TRANSLATOR's (virtual) CERTIFICATEImprovement
Results 1 - 19 of about 19 | | | 3 July 2009 11:49 | | Hello,
I have a nice improvement to propose. This proposal, once done, will reward the hard working users, translators and it might have as effect attracting more translators.
The proposal is like this: a web page with a public report with statistics regarding the work done by one user, like a virtual certificate. The page can be created by some public link and a PIN (personal id number). An input box in the first page would also be benefic. What could be the purpose of this page, it is obvious: This can confirm the work done by a volunteer in order to help him/her in a job or school application.
Exemple could be found in www.brainbench.com;
- view public transcript -> In this example, providing a PIN, it displays the list of exams a brainbench user has passed overtime.
Of course, this should be on user request, setting him/herself in profile with a check button.
When user would enable it, it would then show the user somewhere the public link (Ex. http://www.cucumis.org/certificate/public_display?pin= 280280) and activate public report page.
Maybe it could be designed in such a way to offer the possibility to be printed directly.
Wish you all the best,
George. | | 3 July 2009 11:59 |  jp Number of messages: 385 | Hi,
That's an interesting suggestion. My concern is that very few professional translators are active members here. Most of our members are just translating for fun. We had a few professional translators once, but they didn't stay.
Targeting professional translators would require much more modifications that would suggest (job offers etc..).
But this is a lot of work that would be used by very few people here right now. | | 3 July 2009 14:52 |  gamine Number of messages: 4611 | Hi. Well, sorry to say that I don't agree with you.
 is a real nice place which we all enjoy. We all like languages, even if we're not "professional" as you say but we're working together just like a family. Whereever can you find that?? Just asking??? I have got a lot of friends since the first time I logged in here more than one year ago. What you suggest would instaure a kind of competition between us and it bothers me. Moreover, how much do you know  . Seems to me you're quite new here and you have no idea about how hard administrators and JP have and still work to make
 a nice place and if we all "work" here for free there's a reason. Moreover some of our experts are translators in the "real life". So, please, we want to keep "our"  . We all say "our" suppose there is a reason!!! | | 3 July 2009 16:40 | | I am afraid I don't understand your message Gamine. Who are you talking with, me or JP?
I will try to answer it, because I am the only "new" here.
My proposal is a free public certificate for those Cucumis members who want to have it, in order to help them outside Cucumis. I think you have combined my message with the words of JP. I am sure there are professionals here as well. I know what a 5 year (almost) project means, and I also know that at this moment the real values in this organization are not the application that JP has been working hard to develop, but the real values here are the people (members, mostly the active ones) and the know-how accumulated in practice by JP creating this project.
I am sure Cucumis is here to stay and live a long time, because it is a successful project.
Therefore, please, receive my congratulations and gratitude for those that have been working hard to create such a community.
Moreover, I am not here to take, I am here to give.
Nice to meet you too, Gamine.
Nice avatar, I love the movie Lion King.
Hakuna Matata.
| | 3 July 2009 17:22 |  gamine Number of messages: 4611 | Hello Hakuna Matata. Yes, perhaps I wasn't clear enough . I was talking to you. well, I still
believe in JP's application and I don't think I'm the only one. Imagine people who are "virtual" friends meeting for real. It's what happens here on  . That's why I think that JP together with the hard working admins and experts and simple translators as I have achieved (at least partly) what he started.  I understand what you suggest. Don't say it's a bad thing but who should decide whether a person deservs this virtual certificate. Perhaps it could help some people, I dont know. Perhaps some people are interested. Can only speak for myself.
Thanks for having answered me. | | 3 July 2009 19:02 | | Hello Gamine,
You are not the only one who believes in JP's application. In my short time in Cucumis, arriving here after 5 years from the start, I can tell you that Cucumis is more then a web application. It's a phenomenon. JP worths a lot of applauses for his initial idea. (and for all the time and energy he has spent working at it)
I have suggested it would be a setting in profile. If one wants to activate it and use it, fine; if no, just turns it off.
About the virtual certificate, all of them who are members could have it. There is no competition for it, but it could help in the competition in the "real world", It only shows your real activity for someone who is not a member, for an outsider (a boss of a company, your friend, to an institution, etc.).
We Cucumis,
Certify that Gamine (maybe real name) has been working as a volunteer on Cucumis for 1 year and 3 months, ever since ‎14 March 2008.
She has managed to do
-XXX successful translations from Danish to Spanish.
-XXX successful translations from English to French.
We thank Gamine for all her translations and we recomand her as being an excellent person, and a wonderful translator.
Of course the text will be improved, arranged nice, and maybe used in Curriculum Vitae by a person who wants to be a journalist.
Or by a student who wants to join a student organisation. Or by a teacher who is trying to get some scholarship in a foreign contry. And I think examples are a lot.
| | 4 July 2009 08:32 |  gamine Number of messages: 4611 | Hello George. Thanks for your reply. Yes, now I understand a bit better what you're suggesting. Dont know if some people here are interested, why not. But the reason of my reaction is still the same. Some Admins and JP have worked really hard to
make  what it is now. They work in their real
life and besides spend so much time here. But as I already said: only my opinion and luckywise I don't have to deal with this problem. I'm not an admins
but sometimes(this time) I was chocked (in the real sens of this word). Love "my"  too much and our admins and experts are just great but suppose you've already found out yourself.
| | 4 July 2009 18:41 | | Dear Gamine,
I will try to explain and answer to you hoping that everything will be alright.
In the text I posted here, making this proposal, I've said "attracting more translators".
What I mean by this are NOT the people who are coming here just to have one text translated and then go forever.
I mean translators, like a user that comes here and not having their only text translated, but also take, at least, 10 minutes to make a translation for the community.
I have never said something about professionals or not professionals.
Now I will answer to your last message.
Once more it is difficult for me to understand what you mean. Could you, please, tell me the reason of your reaction?
(With "chocked" did you mean to say shocked. Because I am really confused, you mentioned "in the real sense of the word".
chock = a wedge or block of wood, metal, or the like, for filling in a space, holding an object steady;
shock=a sudden or violent disturbance of the mind, emotions, or sensibilities)
If it means shocked, why would you be shocked?
I am happy I can create some feelings for someone, but I never wish those feelings to be negative.
Now I think my proposal is crystal clear.
If it will not be accepted, I know it is not because it is a bad proposal, but it is going to be because time is limited and there are other priorities to be done for the system/application.
I hope you will not look at me as an intruder any more and start being friends.
Long Live Cucumis!
| | 4 July 2009 19:29 |  gamine Number of messages: 4611 | Dear George. Have read carefully your last message and think I have understood it. Of course it would be great to attract professional translators here so they could help us. I wanted, of course, say schocked and if I felt this way it's because we have
real good translators here a well as our high-qualified experts and admins.
But ok, you're right, no use to discuss about it for days and I understand you,too. I don't think your idea is bad neither, sooooo!!!!!!! I'm not the kind of person using to speak too loud, but I
had the impression you attacked our
 , that's why I replied. Perhaps I was unpolite, if yes, sorry, I was upset.
Hoping I have made myself understood, my English is not as good as yours, I'm not a translator  . See you later.
Lene. | | 4 July 2009 20:03 | | Volunteering is the practice of people working on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain. (wiki)
With all due respect, Georgy, I really think that your proposal totally changes the idea of CUCUMIS. We are all volunteers here and thanks to it everything what we do for Cucumis is so SELFLESS. And this is the point for me! This is what I admire this webside for... Do you understand me? I really value your good intentions but disagree with you in this case. Kind regards!  | | 6 July 2009 16:55 | | ---
Dear Lene,
Thank you for your nice and honest answers.
I have never had any intention of attacking Cucumis in anyway. I have even asked permission to one important member before posting this public. It's an idea.
I understand your feelings when missinterpreting my message. Regarding english, I am not a master of english language as well. I am trying to learn it and I find cucumis a very good place to practice.
Dear Aneta,
There is nothing material or finacial in my proposal. We are all here because of a reason. Friendship, learning new languages, practising translations, socializing, willing to do translations, etc.
I have made this proposal to JP in here thinking that this could attract people that come and go and never return. There are almost 200000 registred users. There are less then 200 active, maybe. It could be wrong, or extraordinary. Or just good, but not necessary. Or whatever.
It's not me to decide if my proposal is to be made, but my proposal has been made as a volunteer. It's up to JP to decide. And I have received an answer as well.
It changes nothing for active volunteers.
So, please Aneta, tell me, how do you think my proposal changes the idea of Cucumis?
Yours in Cucumis,
George | | 6 July 2009 17:11 |  gamine Number of messages: 4611 | Dear George. Thanks for your answer. Yes, perhaps I misunderstood it from the beginning but as I told you in my last message, I do understand you too.
So let's see what is going to happen. Anyway as long as things are fine for  I'm happy.
So, sure we can both find a way to appreciate each other. Here on  we always solve our problems.
Have a nice day. | | 6 July 2009 18:04 | | Well, George. Be sure that I still like your fresh ideas like I told you that once before…  I’m honestly under impression because of your creativity. But I think this one of your proposals shouldn’t be put into practice. Why? I’ll try to say more clearly…
It’s not a point what kind of benefits new members are supposed to get. All kind of them, financial, material whether only professional benefits (like certificate) can make that work on Cucumis won’t be SELFLESS anymore.
People will register and will stay for longer with us only because they will have a hope of benefit, precisely Certificate… It’s not a volunteer SELFLESS motivation anyway. So in this sense your idea changes the character of CUCUMIS. I make translations now because I like it, want to help other people and it brings me a satisfaction. It’s typical motivation of volunteer. If I did it for some Certificate, my motivation wouldn’t be so clear and selfless anymore.
But don't worry. It’s only my opinion. Maybe the others members think differently…
| | 7 July 2009 18:45 | | Thank you Lene, thank you Aneta, and thank you JP for your time and understanding of this proposal. I am glad somebody is thinking about it. | | 7 July 2009 18:52 | | George, I don't understand your words of thanks.  Are you disapopinted? If so, I'm very sorry...
 | | 8 July 2009 17:41 | | I am not disappointed. I've thank you for your time thinking of my proposal. I have received an answer from JP a long time ago. You have only helped me to explain it better.
So long... | | 18 November 2010 03:21 | | I agree with WlmShk's proposal, as a cucumer.
Firstly, I am a real translator,
then, I want to argue, in real world, the translation certification is always absent, and if any, is quite doubtable.
There is not real authority in it if the evaluation members are not real workers.
We can use our engine to correct the real world, why not take this chance?
There can be no money in it. | | 18 November 2010 10:25 | | Thank you Pluiepoco for taking it into consideration.
That's a long time ago I've made this proposal, and I still think it is a good idea helping young people to have their start. | | 18 November 2010 10:38 | | Yes, Rome was built from bricks.
If more and more people become interested in translation career, and more and more newbies benefit from this program, then our program will become authoritative, and benefiting the real world.
Additionally, online education is also a good program, if we count in the period of dwelling in cucumis.
I think it is a golden laurel more valuable than any other language schools. |
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