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Doručené - bonjurkes

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15 červenec 2006 18:07  

Počet příspěvků: 3785
Hi, with grat pleasure. You are expert for turkish now. Please read this before acting. You can reject/edit/accept all turkish translations (including yours). When you see incorrect turkish in the interface you can also edit the translations by searching it with the bottom/right link. As soon as you perform your first english translation, I can also give you the expert rank for english. Expert is a big word but actually it doesnot necessary mean you are an expert, it's just an additional privilege on Don't hesitate to use our administration forum as your questions might interest other experts. Good luck

15 červenec 2006 18:37  

Počet příspěvků: 60
thanks for it.

also i made some english translations too. I think they will be visible when i accept them...

16 červenec 2006 18:12  

Počet příspěvků: 60
I am sure that i can handle 1 more forum I already have a forum with 20 k members but i have lots of friends for taking care of it. And i can be online at cucumis nearly everday.

I can start when you are ready

16 červenec 2006 18:29  

Počet příspěvků: 60
kurdugunuz cümle doru,biraz önce tamamını okudum ve metni onayladım, tercümeyi ben dün gördüm ama kafama takılan bir iki nokta vardı ondan vazgeçtim

tercümenizde bir sorun yok dedigim gibi..

kolay gelsin


16 červenec 2006 19:27  

Počet příspěvků: 60

17 červenec 2006 16:58  

Počet příspěvků: 60
ok, thank you jp

20 červenec 2006 21:43  

Počet příspěvků: 145
ops... sorry... I am a new user here over this site, and I pushed somethings wrong. If I reject your translation, I´m sorry... It was not my intention.. I reject just only one in bulgarian, cause I know that u can say I love for a male or a female in differents ways, and I just want to know in the way to say for a man, and I want to know the writing of his name in Bulgarian....

20 červenec 2006 21:48  

Počet příspěvků: 145
I was looking now the translations that I reject and it was not yours. Like I said, I reject the translations that didnt translate the name Yoshio, just for these reason, cause I want to know the name in several languages and the way to say I love you.

21 červenec 2006 11:00  

Počet příspěvků: 60
bu burdan olmicak

ben msne giriim ama sen msnde cevrim disi gozukuosn...

10 srpen 2006 08:53  

Počet příspěvků: 152
Kaç defadır bunu yazıyor ama hiç bir reaksiyon göremedim: Sadece bir tane KÜRT DİLİ var o da KÜRTÇE!

Sanki birden fazla Kürt dili varmış gibi KÜRT DİLLERİ yazılmasına gerek yok. Sitenin Türkçe çevirinde hep Kürt dilleri diye yazıyor. Artık bu son mesajım, kimseyi bir daha bununla ilgili rahatsız etmeyeceğim.


28 srpen 2006 00:42  

Počet příspěvků: 1
Üyeliğimi iptal eder misiniz. Teşekkür ederim

24 září 2006 12:08  

Počet příspěvků: 3
Dear Admin bonjurkes,
I'm new here but am willing to contribute.
I'm as good in English as I am in Turkish and can translate both ways. My specialty is in the areas of sports and literature.
Bunu üyelere nasıl duyururum?

24 září 2006 16:43  

Počet příspěvků: 849
Hi there, will you do me a favour and look at this?

When I had to translate it in Greek I asked some Turkish net-friends of mine and they told me that what the original says is that "Galatasaray is the best". I don't speak any Turkish though but it has sort of stuck in my mind.


17 listopad 2006 14:14  

Počet příspěvků: 1
slav tu kurdi fahm dıbi

11 prosinec 2006 23:17  

Počet příspěvků: 1
ya bu olay nedir ben sana ingilizce yazıp sen bana türkçemi yapçan..

12 prosinec 2006 07:29  

Počet příspěvků: 7963
Merhaba bonjurkes

Buna bakabilir misiniz? Çevirmek isterdim de bence Türkçesi birazcık bozuk ve tam anlayamıyorum. Örneğin, "eiere" ne demek acaba?

18 prosinec 2006 17:34  

Počet příspěvků: 7963
SaÄŸ ol Bonjurkes!

18 prosinec 2006 19:09  

Počet příspěvků: 11
merhaba nasilsin
ok no importa buscare otra persona que hable español que me pueda ayudar gracias güle

18 prosinec 2006 20:01  

Počet příspěvků: 1
selam nasılsın ben yeni üye oldum siteye.. forum kısmına girdim ama kimseyi göremedim biraz yardımcı olurmusun? rica etsem.

21 prosinec 2006 06:16  

Počet příspěvků: 7
hmm thanks,
I don't really know all the languages verry good, but I've a basic all of them but they aren't perfect all.. but I'm working on it..
I live in Belgium so my native language is Dutch (= Flemish ). I'm following eveningschool for turkish lessons.. it's nice you did send me the message, thanks
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