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25 October 2010 23:37  

Number of messages: 4
I'm new and this place looks cool i was wondering.....i have pictures with japanese text if i host it on an image host can someone translate it?
That would mean that when i post a request i would put the link of the picture to be viewed....if not there is another website of freetranslation wich allows me to translate pictures?

26 October 2010 07:14  

Number of messages: 8114
Hello Amatsu!

Sorry, but it's not allowed to post links to pictures in requests on . You have to type the request proper. Here is a Japanese online keyboard. I guess you can also post the link here (in this topic) and wait to see if any other member can help you.... though, that might take some time.

27 October 2010 03:14  

Number of messages: 4
Well thanks for the response the problem is that i don't know japanese so is kind of useless to use the online going to try posting the link though

Sadly i don't have a japanese friend to put the image in text...

27 October 2010 10:43  

Number of messages: 1671
Hi everybody,
Here's the text: I retyped it.

1. 初心者がよく陥るパターン。しかし上手く使えれば表現としてはアリ。
2. アニメで使われる配色。思ってるより彩度が低い。影を少なめにすると際立つ。環境光パリパリ入れても綺麗。
3. エロゲ配色亜種。彩度の高いほかのパーツと組み合わせる事で一層鮮やかに。
4. 全体の彩度を落とした配色。仕上げにディフュージョンフィルタをいれる事により、一層肌が際立つ。
5. よくある水彩塗りの配色。陰影はあまりはっきりさせずにとりあえずぼかす。
6. 某エロ漫画家様の配色。生々しくてエロい。
7. エロ特化のアニメ配色亜種。全体的に赤味がかった色を使用し、非常にエロく見える。
8. 自前で適当に使った。仕上げに環境光等をいれると、薄くなりすぎて困る。あんまり参考にしない。
9. いわゆるエロゲ塗りの配色。2影に赤紫を入れる事で、艶っぽく見える。
10. Pixiv で大人気の某絵師様の肌。ベースを若干濃い目にすることで、ハイライトが際立つ。
11. ややコントラスト高めの水彩塗りの配色。ハイライトに黄色を混ぜることにより一層鮮やかに。
12. 厚塗りの配色。この陰影のつけ方で厚塗り云々を語るのはナンセンスだがサンプルとして。
13. 女性の絵師さんに多く見かける配色。非常に鮮やか。
14. コントラストが高いアニメ塗りの配色。2影の照り返しとして使う。アニメ背景と非常に合う。
It's about various kinds of skin tones. Now that you have the digitized text, you can plug it into Babelfish or something and immediately get a rough idea of what it's about.
(It may take more time for someone to translate it for you here...)
PS: I corrected a small grammatical mistake that I found in #11, too. ("yo niri" -> "ni yori" )

27 October 2010 10:58  

Number of messages: 8114
Wow, that's great Ian

27 October 2010 18:49  

Number of messages: 4
WOW INCREDIBLE THANKS A LOT O_O i thought that i would never had the answer so i posted the picture anyways as a try. I have other like this one but even longer and i have the same problem of making it as text because i don't know any kind people to do the favor :/. I can write the hiragana and katakana but not the kanji...
Even though there are small parts(of the longer ones) that i'm most interested to a translation the thing that i don't know if i translate that small part that would affect the meaning without the whole thing.....
Thanks a lot really T_T i'm so happy of it!

27 October 2010 18:55  

Number of messages: 4
I wonder what i can do to solve this translation problem n_n'

28 October 2010 03:59  

Number of messages: 1671
Well, if they're not too long, I could retype them for you. Retyping is always much easier and takes me much less time than translating.
(And, I didn't much like the frequent discussion of "erotic colors" in this text...