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| 8 February 2008 13:59 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Hi people!
This is a outcome from a discussion between two "cucumers" earlier this week, and may be this is a god idea for another topic.
Local/ National dishes(or pastry).
So, please go ahead and add yours!!! Ps. Some of you maybe know that my profession is food and pastry, but don't worry...I don't steel other peoples recipe without permission!
Mine first: from SWEDEN
Inlagd Sill (Pickled Herring) Serving Size : 6
8 salted herring filets
1 quart water
1 cup Swedish vinegar
2 cups sugar
3 cups water
5 white peppercorns
2 bay leaves
1 red onion -- peeled and sliced
1 carrot -- peeled and sliced
red onion -- sliced
fresh dill
Soak 8 salted herring filets in 1 quart water for 3 hours; skin and set aside. Combine 1 cup Swedish vinegar, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups water, 5 white peppercorns, and 2 bay leaves in a medium pot. Bring to a boil, then let cool. Place filets in a nonreactive dish. Add 1 sliced peeled red onion and 1 sliced peeled carrot. Pour vinegar mixture over herring, cover, and refrigerate for 3-7 days.
To serve, remove herring from liquid, arrange on a plate, and garnish with sliced red onion and fresh dill.
This is kind of raw fish .. don't be afraid, it's good! For the most this is a dish for buffets (cold ) or on the swedish "smörgåsbordet". Very common on holidays like Christmas, Easter and Midsommar (Midsummer).
Another dish (warm) for the smorgasbord: Köttbullar And a cake. Prinsesstårta (Princess Cake).  ..very green.
| 12 February 2008 15:03 |
 smyNumber of messages: 2481 | |
| 12 February 2008 15:18 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Wow, finally a reply!!! Thanks smy.
...looking forward to your recipe.
I guess I'm not that different from you when it comes to cooking at home...fast and easy.
| 17 February 2008 16:08 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | smy good thing you didn't list any of those dishes because it would have caused trouble with some greek members...:-)
i remember i once went to a international food fare and at the greek stand, whilst sampling the 'dolmades' was careless enough that we turks have something similar..hehe.
in all fairness though i like the greek yoghurt better, it tastes it bit more sour, stronger.
Since turks pride themselves on having invented it(the word yoghurt comes from turkish), that's borderline culinary treason
| 17 February 2008 20:33 |
 smyNumber of messages: 2481 | Hi! "culinary treason"  , haha    , well, as I've never tasted "Greek yogurt" I don't know how it tastes, maybe it's really good  , you mean "dolma" with "dolmades", isn't it? I believe it's originally a Greek invention  , you know, I don't think nomads were able to make "dolma, sarma"   , don't you think so? |
| 18 February 2008 22:11 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | yeah i find most names for dishes can be succesfully translated by adding/subtracting -des or -ikiz at the end. tchatchik in turkish, tchatchikiz in greek hehe
mm i'm gonna plead the fifth on the dolma/sarma question smy.
| 19 February 2008 07:34 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | This is interesting..
Btw. I love your turkish yoghurt! |
| 19 February 2008 07:53 |
 smyNumber of messages: 2481 | Turkish yogurt is first class Pia  , you're right to love it   ( all our Greek members will join in this thread now hehe  ).
I think your mother tongue is Greek kfeto  , tchatchikiz   , I'm already waiting for some of our members to litigate me for "culinary treason" regarding "dolma", "sarma",   , btw, you have a funny avatar  |
| 19 February 2008 08:05 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Good morning smy.
Yes it is, we have yoghurt here too, but it's not the same at all.
Indeed kfeto have a fun avatar..I was just looking at the "thread" "Disco!: ) and when listening to kfeto's music..I smiled, because that avatar is dancing in the same rythm I think!! |
| 19 February 2008 08:46 |
 smyNumber of messages: 2481 | Good morning Pia  , I'm not able to listen anytthing from Youtue at the moment  , my connection is walking like a snail at the moment |
| 19 February 2008 08:55 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Ah...I hate those days too, when the connection is so slooooooooooow,
It's hopeless!
I understand you smy.
May the  shine on Turkey and you today! |
| 19 February 2008 09:01 |
 smyNumber of messages: 2481 | Oh! Your wish is already granted Pia  , the sun has come out now  :, it was cloudy  and the connection seems like it speeds up  , wow!  ! |
| 19 February 2008 10:31 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | Hi pias
you have some wishing skills then it seems:-)
ps can i call upon you at my mid-terms?
ps i just saw your profile and made the link with your avatar...to clear up any misconceptions: I don't dance dressed up as a banana for a living hehe |
| 19 February 2008 10:39 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Hi kfeto (the dancing banana!)
he, he..sure you can ask for advice if you dare to try Swedish food.
What do you study kfeto? |
| 4 March 2008 18:41 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | the only swedish cooking knowledge i have is smorgasbrod or something and that crazy chef from the muppets
im studying law or pretending to;-) |
| 4 March 2008 18:47 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Yes kfeto, that chef on the Muppets show have destroyed our culinary reputation.  But, you must eat too, even if you studying law...  |
| 4 March 2008 20:14 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | i saw a really funny comeback to that.
I cant post it here though, probably against forum rules. I'll pm it |
| 4 March 2008 20:16 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Why against "forum rules" ???
Aha...you just joking.  |
| 4 March 2008 20:17 |
 kfetoNumber of messages: 953 | no im serious, check your inbox ;-) |
| 4 March 2008 20:32 |
 piasNumber of messages: 8114 | Yes...I just did, and you got a reply to. |