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Doručené - Cisa

Výsledky 41 - 60 z asi 69
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21 prosinec 2007 22:21  

Sweet Dreams
Počet příspěvků: 2202
Hi Cisa! How are you?
Can I ask you something? How can I put a flag on my wiki?


Sweet Dreams

23 prosinec 2007 22:25  

Počet příspěvků: 1263
Cisa, who is in your avatar?
is she a persian woman?

24 prosinec 2007 08:05  

Počet příspěvků: 8113
Dear Cisa!
Thanks a lot for your wish...same to you from me,
and hope that we will continue to cooperate here on



25 prosinec 2007 13:35  

Počet příspěvků: 45
Ahoj Cisa!
Moc ti děkuji za to Vánoční přáníčko a táké ti přeji:
Krásné prožití Vánočních svátků,
hodně zdraví,štěstí a mnoho ůspěchů v překládání a v célém Novém roce 2008.

Kellemes karacsonyi unnepeket!

25 prosinec 2007 16:46  

Počet příspěvků: 2747
Happy Christmas to you too Cisa

And a wonderful new year to come


10 leden 2008 19:03  

Sweet Dreams
Počet příspěvků: 2202
Thank you very much Cisa! I'll see the video.


Sweet Dreams

13 leden 2008 19:54  

Počet příspěvků: 2247
Oi Ciça!
I just saw your blog, it's very, very good! Nice
I'll take some time to see the videos and try to learn a small bit of your language.
You are so creative!


26 leden 2008 00:49  

Počet příspěvků: 1671
Hi Cisa,
You know, I took a look at their registration form here, and I didn't see any option to either receive or not receive their newsletter, for you to check or not. Maybe they just have an automatic system, where you get their newsletter whether you want it or not...
But you know, "Netiquette" for sites like that would dictate that they should always give you the option to "unsubscribe to messages/newsletters like this one" if you click at the bottom of the message/newsletter they send you (even if you can't read the characters, there would probably be a link for that at the very bottom of the newsletter?).
You know the way always gives you the option to "unsubscribe to messages like this one" when you get an e-mail notification from them? That's usual Netiquette protocol, so I bet 楽天 does it too...? Hmmm...
I guess the only way I could find out for you would be to register myself, wait for a newsletter to come to me, and then look for the way to unsubscribe...
How about this idea: go into the Rakuten site, look around for your personal account settings, and see if you can change your preferences for receiving newsletters. Or change your e-mail address to an account which can read Japanese characters? At least that should be possible: people change their e-mail addresses all the time, I can't imagine 楽天 wouldn't let you do it...
Hmmm...Here's a great opportunity for you to study more Japanese! Let me know how it goes!
Hmmm...I looked again, and this seems to be the settings for the "Mail Magazine" (what they call their newsletter). You put your username in the top box, your e-mail address in the bottom box, and then click on the 停止 (teishi, "stop" ) on the right side. That should stop them sending you any more of their "Mail Magazines"?
Let me know if it works!

26 leden 2008 00:56  

Počet příspěvků: 1671
For other newsletters and information stuff they send you (i.e. not the Mail Magazine itself), it looks like you have to go here.
You put your e-mail address in there, and then they will send you a message with the location of their "Unsubscribe Page." After that I don't know what you'll have to do, because I'm not a member of their site...
But I'm sure you will enjoy this learning opportunity too!
Anyway, good luck with that!

13 únor 2008 15:11  

Počet příspěvků: 643
Chère Cisa, j'ai vu ton blog, et je corrige les quelques petites imprécisions de ta présentation.

Cisa est une jeune fille de 18 ans qui adore apprendre différentes langues et lire. Elle aime aussi les séries policières comme Les Experts, écouter de la musique ou aller au cinéma. Elle a créé ce blog parce qu´elle s´intéresse á la traduction et pour la pratiquer.

Moi aussi j'aime beaucoup CSI, que je regarde en DVD sur mon ordinateur en version originale, afin d'améliorer mon anglais américain.

Pour en revenir à ton blog, peux-tu le configurer afin que megjegyzés soit traduit en français ?


16 únor 2008 23:18  

Počet příspěvků: 2
Wou... :o)

13 březen 2008 14:50  

Počet příspěvků: 515
Szia Cisa!
Hogy vagy?
I wish I spoke 'magyarul' but I don't...
Can u give me some tips?
If u want I can help u with Portuguese...
Hummm... how about adding me at (MSN)?

A viszontlátásra!

7 květen 2008 21:47  

casper tavernello
Počet příspěvků: 5057
I'm becoming an expert in Alphonse Mucha.

9 květen 2008 16:27  

casper tavernello
Počet příspěvků: 5057
Oh, I've never left Brazil. I'm doing this artwork based on Art Nouveau (I like it since ever) for a book with poetry and illustrations, then I've been searching for many of his drawings/paintings. I think that Mucha is one between my favourites. Maybe when I go to Europe I have a look at the museum.

15 červen 2008 15:00  

Počet příspěvků: 1014
In Belgium we do not got that kind of scholarships! Our minister just said we need to take care much more about Asia, so he will might make some promotions for it.
During my 3 years international management, I will be 6 months in Shanghai for my teaching practice, but if I can choose between 6 months or 3 years, I definetly know what to choose!

Haha, trust me, it is so hard to speak Chinese.
At YFU they said to everyone: "in 3 months you are able to have have a fluent conversation with your local friend, and for you Nathan, well.. after 3 months they will start to understand you!" =D


I didn't learn much Chinese the last 3 months because I was too busy with school, but in 1 week I got all the time of the world =)


15 červen 2008 19:34  

Počet příspěvků: 1014
Could you give me a link of that?


15 červen 2008 21:09  

Počet příspěvků: 1014
No, look.

In 40 days I am going to study in China for 1 year.
I will only study Chinese.
After that I am going to a belgian university where I will study international management, and in my third year, I will have my teaching practice in a Chinese company for 6 months.

So in 4 years I will be 1 year and 6 months in China. But, if I could choose, I would stay 4 years in China, because I am bored of Europe.


20 červen 2008 10:37  

Počet příspěvků: 8113
Hi Cisa,
could I pleease have a bridge for this one. It's been there for a while and no one seems to translate it ..

Best regards Pia

25 červen 2008 10:29  

Počet příspěvků: 1263
I see you! You are on the left!

You are like a Japanese cartoon maid. And your hairstyle, very Japanese.....

You are really cutie!

27 červen 2008 03:28  

casper tavernello
Počet příspěvků: 5057
Take a look.
My first Art Nouveau real attempt on PC:

Carbono Underground
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