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| 30 November 2006 08:01 |
| Goodday!
Admin, do not you want to create Ukrainian version of Cucumis? I can help with it.
NOTE: I can guarantee good quality of translations but not short period of doing the job because it will be done in free time. Please, keep it in mind. |
| 30 November 2006 08:49 |
| Yes of course, the ukrainian texts of the interface are not already in the list of requested translation. I will do it soon  |
| 30 November 2006 09:06 |
| ОК, I'll be waiting  |
| 5 October 2007 19:44 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | very long waiting...  |
| 5 October 2007 23:38 |
| |
| 6 October 2007 07:21 |
| But Ukrainian is already online since a long time now
http://www.cucumis.org/translation_55_w/ |
| 6 October 2007 08:45 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | Upps!
beg pardon, I meant the Ukrainian version of forum. |
| 6 October 2007 13:47 |
| There needs an Ukrainian adminstrator first. |
| 7 October 2007 17:21 |
| Yep, a forum needs an admin that will moderate the messages. |
| 8 October 2007 09:32 |
| May be, I would be able to admin it... If it is necessary  |
| 9 October 2007 01:14 |
| I support!
By the way, can I have a Cossack's sabre? like the one in slbgz's picture... is it a sword? |
| 9 October 2007 08:59 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | pluiepoco, it is sabre, no sword  |
| 9 October 2007 09:25 |
| But the handle of your sabre is too much like that of Chinese sword, so I was confused.
And when I google for Cossack's sabre, I found that the word "Cossack" is from Turkic "Kazak", but are they the same nation?
I thought Kazak speaks one Turkic language? no?
Then Kazak speaks Ukrainian?
But if so, we always think that Kazak speaks Russian.
And if Kazak speaks different as Ukrainian, then can we say that Ukrainian was once from Kazak and then loaned too much from Russian?
Or are they completely unrelated?
do you know that, your red horse was used by Chinese Han Dynasty to defeat Hunos 匈奴, we call the horses "bloody-sweated treasure horse"æ±—è¡€å®é©¬
but at that time, Ukrain was not formed, nor Kazak. It was nearly 2,000 years ago. And I will search where was Cossack from, in the same origin of Kazak? Are they Hunos? |
| 9 October 2007 09:23 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | I support ramarren's suggestion. |
| 9 October 2007 10:30 |
| pluiepoco
Cossacs are not an ethnic group or people, it's just something of the kind of way of life - like ninja, cowboy or something  It means something close to "freemen" - people who escaped from landlords and made their homes in free territory  That's why cossacs may be both Ukrainian and Russian. But, without any doubt, Cossac tradition has Ukrainian origin. Later some of them settled in Russian territory... |
| 9 October 2007 10:46 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | to pluiepoco. You set very stumpers.
History of Ukraine and cossacks which were the military state of Ukrainian nation in Middle Ages, was very long distorted, was counterfeited by the Russian empire, by its historians. Ukraine extracted the real state independence in 1991...
Learn history of Ukraine, for example, at Wikipedia:
In relation to cossacks, this military state was and in Russia, there were Ukrainian the cossacks and Russian the cossacks.
These layers of history are very disfigured by the Russian tsars' and soviet historians...
In relation to hunos - yes, there is such hypothesis, that not mongols, and our slavonic ancestors, were hunos in actual fact, to Hunos is union of tribes of inferiors to the Kievan prince Attila.
I beg pardon, but I it is not enough well own English, that this all in detail to describe...
In relation to languages, Ukrainian and Russian, is very also stumper, simplified it is possible to say, that Russian is the language artificially created at Middle Ages, on the basis of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Church_Slavonic,
old Ukrainian and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finno-Ugric_peoples languages...
in relation to the origin of this word also there are a few hypotheses, but this word simply is Ukrainian, regardless of that of what language it resembles: old Ukrainian, Turkic or other.
I repeat, all this are very stumpers which it is not succeeded to find out within the framework of this forum... |
| 9 October 2007 11:52 |
| Yes, I know that Russian is the language created under the support of Peter.
I heard from a Kazak friend that, they call Chinese people "black ears", and Russian people "white ears".
Then how do you call us, in Ukrainian? |
| 9 October 2007 16:41 |
 slbgzNumber of messages: 77 | we call you «Chinese people»