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25 November 2007 15:19  

Number of messages: 324
I can make sentences with mistakes but the person I talk to can understand me
Mijn Nederlands docent is Chantal hehe.

25 November 2007 16:56  

Number of messages: 1014
Oh, I don't like her ^^

25 November 2007 17:24  

Number of messages: 324
lol,waarom?se is mijn vriendin en bezoekt me in de zomer
I tried to say "she's my friend and visits me in the summers"
pfff mijn nederlands:S

25 November 2007 19:14  

Number of messages: 1014
It's correct, it's "ze" instead of "se" or you can say "zij"

25 November 2007 20:25  

Number of messages: 324
aha yeah 'zij' i couldn't remember it

5 December 2007 09:32  

Number of messages: 113
Greek is the mother of all european languages.

7 December 2007 00:42  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Greek is the mother of all european languages???

7 December 2007 00:46  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
The mother of all european languages is an old lady from India.
Greek is one of her younger sons.

7 December 2007 09:18  

Number of messages: 1014
Estonian is the most important language in the world! maybe 1 day it will, when I rule the world!

7 December 2007 09:19  

Number of messages: 1014
Oh and Maria, that map is fake!
it says belgium has "french as national language", it is not! there are more dutch speaking belgians, then french speaking ones! Fake map, split Belgium!

7 December 2007 15:41  

Number of messages: 1335
and german is ignored totally... pff dont trust this map, nathan!!

8 December 2007 12:13  

Number of messages: 1014
I know German is very important in Europe, but really Europe means nothing to me!

I still study languages, so it's easier for me that has to do with economics
and trust me, soon Europe means nothing anymore..

The Economy grows with 2% every year in Europe only, while in other parts, e.g China, the Economy grows with 10% a year..

Trust me, the time that Europe ruled the world is over and out! Probably the time of the USA has come too

Long live ASIA


8 December 2007 12:15  

Number of messages: 1335
Yes I know... Europe is dying out... Therefore: Lets have lotsa babies, so we can compensate that lack of children!!!

8 December 2007 12:20  

Number of messages: 1014
Haha, it isn't only because there are too less young persons in Europe, everything is just too expensive! In China or India there are over 2 billion people earning hmm, less than 200 euro's a month? Even loads of families only earn about 1 euro a day, here people earn about hmm much more

Well, atm I'm not concentrating on the university, I got exams! Whaa, 2 more weeks and then snowboard-time in Austria, whoo!

8 December 2007 13:15  

Number of messages: 2102
Just a simple addition: you talk about in China and India... Do you know that an engineer in Romania earns around 200 € per month and there are people who live with 50 € per month sometimes less? Cloths and shoes are as expensive as in Germany or Denmark, even people there earn more than 1000-1500€ in average per month.

And China has such a "economical" growing because they exploit their own people and because their products are cheap and crap in the same time. At least the biggest part of the European countries have some respect towards people... So, don't praise Asia so much, if there was so incrredibly good there, why are they coming to live in Europe?

Only somebody whose life was always good can issue opinions like "soon Europe means nothing anymore.." You have no idea!

8 December 2007 15:39  

Number of messages: 1014
Hmm, trust me..
my father is a businessman! And he is the first one to say it is a great idea to study Chinese!

Really, he knows what he is talking about..
Everyone is telling that: "they exploid their people!"
Well, let me say one thing Iepurica..
If you are in to history you should know what was going on here in Europe, around 100 years ago?
Indeed, the Industrial Revolution..
Same thing happened here as what now is going on in China! Only in China it goes 10 times faster then what happened here in Europe, you say China "exploids" there people, well Europeans did that too!

Oh and what I was saying about the "200 euros a month" I meant US dollar, and from that 2 billion people, there are over 1 million who don't even make 200 USD a year! a whole family that doesn't make 200 USD, hmmm..

And you say, don't praise ASIA because they make Crap? Well, I give you one simple example:
Car industry, the first European cars were crap too? BMW has a factory in China, and they don't have to pay any taxes (or at least not that much) and for that, they have to help Chinese carfactories help to build a good Chinese car in 5 years..

China is just new in the world of economics, and trust me, in 30-40 years (if it isn't even nearer) Chine will become number 1 in World, they are now number 2 - about 25 years ago they didn't even have a meaning in the world of Economics -

And now about the cheap stuff? Trust me, if China wasn't there, your life would be much more expensive, I can name you 10 things in your house that come from China, every Multinational or Big company has a factory in China..

And I didn't mean "soon means Europe nothing anymore" that we are going to be a third world country, the economic just will move to China, what has happened in the sixties will soon become again..
Europe - America - Asia ...

Antwerp port was 50 years ago the second biggest port in the world, since Asia has growen so much it isn't even in top 25 anymore..

8 December 2007 20:03  

Number of messages: 2102
You know, it's amazing how idealists we can be when we are around your age.... As my mother use to say "All that flies it can be eaten". You are always right, isn't it

Car industry: Daewoo, Korean company, one of the most productive in the 90's, suddenly fell down and was sold to Chevrolet. Daewoo = Asian company, actually they were copyig shamelessly Hyundai - another Assian company which produces crap cars. The reverse: Ford bought Daewoo factory in Craiova, Romania, Ford Fiesta will be produced there. Ford Fiesta is actually produced in Spain. Renault bought Dacia Pitesti, Romania, produces Dacia Logan which seems to be one of the cheapest from Europe (around 8000€). And it is a good car, even it is not written BMW on it, even you have not even heard about till now. Skoda factory in Czech Republic, bought by Volkswagen, produces one of the best cars in Europe, Skoda is actually quie a rival for Ford and Volvo.

As per crap. IT IS CRAP. Every single time when I bought a bag or a jacket or dress on which kindly wrote "Made in China", they broke after a few uses, or the colour went off or something else bad happened. Let me tell you something: Romanians have not so much money and they still avoid the things made in China. Because they are CRAP. You can not name 10 things in my house made in China, because I simply refuse to buy them. And for your information, my car is made in Spain, all the furniture in Denmark, the TV in Slovakia (which, by the way is Samsung, Korean company who has factories in, surprise-surprise, Europe or at least there was Slovakia, last time I checked), my fridge and freezer in Sweeden, all the tools of my husband are produced in Scandinavia. Should I continue? Ah and my life is better because I have a good job in a good consulting company which works for Farose, Greenlandic and Danish market and which uses only Scandinavian or German/Austrian/Italian products and still makes a lot of money, not because I buy cheap Chinese things. And talking about cheap, friend of mine, bought Made in China dress from States with 325$ and when she tried it, half of the bedings from the dress went off. Super quality, no doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't serve me history lessons, I lived in a society where people have been exploited in the worst ways you can imagine. That's why I will always say that China exploits and brainwash many of their people. As long as there are people who earn money that are enough only for food this is called exploting.

In Romania live around 23 millions people. More than a third earn around 50-75€ a month. Only the heat, electricity, water and gas for a two room apartment during the winter costs 70€ per month. What does this saying? And there are people who work 12h a day for the amount that you use to buy CD-s or a T-shirt that you like.

I know you I can not change your ideas, I don't even try and I don't contradict your father. But don't issue opinions and expect the others to agree with. As long as the European countries are full of Chinese/Philipinesse/Indian emigrants, you will never convince me that countries like China are better economical speaking. Why are they so desperate to come to live in Europe an to wash floors or collect the garbage even if they are educated teachers or doctors or engineers??? Do you believe it is such a hapiness for someone who struggled for years to get a diploma to be forced to do jobs that your co-nationals, for example, refuse to do? Just because in their countries dogs are walking on streets having doghnuts around their tails or because the life is so incredibly good that they have become bored of so much wellfare and want to be treated like crap in countries like yours or even mine? China is going faster because it's a huge country, whith no clear legislation towards the rights of the workers, with explotation to every single corner of the street - factories that use children who work for nothing for 12-14 hours a day, low quality and unfair competition. nd worth, no human rights. It will not last, at least not in this rythm. As long as the economy is still controlled by the state, to one point it will crack. The communist propaganda will always present everything in a very bright light, I know very well the "drill", I've lived it.

PS By the way, Rotterdam is still the biggest harbour in Europe, Hamburg is still one of the most important ones and Constanta comes from behind with very big steps... And they are not placed in Asia. And I could continue like that for ever. I REST MY CASE.

8 December 2007 20:40  

Number of messages: 1014
"You know, it's amazing how idealists we can be when we are around your age.... As my mother use to say "All that flies it can be eaten". You are always right, isn't it?"

I never said I have always right, I just try to defend my thoughts, you try to convince me the that I am fault.
Well Iepurica, I hope you aren't mad or something because now I think, at least I can have a good conversation here on cucumis.
Most people who have an other opinion just ignore me, or just say I am imature...

I know I am only 17 years old, and that I have never had to work for my money, pay the debts or even work! But why does everyone keep saying that? It means that you look down on younger people who have an other opinion. I think - and I don't want to mean anything with it - that I am smarter or that I at least know much more about actuel things that happen in life, than most of my peers.

1 thing I want to correct is that the meaning "made in China" means nothing anymore. The brand is more important than the country it is made in, for example the motor of your car, maybe it is made in Spain or whatever European country, but there are still a lot of things that are made in China for building that motor, the country doesn't mean anything anymore.. a motor built in China, with the same products is as good as an European one.

Now about the wages (?) of the people, well.. I know that East - European people don't have much money to survive either, I know that and now again I've never had the problem that I didn't have enough money to buy something, because my parents pay it for me, but remember that I am born in Estonia, it has never been the richest country in the world, and for 1990 it was still a communistic country - such as China, although China is not that communistic -

About the exploiting & the brainwashing: I know that China and other Asian countries have problems with it, but as I said before - Childlabour has also been in Europe for a long period of time! So don't blame someone what we've done ourselves..

I also know that much people come to Europe to work, because they just can't find any job in their native country, or they are just too poor to do anything! but isn't it that a bit logical?
China has over 1,3 billion people, you can't give a job to everyone there, because the Economic is just booming to fast! You can't in 10 years, come from one of the poorest countries in the world, to give everyone what they deserve, as I said before a several time, look to Europe in the Nineteenth century, it was all the same!

And what I said about the harbours, of course will there be big harbours in Europe, else our Economy be nothing! But I didn't mean that, I just meant that like in the top 10 of biggest harbours there are now 6-7 Asian ones, and 25 years ago maybe 1.

I am not pro China, I just know the future lays in Asia.. You don't have to believe me, I cannot convince you, and I am not going too. But why can't I have an own opinion (and please don't start again that I am just 17, and that I don't know nothing about the world)

I don't agree with the government (Communists) but that is something you have to take with you, and child labour is just a disease of the economic boom!

1 last thing I want to say about the "crap" things, wait in 10 years when China has it's own GOOD car, it's own thing, they can do anything they want then
Now Russia - India & China want to make a counterpart (don't know if that is the right word) of the NATO.. So China, will not be only the Economic power of the world, it will probably also become one of the main military powers.

8 December 2007 21:57  

Number of messages: 2102
Nathan, I was also idealist when I was 17. And don't be so obsessed about "being imature" you keep on repeating that. You are allowed to be imature sometimes, you should not be such in a hurry to grow up. Besides, no offence, but you need some more life experience, don't expect people to see more then a teenager in you, as smart as you are. And I'm saying this with not trying to insinuate anything and with no "subtilities", just to be clear.

I just don't agree with the economical politic of China. Makes somehow lower our standards of living. Europe had its share of poverty and unfair treatment of the poor people, it should not go back to that, just because it comes China with its cheap work force or cheap things (=low quality, again). And unloyal competition. This is an exageration of course, but many people remained unemployed just because the owners have decided it will be cheaper to have a factory God knows where in Asia. Romania, as an example was forced industrialised. I worked in a equipment factory which is three quarters deserted nowdays. It's a sad view, but in the same time, it's a warning of what can mean industrialization unwisely made. What does China now, we were doing 30-40 years ago. You can not iagine the economical disaster that was in my country between 1990 and 2003. Still is, even the things start to get better and better. Before '89 there were maybe 10-12 millions people working in industry, after that the number went to a half. What do you believe it happened to the rests? This is what means a communist economy and China still has it.

And another thing. I don't believe they have had too many inventors (except the gun-powder which actually brought destruction, not progress) or scientists, actually almost all of the great inventions came from the old and so bullied Europe. I don't believe in a Chinese car, it will never be a good one, no offence, this is my opinion.

Oh yes, a concrete example: one of the fish factories in Faroe Islands tried to get Phillipinesse workers, who were paid half of the salary a Faroese worker. Police had to go in one of the villages because they were living 25 in a house of 100 m2. It was such a scndal, because the Faroese workers were disadvantaged, so in the end they had to raise the salaries. The factory closed due to the lack of fish and they had to go home, but began to protest, just in order to remain in Faroe Islands. They have been sent back in Philippiness in the end. When they tried to do the same, this time with Chines workers, the public opinion exploded. When you live in a country of 50 000 inhabitants you can not let people unemployed just because you can bring 1000 cheap workers from China without consequences.

Besides, Nathan, Estonia, has never been to the poverty level Romania was, believe me. I remember being your age and sleeping dressed during the winter because it was too cold in the house, or not having food for days. Or learning to a gas lamp, because they cut the power. I had two pairs of boots all my high-school, one winter I spent it with my left foot continously wet, because the leather got a slit. And there were no boots to buy in the shops. There were no medicine, no food, no nice cloths, there was nohing in the shops. And that we endured for ten years not a few month, not one year. But that is already history, nothing more....

8 December 2007 21:58  

Number of messages: 1014
There you have got a point, no I don't know poverty, you do. So I can not judge how it is like, my father has a great job and we live above normal standards, even in Belgium.
I don't know the life that you have lived when you were young, and probably I'll never will.
My mum, who is born in Lithuania told me a lot about her childhood, and to be honest. I am glad that she found my dad! Really, her stories look like yours when you were my age.

Now again to my "young age". Yes I know that I have to face it all, but really, why see me as a teenager. Maybe you just don't know me, I really care about this world but poverity will ALWAYS exist, no matter what we do against it.
And I know I don't know this world, but I think lots of people aren't interested in it, they just think - as long as I got my money, I am glad, I don't care about others -

What you say about the Chinese inventers is not true, if China didn't have a protectionism policy in the middle ages then half of the world would speak Chinese now, instead English or French.
I don't know his name anymore, but once there was a Great Chinese trader, he had a fleet of 1000 ships, and over 50,000 man (it was in the 12th century, in that time European emperors were just fighting over a piece of land). These ships were sailing to Arabia, Singapore to get spices and other goods while Europeans had never seen India! They were too busy with their religion and trying to invade Jerusalem. China is the first country in the world with a city over 1 million inhabitants (Xi'an) even for the mighty empire of the Romans with the great city of Rome.
China invented the gun-powder, yes. Indeed, nothing to be proud of, but if a chinese person didn't do it, someone else would! -
Ever seen the Great Wall, 6000 km long, you know.. In the Middle ages, china had a protectionism policy, if they did something with their power they were the ones with the colonies, and we were the "poor" part, the poor white people.
I am not Chinese so I don't know, but I saw a documentary on television today about Chinese youth doing acrobatics, and one girl said this: "No matter how hard the cost, no matter how big or how small, Chinese people always accomplish in their goal, we are not allowed to fail." and as Pluiepoco once said: "Ever thing that has to be build, requires human sacrifices."
(Sorry to pluiepoco if he might read this, it aren't the words you've said but it means the sam)
Now about the social services, how can you expect that a country with over 1,3 billion people has a social service for every person? Here in Europe, labourors had to fight for their rights! and it took decades for them to get some rights..

China can't do everything in one moment, while we fought for it for decades...
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