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Happy Birthday PIAS

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18 February 2008 15:59  

nga une
Number of messages: 75
hey cucumis members, The 16th of February was Pias birthday, I'm mad i didnt realize this earlier I saw the topic about birthdays no one congratulated anymore, they stopped, so people
Better late then Never
Happy Birthday Pias, i wish you the best of this life,

18 February 2008 16:13  

Number of messages: 324
Doğumgünün kutlu olsun,Pias

18 February 2008 20:20  

Number of messages: 278
¡Happy Birthday Pias!

The best wishes for you!!!!

¡Feliz Cumpleaños..! Late but sure!!!

18 February 2008 20:38  

Number of messages: 8114
Thanks a lot dear cucumers!

And Maria!!! we can see your "real me" now.

18 February 2008 20:44  

Number of messages: 278
Very you're welcome Pias!!!

Did you enjoy your special day??? Where's my piece of cake?? (hehe)

yes, you're right! Now, you can see who I am...

Hugs and kisses 4U

18 February 2008 20:59  

Number of messages: 8114
Jordgubbstårta A cake for you Maria...
very common cake in Sweden indeed! (Jordgubbstårta)

Yes my day was good.

18 February 2008 21:07  

Number of messages: 278
mmmmm... Delicious!

Thank you Pias!! It's good to know that your day was good!!!

Have a great day!!! Well, maybe it's better to say: Good Night!!!

19 February 2008 05:13  

Number of messages: 1621
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

(sorry, Pia, but since last Wednesday I didn't have time to enter on )

All the best for you!!!

19 February 2008 17:58  

Number of messages: 8114
Thanks a lot and all the best for you too Franz!

A "little bird" told that you have moved, so of course... I understand.