Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Hanternoz, from Brittany

Introduce yourself

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15 February 2008 13:59  

Number of messages: 61
Hi everybody! I have just found this site and I like it so much! The idea is excellent.

It seems we can introduce ourselves in this forum. So let's go.

I am a French native speaker, I speak English as much as possible. I've learned Breton (which should have been my native language...) partly in my family and partly in courses. I have learned Portuguese for my job in Brazil, some years ago, and just restart to learn it because it is a very pleasant language. Having worked in Russia and in Ukraine some years ago, let's say I know the basics in those languages.

I see there is a lot of fine and strong polyglot experts here. Anyway, I hope I will help with my skills.

Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous.

15 February 2008 16:00  

Number of messages: 1014
Bonjour Hanternoz!

Bienvenu à Cucumis!
Tu parles beaucoup de langues! J'espère que tu aimeras ce site!


15 February 2008 16:03  

Number of messages: 765
Hi Hanternoz!
Nice to meet you!

15 February 2008 16:48  

Number of messages: 61
Thank you, Cisa and Tristangun (well, "Tristan" reminds me the old Celtic legends).

Comparing to both of you, I have still a lot to do to reach half of the number of languages you talk! Wonderful! Like you I am very interested in other cultures, wherever in the world, but I am too lazy to learn so many languages. That's partly why I focuse on the English, it is so worthwhile.

15 February 2008 16:50  

Number of messages: 3706
Bem-vindo, hanternoz!

I guess you'll very useful helping us with translations from and into Breton.


16 February 2008 01:17  

Number of messages: 1014
Haternoz, you can call me Nathan.
Tristangun is just my nickname on the internet

Well, I am just lucky that I didn't have to learn my 2 native languages.
And also the fact that I live in Flanders is a great benefit! Because here, we get at least 4 languages, and I also study Spanish & Chinese! ^^

Rest is just some basic words, phrases.

16 February 2008 09:10  

Number of messages: 324
Welcome Hanternoz

17 February 2008 13:30  

Number of messages: 464

Yes, what Nathan says is correct, living in Flanders is quite the benefit
May I suggest adding Portuguese, Russian and Ukranian to your profile as "known languages"?
That way you can help evaluating made translations in those languages, or give the ones you'll think you'll be able to do a shot.

Good luck!

18 February 2008 20:22  

Number of messages: 278
Welcome! Hanternoz ...
I hope you really enjoy cucumis!!!

Have a great day!!

19 February 2008 16:05  

Number of messages: 61
Thank you all for your welcome. And thanks Urunghai for your suggestion. For "known language", the site requires to be able to understand 75% at first reading. So it is OK for English, not far for Portuguese, probably never for Russian and Ukranian. I have so many languages to learn before : Welsh, Cornic, and probably Gaelic. If I got the time!

19 February 2008 18:11  

Number of messages: 8114
A late welcome even from Sweden!