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Doručené - cheesecake

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28 prosinec 2008 20:10  

Počet příspěvků: 2
Tesekkur ederim.arkadaşım özeldende göndersem çevirilerde bana yardımcı olurmusun ben adresimi vereyim kaydedersen sevinirim :}

22 leden 2009 22:26  

Počet příspěvků: 2747
Hi cheesecake

Oooh noooooon I don't want you to feel demoralised at all.

One of the reasons you have had several of your translations rejected is because you have been very busy so there are quite a lot to deal with

In normal times I would really take the time to go over texts with the translator but the backlog into English I am having to reject things I would normally work on.

You mostly do really neat translations, and I have accepted several of yours already, so please don't think I'm picking on you or anything.

Your translation can be erratic (I mean, really good or really bad) so one thing you can do is to take the time to reread your translation before you submit it.

Test the "correctness" of the English by translating it back in Turkish to see if it works in both ways (sure sign of having done a great translation).

Mostly, slow down a little, cucumis is not going to disappear lol, and always remember that cucumis is about having enjoying ourselves, so no reason to feel demoralised.

I will get rid of this horrid pile of evaluations as quick as I can then I can come and get to know you a little better.

In any case, welcome to cucumis on my behalf, very pleased to meet you, I am already enjoying working together on your texts, I hope there will be more.



11 únor 2009 16:32  

Počet příspěvků: 2
thanks for translate this words have a nice day

24 únor 2009 12:51  

Počet příspěvků: 2132
Hi Cheesecake,
I wasn't there this night, I gone to bed at nine o'clock, I don't understand why my name appeared, it's not the first time. maybe because of cookies.


16 duben 2009 21:26  

Počet příspěvků: 8
senden birşey rica edebilirmiyim orlando adlı bir kadın filmi var bunun türkçesini bulmam lazım acilen acaba bana bu konuda yardımcı olabilirmisin?

1 květen 2009 14:12  

Počet příspěvků: 2118
Teşekkürler! Ben de görünce bayıldım!

2 květen 2009 20:14  

Počet příspěvků: 238
Am sorry !!!

is a mistake !!

it was for "melis72"

see you soon

18 červen 2009 18:41  

Počet příspěvků: 2118
İnan hiç önemli değil Cheesecake. Ben zaten düzenlemeyi yapmıştım, sadece doğrumu yaptım acaba diye emin olmak istemiştim. Figen'in de onayıyla hallettik o sorunu.

İlgin için çok teşekkür ederim

22 červenec 2009 15:43  

Počet příspěvků: 12
gene yardımına ihtiyacım var..bana bii miktar puan yollayabilir misn gene??

24 červenec 2009 20:20  

Počet příspěvků: 614
Tesekkurler cheesecake

7 srpen 2009 16:08  

Počet příspěvků: 12
'Söylesene nasıl biri olduğumu düşünüyorsun?' sanırım bu cümlenin çevirisini yapmamışsın

30 září 2009 17:58  

Počet příspěvků: 27
çevirileini hemen çevir programından mı yapıyosun yoksa

6 říjen 2009 18:58  

Počet příspěvků: 611

The translation you gave me a bridge for has been just accepted. May be you think I shouldn't send you the points, but I feel I want to share as we actually did it together.
So please, accept the half of the points along with my uncountable thanks!!

7 říjen 2009 16:09  

Počet příspěvků: 611
I know, I know, we are not doing it for points!
Count on me, please, whenever you need!

13 říjen 2009 15:22  

Počet příspěvků: 2
öneRiLeRin için tşkLr bundan habeRim vardı ama öyle basitleride çevirince puan geLiyoRsa çeviririm eLbette lise öğrencisiyim zaten diL böLümü onlarıda çevirecek kdr ingiLizcem var

24 říjen 2009 19:52  

Počet příspěvků: 11
Çevirin için teşekkür ederim süpersin....

1 listopad 2009 18:27  

Počet příspěvků: 4
cokkk saÄŸ ol

29 leden 2010 17:00  

Sweet Dreams
Počet příspěvků: 2202
Hello Cheesecake,

Thanks for your bridges, I'm giving you half of the points for the time you spent.

20 únor 2010 21:10  

Počet příspěvků: 276
Hey!! Yo estoy muy bien!!! Qué tal tú? Ya has decidido entre Salamanca o Granada?

Yo estoy a punto de comerme una pizza buenísima!! lol Y luego creo que iré con alguien a beber un té a alguna tetería del centro, aunque quiero volver pronto para ver una película ^^.

Ya has dejado Zara, no? Qué haces ahora con tanto tiempo libre??

Un besazo!!! n_n

4 březen 2010 23:24  

Sweet Dreams
Počet příspěvků: 2202
Hello Cheesecake,
I thank you for the help you gave me in that translation and I'm donating you 15 points for your bridge.

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