called Heaven.
We, humans, are one specy but if we have to believe everything we should go to about 100 different places when we die?
Just face the fact that after death, we are nothing!


4 January 2008 03:57  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
i do face that fack and that's what i believe also, you died, that's the end of the road for you, but just asking opinions,nothing bad in that

4 January 2008 13:31  

Number of messages: 1014
I know, and I gave my opinion
Well, I think it's good to "think" there is something in the afterlife, because being nothing..
That is same as hmmm sleeping without dreaming, but then yea forever, if I think about it it quite scares me


5 January 2008 04:16  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
it doesnt scare me , it's something everyone has to face and being afraid by it isnt going to help it :0 dont ya think?

5 January 2008 10:54  

Number of messages: 1014
Well, being nothing! I like to be something tho! I enjoy living too much, so I don't got time to die and being nothing, that is useless

Haha, ok stupid reply