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Madrid, my hometown

Flora, Fauna & Physical geography

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17 March 2008 03:01  

Number of messages: 1549
As you guys know, Madrid is my city, I don't want to be too exhaustive with descriptions of its geography and landscapes, I'd rather show two videos with some amazing aerial views of Madrid:

I hope you

like it

Also, here are some landscapes from the surrounding areas:

Patones, a little village in the mountains

La Pedriza, a rocky mountain North from Madrid

One beautiful "pond"

Pantano de San Juan, our biggest "pond"

Our castle

I was born in this very town

But my favorite excursion is the Old tiny train of the mountains

16 March 2008 23:16  

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Nice videos Guilão!

They made me think about spending my next vacation in Spain. I've always wanted to visit Barcelon better, but I guess I will also have to visit Madrid after your presentation.


17 March 2008 02:27  

Number of messages: 1549
Lilianca, I am really glad I made you feel like visiting Madrid!

17 March 2008 02:37  

Number of messages: 2247
Just that ->

17 March 2008 03:04  

Number of messages: 2247
And another thing: Beautiful city...

Europe as a whole must be gorgeous! I love its historical feeling... I'm so faaar.. buá.

17 March 2008 03:21  

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Yes, Guilão. Right now my daughter is spending her vacation in Portugal, and she will certainly see all that you showed us, next week.
Her plans are those: two day in Barcelon and three in Madrid before coming back to São Paulo.
And here I am just waiting for her impression of your beautiful city and for my vacation in August.
I couldn't stand the cold weather now!
I guess in August I'll enjoy the visit fully.

17 March 2008 03:50  

Number of messages: 2247
How lucky she is!

17 March 2008 03:57  

Number of messages: 1549
Thatha, if visiting Europe is what you want to do in this life, you eventually will, you'll see, just be patient.

Hey, lili, Madrid in August is almost every day at 40º C by day, are you sure you prefer that?

17 March 2008 04:03  

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
You know that we are really used to that temperature, don't you?

Summer is always a good time to travel. Your luggage is lighter and the clothes get dry fast when washed. You don't need to carry too many things.

17 March 2008 17:37  

Number of messages: 8114
I agree with the folk above, nice presentation guilon!
You could do a great job as a Tourism Ambassador, hm...I also like to travel now!

You seem to live in a beautiful town, both a big city and nice surroundings. I didn't knew you got snow in the winter, must have missed that part on the geography lessons in school. will have plenty of opportunities to travel if you wish Thata, you have all your life ahead.

And yes... (Smart girl) You are right Lilian about travels in the summer...light packing! Perfect!

17 March 2008 18:02  

Number of messages: 1549
Yes, lili, you are right, what was I thinking? You come from the sunniest country in South America!

Pias, yes, everybody thinks Spain is just a country full of sunny beaches, but it really is a mountainous land. People hardly believe I learnt to ski 40 kms from my home

17 March 2008 18:36  

Number of messages: 8114
Looks like great snow too!!
Yes ....I guess that we have our ideas about other countries.... that's stupid!
Maybe it's just the opposite with Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, people seems to think that we don't have summers that can be really hot, well...maybe not as hot as 40... but we have days when temperatures are around 30!

Not +30 today anyway, it’s snowing! (Finally, since this winter has mostly been rainy) And yesterday it almost was spring in the air, crazy weather!

18 March 2008 03:10  

Number of messages: 2247
Talk about crazy weather...
Eu here, happy because when I wake up the sky is cloudy it's 24° (mmm, cold) and rain is coming... but four hours later the sun is out again... Right now: 23:10 and it's 27°, wow! He, this is so bad for health.

18 March 2008 14:02  

Number of messages: 8114
Wow...+27° 11 in the evening.
So I wish you rain Thata, Hm, it doesn't feel good or nice to wish you rain, but if that's what you want...that's my wish.

19 March 2008 00:13  

Number of messages: 2247
Hehehe, thanks. It's always good for me.

23 March 2008 18:36  

Number of messages: 124
Wow Guilon, those were terrific videos!

I absolutely loved the simplicity of the videos-- sometimes less can definitely be more.

The commercials were very reminiscent of Mastercard commercials, in my opinion, where they state the price of material things and then state that quality activities are priceless.

For me, a trip to this beautiful land would be priceless.

23 March 2008 20:55  

Number of messages: 2247
You are totally right about the simplicity thing...

23 March 2008 23:00  

Number of messages: 2102
Thanks Guillon, I'm struggling to choose a place for our vacation in September. We are still debating between Catalonia (Barcelona is an old dream of mine, I've been always fascinated by Gaudi) and Castilia. Makes me taking Madrid in consideration a little bit more.

As per 40C... well we survived 46C last year in Romania....

24 March 2008 15:46  

Number of messages: 2247
Wow, this is something... Wooow.