As you maybe already seen, I've set the
wiki engine on
There is now on the
translation home page a new link to translate the wiki articles. For now those wiki articles are only used to add help on the interface (syntaxe of the messages, meaning of each field for the translation forms etc...). Later I would like we can write
language lessons with this wiki engine and I'm working on this.
I was not sure to involve points in wiki articles as it's very difficult to evaluate the cost for each modification. Nevertheless there are points to earn when translating or editing the articles used for the user interface.
By the way, all of you can now create a personal wiki article on his or her profile homepage.
Coming next, I would like to implement the possibility to post messages on wiki articles and on the news articles. That's the main reason why I prefer posting in the forum instead of the news section. I wait they can be commented (like a blog in fact).
I'm glad to see there are new translators everyday on making a good work. I think the user interface becomes more and more clear as people seems to find their way on their own.