Hi, latinlove! Be welcome!
The straightforward way to get a text translated on Cucumis.org is by clicking "Translate" on the top of the page and then "Submit a new text to be translated" on the left menu.
As you are concerned about the adult and personal nature of your texts, I think you should know the following:
1) Your text will be visible to all logged members of Cucumis.org, as any of them who knows English and Italian or French would be able to translate them. For the text not to appear anymore after it has been translated and validated (in Google searches, for instance), you should uncheck the "This text is public and/or the author authorizes cucumis.org to publish it online once it has been translated" when submitting your text.
2) Here in Cucumis.org generally people don't mind about adult content, unless it includes pedophilia and intolerance against certain people (e. g. racism).
3) Being aware of the previous items, if you feel comfy to submit your requests, you could (better: should) mild the personal issues by removing any elements which could lead to personal identification, names mainly.
Otherwise, if you think that submitting your texts the regular way is too much expositive, you have to find a good-willing Cucumis member who has the skills you need.
Hope it helps to get things clear.
Best regards,