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23 February 2008 14:52  

Number of messages: 1335
Wow: "We have 89999 registered users" I'll look forward to the 99999st user - shouldn't s/he get some kind of special welcome present?

23 February 2008 14:56  

Number of messages: 2247
Congratulations xenia11!!!
The member number 90000 of cucumis!

Would you like to send her a message?

23 February 2008 14:58  

Number of messages: 1335
I think you, as an admin, should do that Otherwise she'd probably be a bit confused, that a simple GERMAN expert congratulates her for this amazing status. So, hurry off into her inbox :P

23 February 2008 15:03  

Number of messages: 2247
Already done! hehe.

When are we going to congratulate our member #1.000.000?
Let me do some math.

23 February 2008 15:10  

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Girls,

I took a screen capture of our 90,000th !!, so if Xenia wants a copy...


23 February 2008 15:16  

Number of messages: 8114 are very alert people!

23 February 2008 15:21  

Number of messages: 2247
Wow yeah! copy it here!

23 February 2008 15:38  

Number of messages: 3785
In 8 years and 4 month, we'll welcome the 1,000,000 th member. Who will be still around in 8 years ?

23 February 2008 15:49  

Number of messages: 2247
By the way, if cucumis has the same average sign ins... Wich is around 250-275. And what I think it wouldn't be the same every day...

We will have the party around february 16th 2018... hehehe.

I calculated 8 years and 11 months hehehe, but you must have the cucucalcutator wich considers the increasing... not the media like I did.

23 February 2008 15:49  

Number of messages: 1335
I've also got a screen shot of this famous event, but as usual I don't know how to manage it to show it to you too.. Feel free to contact me to send you this incredible picture

Your prospects are not very optimistic, JP Maths isnt needed here, we just have to PROMOTE this page as well as possible. Perhaps it would help, if it was possible to swap let's say 10-50 points for one free SMS. I don't know how to do that but it would certainly be a good stimulation =)

23 February 2008 20:10  

Number of messages: 3785
Ok rendez vous on february 16th 2018 then! I used 300 signins a day for my calcul.

Heidrun, I don't know neither how to do that

23 February 2008 20:42  

Number of messages: 765
A bunch of pessimists! Why daily 300 I´m sure it will grow!!!!!

But OK, we can change the date until 2018...

By the way, we could invent a way to promote Cucumis. Personally, I´d love to se banners like SkypeMe!, but instead, ´Cucumise Me!´ or something like that... Anyway, something you could place on your blog, site, forum signature etc. How about that?

23 February 2008 20:53  

Number of messages: 3785
Nice idea
Is there a designer in the room ?

It's a long time I have in mind to design a girl friend to the cucumis logo but don't have time too...


23 February 2008 21:35  

Number of messages: 1335
I know someone! Casper once told me that he was some sort of a designer (designing posters for example) What about asking him?

24 February 2008 08:28  

Number of messages: 765
Girlfriend for the little guy?? AWESOME! :d :d Haha!

24 February 2008 16:23  

Number of messages: 2247
Ciça, I have to agree that I was pessimistic in my last message, but I told that I know that this media won't be like this when time passes by...

I always imagined a little girl, hand in the waist blinking at the little guy (As if she wants the watermelon). Can we do animated stories?



24 February 2008 21:01  

Number of messages: 8114
Maybe they can be equivalent, just reversed, but the girl with some "girly stuff".
NB ! NB! Don’t take exception , I’m not a designer, just some thoughts here. logo

24 February 2008 21:28  

Number of messages: 2747
Wow pias

That is fantastic

I'll go for this

24 February 2008 22:11  

Number of messages: 3785
Yep pias, that's the idea. Right direction, cute

25 February 2008 15:51  

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Heidrun

In order to display your photo in a discussion thread you need to take the following steps:

1. Sign in to a photo hosting site (there are tons of them to be found on google)

2. Follow the instructions given by the above in order to obtain an URL for your photo.

3. On the cucumis page where you wish to display the picture, you type [ img=http//hébergeur bidule.gif] MY PHOTO[/img ] (but don't put the spaces I have added in the external brackets []

4. Cucumiss 2008!

Hope this helps (hope it works too!!)


Edit: 2b: Resize your photo, otherwise cucupages are 9 miles wide.
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