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20 April 2007 12:04  

Number of messages: 3785
I've added this to my todolist.

Since the begining I wanted to set a system of awards / gold medals that are given from time to time to some members. I'd din't have time to do it.

I don't want it to be too serious, just to make it more fun to contrubute on cucumis.

Award of seriousness
Award of accuracy
Award of wiseness
Award of fun
Award of communication
Award of ...

Any ideas ?

The awards would be decided by the admins and experts.

20 April 2007 13:58  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Wow. I liked it a lot.

Wiseness to pirulito and all his researches.

Fun to me and my frajodritugues, some friends of mine laughed on this. And comunication too. I am talking by MSN with two people in here and one by e-mail.

The award of BUSY MAN OF THE YEAR to jp (hurray)

Just kidding, I don't wanna awards.

Once again; very good idea.

PS.:wiseness or wisdom?

22 April 2007 20:23  

Una Smith
Number of messages: 429
Wiseness has a sense of wiseass; wisdom comes from life lessons learned. Take your pick.