Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Hi... from a wikipedian

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21 December 2005 23:49  

Number of messages: 2
I registered today and have looked at a few translations. The project is interesting.

Unfortunately I will probably devote my free time to wikipedia at the moment. But still, feel free to contact me at my user page

User:Spundun on or or en.

I was wondering whether you guys plan to add other indian languages like gujarati, tamil, marathi, punjabi, kannad etc.

22 December 2005 00:31  

Number of messages: 3785
Thanks for registering here and thanks for your translations.

I can add all languages but generally, I add them if there is a motivated translator first. I made it for example for Portuguese brazilian when joner asked to me. If you wish to develop one of this languages here, let me know and I will add it .

If you know friends of you or a website where we could ask for Hindi help, it would be great.