| |
| 24 August 2007 15:13 |
| Hi Dramati,
Thank you for your advice, even though I'm considered as Latin expert it is always difficult. Are you interested in latin, religion, history?
It is alwasy interesting to know if we have fack translators among us!
| 25 October 2007 13:16 |
| Thanks - I've changed it. Next time you have a suggestion for a change, it's better to put it in the notes under the translation; otherwise I have to search for the translation. Thanks again! |
| 13 November 2007 14:52 |
| Go for it - I can always help with the English terms (if I recognize them), but I can't read Hebrew letters, so you'll need to do that initial transcription. |
| 2 December 2007 05:37 |
| David, are you a native speaker of English? |
| 3 December 2007 14:25 |
| Hi Dramati
The reason why I asked if you are a native speaker of English is because we would like to promote you to English expert. Would you like to take on this extra responsibility? |
| 5 December 2007 00:40 |
| Hi David!
Welcome to the club!
Thanks for taking this on: we were getting swamped recently, with all the translations into English everyone has been doing!
BTW, there's so many sometimes, if you want a good reference as to which ones to start with, you can read this forum, to get an idea of everything the other English experts had been discussing so far. Please let us know your ideas about these points too!
Anyway, once again, nice to see you here as expert now!  |
| 6 December 2007 13:59 |
| David, in case I forget to say so, it's great to have you on board!!!! |
| 7 December 2007 11:06 |
| Thanks for the valuable suggestion. I certainly keep your words in my mind further.
If you think your words are better, go ahead.
With Good Wishes. |
| 7 December 2007 12:12 |
| Sorry, I don't know anybody who speak armenian. |
| 7 December 2007 15:08 |
| I have made some observations here, starting with that one regarding "broad spread of wavelengths ". An engineer would not use this formulation, that's why I've made the observation. Polio is only 12, he can not know all the terms used in engineering and even his English is excellent, there are mistakes like this one which have been let unchanged and I don't understand why.
In the begining he wrote "The traditional low power light". Wrong! The original text says "Den traditionelle lavtrykslampe" which can be translated "The traditional low power LAMP" eventually. Because I am not sure about that "lavtryk" which means actually "low pressure".
Than it comes "We've delivered more than a hindered InLine-construction". It is not "hindred", it is actually "hundread" and "anlæg" CAN'T be translated by "construction" here, it means "system".
What means "Because of the high closeness of photons the lamp generates" engineerly speaking? There the translation is actually "Because of the high density of the photons". He persists and later it is written again "Bersons Multi Wave-lamps have a very high closeness of photons", when in the initial text writes "Bersons MultiWave-lamper har en meget høj tæthed af fotoner" which can be actually translated by "Bersons MultiWave lamps have a very high density of photones".
Should I continue?
This are just a few things that I could observe, I bet there some other omissions, even if the text seems to be correct gramatically speaking. A technical translation is not easy to be done and what users like Polio don't understand is the fact it is not enough to know very well how to speak a language, you have to have a little bit of knowledge about the field the text refers to.
I know some Danish, but not enough to make an accurate translation. No offence, but if I needed a translation full of errors I would have been used my own knowledge. But I needed a good translation, especially because I have to use this information at work. Don't misunderstand me, please, I don't criticise your work, it's just that the English translation is not correct. |
| 10 December 2007 16:04 |
| Hy, David! Well, me neither, I don't really understand what that text means. I guess it's something like "the membrane that's left"... |
| 10 December 2007 19:49 |
| better tell that the requester or JP to remove the whole request. |
| 12 December 2007 05:18 |
| Hi David,
Thanks for doing so many validations recently, it has really lightened our workload!
I haven't been an expert very long here myself, but here is a little feedback about all your great work!
I notice in this translation that you validated, that you just suggested a different version. As an expert, you have the right to go ahead and correct the text yourself, so I would suggest you do that whenver you feel it is justified, in the main body of the translation field itself.
After you have corrected the text and made it into grammatically-perfect English (and comprehensible to an educated English native speaker), then you can put it to a vote.
I notice you have sometimes put translations to the vote before correcting their grammar or spelling mistakes. I think this is likely not a good idea, because the people who vote on it and judge it will just believe that it has already been edited with respect to its English grammar, and also that it is comprehensible to you. If you can't understand it, please don't put it to the vote yet, but rather check with the translator about what s/he means, and/or suggest some possible English expressions to say what s/he wants to say. Only after it is correct and comprehensible should it be voted on, if I understand this validation process correctly!
Anyway, if anything is unclear, please read the text about what an expert does here, and please don't forget to carefully read the discussion we English experts have been having here as well, so you can get a good idea of who wants to validate which source-language texts!
Of course, I'm always available to you if you still have any other questions about what we're doing here, and if I myself don't know the answer to your question, I just might know who to ask!
Thanks again for all your great work! Enjoy!  |
| 13 December 2007 06:54 |
| If you are talking about this " What is it for?
Cucumis is a web-site where you can submit texts to be translated by the community.
Do you want to [translate] or to [be translated]?
How does it work?
To use the Cucumis services, you must be a registered member, you gain points when you translate a text and you need points to submit a text to be translated.
What if I don't speak a foreign language?
If you don't know any foreign language, we allow you to use cucumis by giving you 300 points every 10 days (only when you log in and when you actually need them).
How much does it cost?
Free. Cucumis is based on the exchange of services for mutual advantage.
What about the quality of the translations?
All translations are rated by administrators and experts. A member is promoted "Expert" for a given language when he or she has completed many translations which were rated with an average of over 7/10. If you want to be sure about the quality of a translation, you can ask that only an "Expert" make it but it will cost you more points.
Why the name of Cucumis?
Cucumis roughly translates as "Watermelon" from Latin, a spherical fruit like the earth, full of vitality and happiness. With about 3000 spoken languages in the world, we hope this website will help us to get to know each other."
yes, but I will need some time. |
| 13 December 2007 08:23 |
| No problem. I just sent you the translation before. |
| 13 December 2007 08:24 |
| I will not deem myself or my children more cherished than Gaius and his sisters. Caligula wishes the best and happiness to Cezar and his sisters."
| 13 December 2007 14:58 |
| Well, its OK if you want to reject the translation. Either way it's fine by me. Sorry that I couldn't be of any further help though. |
| 13 December 2007 18:33 |
| then i suppose one way is to look for a malay-english online translator and start translating word by word...unfortunately i do not know of any though... |
| 15 December 2007 02:16 |
| have you got my message?this web page is very confusing,i have problems with using it.i can't see my translates or my sent messages.weird... |
| 17 December 2007 14:36 |
| Just a suggestion: If you want to suggest a translation with a translator, it makes much more sense to discuss it under the translation than to do so in a private message, since it's harder to track the discussion otherwise. |