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24 November 2010 17:06  

Number of messages: 108
Hello everybody!
I know it's been ages since I last posted here. Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just very busy with my university!
Today, I thought that it'd be interesting if we all made a kind of "compilation" of some different onomatapias in our languages. For example, in Spanish, dogs say: "¡Guau, guau!", but in English they say "Woof, woof!". It may seem something useless, but I think that, if we collaborate, this post may become something really funny and curious! What do you think about it?
I'll start with some "animal sounds" in Spain, right?
- Dog (perro) = ¡guau, guau!
- Cat (gato) = ¡miau!
- Bird (pájaro) = ¡pío, pío!
- Sheep (oveja) = ¡bee!
- Bee (abeja) = ¡bzzzzzzz!
- Duck (pato) = ¡cuac, cuac!
- Pig (cerdo) = ¡oink, oink!
- Wolf (lobo) = ¡auuuuuuuu!
- Cock (gallo) = ¡kikirikiiii!
- Hen (gallina) = ¡coc, coc, coc, coc, coc!
- Frog (rana) = ¡cruac, cruac!
- Cow (vaca) = ¡muuuuuuuuu!
- Horse (caballo) = ¡hiiiiii!

I think this is good to start! I wait for your answers!

Hugs from Spain!

24 November 2010 09:38  

Number of messages: 8114
Mireia!!! Great to see you

- Dog = vov vov
- Cat = mjau
- Bird = pipipip
- Sheep = bäää
- Bee = bzzzzz
- Duck = kvack
- Pig = nöff
- Wolf = aouuuuuu ... not sure about that
- Cock = Kuckeli-kuu
- Hen = kluck kluck kluck

24 November 2010 10:06  

Number of messages: 12396
Hehe! Can't help posting here! Hi Pia! Hi Mireia, glad to see you connected!

Good idea you had! Note that if animals are supposed not to be as intelligent as human beings (which is sometimes something that needs to be checked), whatever their origin they'll always understand each other!

So in French here is how it reads :

Chien (dog) : ouah! ouah!

Chat (cat) : miaou

Coq (cock) : cocorico

Poule (hen) : cott cott

Dinde (turkey) : glou glou

Vache (cow) : meuh

Oiseau (bird) : cui cui

Canard (duck) : coin coin

Cochon (pig) : groin groin

Âne (donkey) : hi-han

Loup (wolf) : same as you, Pia, not sure at all, I'd say "hooooou"


24 November 2010 11:03  

Number of messages: 3389

Dutch animals say

- Dog = waf (small dog) or woef (big dog)
- Cat = miauw
- Bird = tjilp or tjiep
- Sheep = beh (lambs say meh)
- Bee = bzzzzzzz
- Duck = kwak, or kwek
- Pig = knor
- Wolf = hoooee (I think...)
- Cock = kukelekuuuu
- Hen = tok

24 November 2010 15:45  

Number of messages: 1538
Very nice topic!
Italian animals speak this way:

- cane (dog) = bau bau!
- gatto (cat) = miao!
- uccello (bird) = cip!
- pecora (sheep) = beeeh!
- ape (bee) = bzzzzz...
- anatra (duck) = qua qua!
- maiale (pig) = oink! (borrowed from English, Italian hasn't got a way to write it)
- lupo (wolf) = auuuuu!
- gallo (cock) = chicchirichì!
- gallina (hen) = coccodè!
- tacchino (turkey) = glu glu!
- mucca (cow) = muuuh!
- asino (donkey) = hi ho!


24 November 2010 16:01  

Number of messages: 1910
Hello. This seems like a fun thread, so here you have the Romanian equivalents for animal sounds:

- Dog (câine) = ham!
- Cat (pisică) = miau!
- Baby chick (pui) = piu! (or cip(cirip)! - for not domestic birds))
- Sheep(oaie) = behe-heee
- Bee (albină) = bzzz!
- Duck (raţă) = mac!
- Pig (porc) = groh!
- Wolf (lup) = hauuu!
- Cock (cocoÅŸ) = cucurigu!
- Hen (găină) = cotcodac!

+ some more:
bear (urs) = mor-mor!
frog (broască)= oac!
donkey (măgar)= iha-iha!
goose (gâscă) = ga-ga (-ga)!
cow (vacă) = muuu!

There are more, of course.

24 November 2010 18:16  

Number of messages: 1910
oh, two more:

mouse(şoarece) - chiţ-chiţ!
turkey (curcan) - glu-glu!
* for pig there is one more sound: guiţ! and for frog too: orac!

And another funny thing, in Romanian at least, there are some animal sounds that actually mean smth, like normal word: for example bear's "mor-mor",(eu) mor means "I am dying", yep, strange. The popular name here for bear is MoÅŸ Martin, Papa (old man) Martin.

24 November 2010 19:05  

Sweet Dreams
Number of messages: 2202
Nice topic

In Portuguese:
- Dog (cão) = ão, ão! (the "ã" is a nasal sound)
- Cat (gato) = miau!
- Bird (pássaro) = piu, piu!
- Sheep (ovelha) = méééé!
- Bee (abelha) = bzzzzzzz!
- Duck (pato) = quá, quá!
- Pig (porco) = oink, oink!
- Wolf (lobo) = auuuuuuuu!
- Hen (galinha) = cócórócócó (difficult, hein? )
- Frog (rã) = cruac, cruac!
- Cow (vaca) = muuuuuuuuu!
- Horse (cavalo) = hiiiiii!

24 November 2010 20:28  

Number of messages: 8114
I forgot 3 animals on your list Mireia.

- Frog = koack
- Cow = mu
- Horse = iiii ha ha ha

And some more:

- Reindeer = Iiiih
- Fox = aff aff
- Elk = ee-uh (Short dull roar when "calling" for friends! The sound varies depending on the situation)
- Mosquito = iiiiiiiiii

24 November 2010 22:50  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Hehe, Yeah! Different languages use different animal sounds… This is a subject that’s always fascinated me… Thank you, Mireia, for opening such a thread.
Every nation listens to the same animals and hears them in a bit different way!! Isn’t it somehow weird?
So here we go! The following are Polish equivalents:

- Dog (pies) – hau, hau
- Cat (kot) = miau!
- Bird (ptak) = sparrow: ćwir ćwir, cuckoo: ku ku (every kind of birds makes different sound)
- Sheep (owca) = beee!
- Bee (pszczoła) = bzzzzzzz!
- Duck (kaczka) = kwa, kwa
- Pig (świnia) = kwi kwi,
- Wolf (wilk) = auuuuuuuu!
- Hen (kura) = ko, ko, ko
- cock (kogut): kukuryku!
- Frog (żaba) = kum, kum
- Cow (krowa) = muuuuuuu!
- Horse (koń) = iha!

A Roman dog (canis) used to speak just like today Italian one: “bau bau” (action: “baubare”) and cat (felis, gattus) – “mau mau” (action: maumare) These are probably the only Latin animal sounds that I have ever met in my life. Or I just don’t remember any more.


25 November 2010 15:27  

Number of messages: 108
Haha! It's really curious, pigs speak on a very different way depending on the country they're from!

25 November 2010 17:29  

Number of messages: 1227
Funny topic.

I remember one as Sweet Dreams already listed the animals in Portuguese.

"Jumento" - "Burro" (Donkey) is a very funny name as well as an offensive way of calling someone.

It sounds like: Ióóóóó Ióóóóóó!
The "I" goes like a "hiccup".


25 November 2010 20:12  

Number of messages: 108
Yep! In Spanish we also say "burro" to "donkey", and we use it as an offensive name too!

25 November 2010 21:46  

Number of messages: 1538
While in Italy, when we say "burro", we mean "butter"

How curious!

26 November 2010 20:00  

Number of messages: 2102
Funny, in Romanian we have "bau-bau" which is a kind of Boogieman, the one we scare the children with....

Bamsa still can not understand why our dogs say: ham-ham!

26 November 2010 21:48  

Number of messages: 1524
We don't have pigs, wolves or bees in the Faroe Islands, so I don't know how they sound

Dog = vuff (vúff - Icelandic)
Cat = mjavv (mjá - Icelandic)

27 November 2010 00:23  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Hope you have other animals instead, dear...

27 November 2010 00:50  

Number of messages: 1524
A lot of birds

Crow = krá krá
Tern = kri kri
Seagull = pli pli
Puffin = áh áh
Gannet and Common Murre = they growl, I don't know how to spell it

27 November 2010 09:23  

Number of messages: 8114
Ah, don't forget the marine mamals you got over there Ernst! Beautiful animals

And a lot of FISH! But they don't talk I guess, at least not loud enough for a human ear to hear...

27 November 2010 14:43  

Number of messages: 1524
I forgot our national bird
oystercatcher = klipp klipp (means to cut)

You are right Pia We have a lot of fish and marine mammals. I don't know how they sound, but since the sound travel much quicklier through water than through air, I guess they "talk very fast"
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