| |
| 25 February 2008 14:29 |
| It's great that Swahili is now available. Cisa mentioned something about adding Wolof and Xhosa, I think that's a great idea and I would propose that we get a Nigerian to add Yoruba since its a language with a great number of speakers although the majority are in Nigeria. |
| 25 February 2008 16:16 |
 goncinNumber of messages: 3706 | |
| 25 February 2008 17:42 |
| perijove, thx a lot for the incredible work you did.
Now I would like to make you swahili expert, but as you did all your transaltions offline, it's impossible.
Just do only one transaltion on the site and you can be an expert here. |
| 29 March 2008 15:09 |
| Sorry, but I can't speak any Zulu, just Swahili and English. |
| 16 April 2008 20:41 |
| What about Scottish Gaelic or Scottish Standard English? |
| 22 April 2008 08:24 |
| Sorry i had miss this post. Why not but I didn't see this need in our past requests, did you ? Is there a difference between Gaelic and Irish ? |
| 22 April 2008 14:27 |
| As much as I know, Scots have their own language and they use actually expressions and words that are not existing in the Standard English. It was just a thought, I have for example some texts in Scottish Gaelic and it would be intreresting if there was someone capable to translate them in plain English. |
| 23 April 2008 11:35 |
| Broadly speaking, there are 3 languages natively spoken in Scotland : English, Scottish Gaelic and Scots. Well, not everybody speaks those 3 languages!
Scottish Gaelic and Irish are different languages, but of same Goidelic origin (see Wikipedia, for instance). But be aware that the Scots is not Gaelic, it is an evolution of the old Anglo-Saxon, like modern English.
Here an excerpt from Freedictionary.com:
"Although Irish and Manx are often referred to as Irish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic (and they are Goidelic or Gaelic languages) the use of the word Gaelic is unnecessary because the words Irish and Manx only ever refer to these languages whereas Scots by itself refers to a Germanic language and Scottish can refer to things not at all Gaelic." |
| 26 April 2008 15:28 |
 iriniNumber of messages: 849 | Oh lepurica! I just saw your message! Couldn't we just despense with the "bad Greeks" at least between us? It's enough I had to deal with an idiotic Greek ranting and storming about Macedonia being Hellenic and all that in a site that should abstain from political debates I think. I am certainly not going to go down that route myself and I would like to beg you not to write something similar again. At least not where I can read it.
As for ancient Greek, we have to be extra careful about homework translations. And maybe it shouldn't be put in its alphabetical place, or else people could actually just hit "Greek" (I assume we need a separate one because people wanting AG translations do not realise the differences with modern Greek and don't specify their preference?) |
| 26 April 2008 15:23 |
| Me neither,I haven't seen that post..!I agree with Irini and hope we'll never see something similar on cucumis.. |
| 27 April 2008 02:17 |
| I hope Mongolian and Tibetan natives would like to build a Monglian version and a Tibetan version on Cucumis.
But then I am afraid that their scripts are not included in the platform codes. |
| 4 May 2008 13:27 |
 CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Mongolian probably is, since Halha (Modern Standard Mongolian) uses the Cyrillic script. I have heard about efforst made to bring back the ancient vertical script, but anyway, the Cyrillic one is the official one.
As to Tibetan, I don´t know, but the script working like Devanaghari, I can imagine it may be simply solved. The biggest problem is finding somebody to translate in Tibetan!
On the other hand, it would be really nice to have Cucuversions in these languages!  |
| 4 May 2008 14:50 |
| In inner Mongolia, the traditional script is still used now, although Mao was trying to change it into cyrilic in 1960s and failed.
I think we have to download these font files before we can write them on computer.
We will have these languages in one year's time.
By the way, I visited facebook, and it is too functional for me to manage.
| 4 May 2008 17:20 |
 CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Yeah, although I love different scripts of the world, in the world of IT they are a little bit problematic.
Did you know if I want to type Chinese fonts on a ´Westerner PC´ I gotta install the whole thing? It´s quite complicated. Luckily, I could solve it and now I can type bothe Chinese and Japanese (and Korean if I wanted to). Oh! Just a question: How can you type Traditional Chinese?? Because I tried, but with Pinyin it won´t work, it uses a different system!... |
| 9 May 2008 19:24 |
| It would be nice to add Occitan (possibly with option to choose between standardised varieties -- Aranes, Lenguadocian, etc.)
Fran |
| 21 June 2008 16:06 |
| Haha, then we should add Antwerp dialect too! =D |
| 8 August 2010 15:10 |
 akliNumber of messages: 17 | Berber is spoken by about ten millions people. I think it deserves to be added.
thanks |