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| 3 April 2007 19:57 |
| A couple of new features uploaded today.
- "Meaning only" requests. When the requester only want the meaning, experts can accept approximative translations (on the form) if the meaning is right. (For admin and experts, the "Meaning only" option can be changed by editing a translation)
- Restriction of seom members to some languages. I've tested it on our dear Rodrigues who is only able to translate in portugues, brazilian and german, from now
- Report translations to administrtors and experts
- For adminz, put translation requests in standby when there is a problem to be solved (like wrong langauge, problems of diatrics etc..)before it's again available to the translators.
- The username appears in grey on his profile when s/he is deactivated.
- Maybe others I don't remember.
Of course, this has not been completly tested so maybe some errors may occur. |
| 3 April 2007 20:24 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Wooooooooow! Congratulations jp! Very goood work!  T'as fait vite!
You've forgot the new button "Rejected translations" |
| 3 April 2007 20:24 |
| Thx.
Yes, you can view your rejected translations, experts can also view yours. |
| 3 April 2007 21:40 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Une petite constatation à propos de "Report translations to administrtors and experts"... Lorsqu'on fait cet "appelle", admis et experts ne saient pas toujours le motif de "l'appelle", et donc ça provoquerait l'écriture d'un message par un ex ou adm pour savoir le pourquoi (pas toujours, mais quelques fois pourrait passer). Donc, pour t'expliquer mieux mon idée, je t'ai fait un screenshot. Alors, dans ce text, il y a une petite "faute" (cercle vert) que je voulais signaler (pas parce que je suis maniaque, mais parce que je voudrais aller à 5000  ), mais en ce cas un admin pourrait penser "Qu'est-ce qu'il veut ce nava?", et donc ou il penserait que je suis fou, ou il n'a pas vu le problème. Donc, il doit écrire un p'tit ( inutil) message pour demander.
Donc, est-il possible ajouter une fonctionnalité qui permet au "signalateur" d'écrire un petit message comme "Il y a une espace avant le point"? Est-il possible que l'admin le visualise dans le champ "cerclé" en rouge (screenshot)?
Ou un autre exemple, j'ai vu un text double, j'ai signalé, mais j'ai dû envoyer un message pour expliquer la situation... Je sais que cela n'est pas très important, mais je pense que ça aiderait admins, experts, et aussi "signalateurs", en "épargnement" (?) du temps... En y pensant mieux, ça me paraît assez compliqué à faire tecniquement... |
| 3 April 2007 21:43 |
| Yep good idea, I keep that in mind.
Meanwhile it's adviced to post a message. I've added a little text to encourae people to post. |
| 3 April 2007 21:44 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Je l'avais justement vu... Merci  |
| 4 April 2007 02:22 |
| I've also forgotten the possibility to cancel all votes on a translattion to be evaluated. |
| 4 April 2007 10:50 |
| Thank you jp, for the improvements you have made. This is a wonderful Easter present. |
| 4 April 2007 13:40 |
| I saw you had a hard working time making a lot of important and smart improvements, jp. So, CONGRATULATIONS.
How works this votes thing, because I got some votes before correcting texts? |
| 4 April 2007 13:40 |
| Now we must learn how to use it and I think there might be some adjustements to make.
The early results show that when reporting a translation to adminsitrtors, it should be compulsary to send a message because it's not always obvious to understand where is the problem. |
| 4 April 2007 14:51 |
 appleNumber of messages: 972 | |
| 4 April 2007 14:54 |
| Nicely done, jp!! I don't know how you find the time to do all this!
I have a question about the "standby" mode (is that what you're calling the "have an administrator check this" thing?):
If another person has put a translation in standby mode, why is that I seem to see a button that would allow me to take it out of standby? Shouldn't that only be visible to the person who put it there? I'm not sure I understand.
For example, samanthalee requested that one of my translations be checked by an administrator, but I don't think it needs to be - can I take it out of standby? It looks like I can, but it feels like I shouldn't. |
| 5 April 2007 01:33 |
| >For example, samanthalee requested that one of my translations be checked by an administrator<
I did ? ! Which one? I don't remember doing that. |
| 5 April 2007 01:47 |
| Sorry - I was just about to edit my post above. I saw the line that says "I think an administrator should check this page", and I thought it was checked, but it wasn't. |
| 7 April 2007 18:24 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | Hi, I've seen that the option "Meaning only" is not avalable for the button "Add a new target-language"...
A little thing, the hour (clock?) is back of a hour... |
| 7 April 2007 20:19 |
| A meaning only request will be "Meaning only" for all target languages. It's not possible.
The clock is GMT. It's the hour of server not your hour. To display your hour, I should ask in your profile your hour zone.
| 7 April 2007 21:12 |
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| 8 April 2007 00:12 |
| Hmm. There are now four pages on the "I think an administrator should check this page" page, but I only understand why one of them is there (the one I put there). |
| 8 April 2007 08:35 |
| For the clock : When you post a message on the forum, there is a time of posting which corresponds to the serveur zone and not your own zone.
For the pages to check, the problem is double :
1) Sometimes we don't understand why it has been requested. One of the first priority for me is to encourage users to post a message after asking an administrtor to check the page. When there is not yet any message on the translation, I think I will made it compulsary to post a message.
2) Admisnitrators/experts must remove the "red flag" after editing  |
| 8 April 2007 16:06 |
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