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| 22 February 2008 16:37 |
| Well jp, I don't want to imagine how's your todo list! And I'm sorry if you already have those suggestions on it.
First, I've discovered a few days ago this very useful page : Cucumis.org syntax and keywords
I think this page should be accessible from the help page.
Second, I'd like to type non-breaking spaces (useful for french typography).
Third, where can I report dead links (on this topic?), spelling mistakes (administration, or specific language forum?).
Thank you for your incredible work.
| 22 February 2008 19:57 |
| Thx Botica, yes you're right, I will put a link to the syntax.
What is non breaking spaces ?
Yep you can report problems here. |
| 23 February 2008 09:51 |
| (Excuse-me, but I think I need to answer in french, it will easier for jp, and it's about frech typography.)
En français : un espace insécable.
En HTML : .
C'est parce que normalement en typographie française, il doit y avoir un espace avant tous les signes de ponctuation à deux éléments ( ? ! : ; ). Si on n'a pas d'espace insécable, ils peuvent être rejetés sur la ligne suivante. |
| 6 March 2008 09:38 |
| Sur cette page :
Je pense que "De nombreux meetings sont organisés de par le monde" pourrait être remplacé par : "De nombreuses rencontres sont organisées de par le monde".
Et dans la phrase suivante : les passionnés de langues (et pas les pasionés). |
| 6 March 2008 21:09 |
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| 13 March 2008 10:33 |
| I've noticed that, when I changed my avatar, I need to close my window, and open a new one to see my new image. And before, I changed my image twice or three times, thinking it hasn't changed. |
| 13 March 2008 10:38 |
| It's teh cache of your browser. Press F5 on IE to refresh teh images of the page. |
| 10 September 2008 09:21 |
| Dans le message suivant de la version française, il y a deux fautes :
"Ne pas utiliser d'outils de traduction automatique. Les copiés collés depuis des outlis de traduction automatique (trés facile à repérer) sont sanctionnés par une exclusion définitive du site."
très |
| 16 September 2008 22:10 |
| ça c'est JP qui speede sur son clavier!  |
| 17 September 2008 16:57 |
| Oops, je vais corriger  |
| 25 November 2008 13:57 |
| When I need to insert a link (usually in order to help a user), I know there's somewhere a page with the syntax, and I know I've made a link in this topic to this page. But how can a newbie find this page?
I suggest once again to make a link to this page in the page "useful links" in the "help" section. |
| 25 December 2008 22:04 |
 jaq84Number of messages: 568 | I have one little suggestion.
Sometimes one may close all internet browser windows, including the Cucumis page he was logged into, forgetting to log out from what ever system he was logged in to. What you find on many sites is that they automatically perform a log out from the system and clear your session once you close the browser window. Can't we have the same thing on Cucumis? Well, it isn't really a big big trouble it's just that one may forget to log out or any accidental thing might happen and he will appear to be online when infact he isn't there. |
| 26 December 2008 00:05 |
| Really? I personally never log out, because at my home PC it is way easier to have an automatical log-in. So I always appear online, also at night when I'm actually sleeping?  That's interesting... |
| 26 December 2008 08:46 |
 jaq84Number of messages: 568 | OK...If you think so  As I said it isn't really a big problem but I thought it might cause confusion when you see someone there all the time!!
(oh God, you work hard even while you are sleeping  ) |
| 26 December 2008 14:27 |
| Yes you're right, it might really cause confusion. Maybe people even think I'm impolite when I don't answer immediately on their bridge requests, because I'm actually not here... I hope not! |
| 26 December 2008 16:31 |
| I don't think some people appear as being online all the time (except for Francky  ), I don't see that.
At the moment, for example, neither of you is online. |
| 26 December 2008 19:14 |
 jaq84Number of messages: 568 | Really? That's good to hear  ...because it happened once that when I went to work after the week end and opened the cucumis page, I was logged in! and I thought during that time i appeared as online to people who asked for bridges or the like when in fact I wasn't there. But if that wasn't the case then fine  |
| 26 December 2008 22:18 |
| Hehe, thanks Lily, now I think I can sleep calmly.  |
| 28 December 2008 01:13 |
| Your login will be autotmatic for 7 days after your latest connection.
What I've seen on other websites is an option "Remember me" that you can check ot not when you log in. That should be used here too, you're right. |