Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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번역 - Woman's life (영어)

약 22개 결과들 중 21 - 22
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2007년 9월 24일 08:58  

게시물 갯수: 2747

Then in that case, the source text must be edited!!

It reads " dos seus affectos" which is translated by "of her affections" and not "of the

Also, what is the point of submitting a text to be translated back into its original language?

Thanks for the help Pirulito If the requestor had noted that it was a translation of a text written by Washinton Irving, I would have understood and edited in consequence.

I can still edit the text and revalidate it, but if I use the English quote from Washinton Irving, it will not be a loyal translation of the text that was submitted unless we also edit the source language.


CC: pirulito

2007년 9월 24일 13:54  

게시물 갯수: 7963
I think I agree with Tantine here. I would say that we could just send a note to the requester with the original quote in it, but he says he lives in the Ukraine and can only read Hebrew and Catalan, yet he's asked for this to be translated into English, Portuguese, and Esperanto. Somehow I think he's pulling our leg. So let's just forget about it. If he wants to, he can read the discussion under the translation.
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