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| 27 srpen 2007 17:37 |
| Nunca vi a página de usuários tão cheia! mais de 50...  |
| 27 srpen 2007 21:02 |
| Well one thing is for sure Saffah, will not be able to perform a proper chat in Swedish. At least he doesn't know what he is talking about. I read his latest translation and that only deserves to mark him with "dangerous translator". I would prefer taht he doesn't translate from Swedish.
I'm in doubt if he is the kind of translator Cucumis needs.
Maybe you should alert JP! |
| 28 srpen 2007 00:53 |
| Sinto como aquela frase seja japonês antigo um pouco,pois meu conhecimento não pode traduzir bem aquilo para português.
Se pessoa que pediu tradução dissesse donde aquela frase veio,eu ou japonês que entende melhor do que eu podia traduzir auilo. |
| 29 srpen 2007 15:20 |
| Como você tá engraçadinho hoje....
Pra quem foi sua mensagem nº 2000 ???
Queria também.... |
| 31 srpen 2007 12:15 |
| I also replied
Hoi mevrouw, it's better then Dag mevrouw, Dag means more like 'bye'
so Hoi mevrouw or Hallo mevrouw |
| 31 srpen 2007 12:39 |
| Oh I am sorry, thought 'Dag mevrow' was the translation
I thought it was a portuguese - dutch translation and not dutch - portuguese, sorry then
it's correct then
| 2 září 2007 16:06 |
| Casper, I am editing the wiki page you sent us, but I don't understand this one: "when the focus enter the translation text box"
Also, why is it that some of the messages, even about other languages, that show up on this page are in English, and some are in other languages? |
| 5 září 2007 14:41 |
| Oii por favor eu gostaria de traduzir uma frase pro Hebraico mais naum axo a pessoa certa pra mandar ! pensei em mandar pra vc msm c puder fazer contanto com alguem q saiba tradizu eu agradeço ! A frase é: O amor tudo vencerá
Obrigada ! mi responda |
| 12 září 2007 12:57 |
| Hi Caspertavernello,
I just thought I'd let you know I finished the following translation into Japanese, and ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« has checked and edited it:
Thanks for putting it into English: it would have been impossible for me if it had been only in Brazilian!
Would you like to check it too and see what you think? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you would have to make it better!
Thanks in advance for your time!
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh... |
| 12 září 2007 14:31 |
| Hi again Caspertavernello,
ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« and I have a question: in the poem, does the "sky become hazy" in the spring/summer or in the autumn/winter? There are two different words for "haze" in Japanese, and which one to use depends on the season.
You will see other questions in the notes under the translation. The ones on top are from ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« (he is fluent in Brazilian) and the ones below are from me. Can you give us confirmation of our interpretations, or corrections as necessary?
Anyway, I hope you like the Japanese version! Let me/us know what you think!
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh... |
| 13 září 2007 02:16 |
| Hello again and welcome back!
I have read and understood your letter. I'm in no rush to get the translation finished: please take your time, and let me know what your responses are to the many questions and interpretations I and ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« had, whenever your computer is up and running smoothly again!
It was indeed enjoyable to translate your poem! Poetry can be quite challenging to translate (some Russian linguists even consider it *impossible,* as you know  ) but it draws deeply on my resources of linguistic knowledge and creativity, and finally also a certain kind of musical sense of the language that I find particularly pleasurable and a source of beauty in life and thought...
Please write more poems for me to translate!
I hope all is better with your poor computer again soon!
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh...
| 16 září 2007 12:28 |
| Hello caspertavernello,
About your poem translation request:
Mikail wanted me to translate the Japanese comments he made in the notes to the translation, and send them to you. They read as follows:
"There are many subjects of verbs and nouns indicating places that are missing in the original text.
For this reason, there are some passages where I wasn't able to clearly understand the text, and therefore was not able to provide a proper translation for them."
But please also read the rest of his notes too: I think he is quite confused, and a confused translator will not be able to give you a good translation of your poem...
We're doing our best for you, so please give us a hand!
PS: When you said you "want this one done only by natives," I can only suppose you meant "Ian, don't touch this one." I must say I was a little sad to hear that, but I'll do my best to help Mikail give you the best version possible anyway...
Yours in translation,
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh... |
| 16 září 2007 14:03 |
| With reference to the above translation again:
ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« asked me to send you my English version of what he has translated so far, so you can check it, and see if it is what you want to say:
---(start poem)---
There are only a few fields left which have been sown with seeds
It really feels like I'm going to depart into another world
(The fact of) covering the road
Swollen eyelids
One cup of smoke
The singing of cicadas
I wander confusedly into the cliffs that tower far away
It really feels like I'm going to depart into another world
Light that has gone out
Road that is still incompletely built
Your house exists no longer
Now there are only small pools (lagoons)
Instead of watching playing children
Instead of watching playing children
Hey, let's look!
Sweet voices and calls that feel nice
After the storm
Opening up passages in trains, railways and tunnels without a cent
While travelling, who will come and gather where you are?
---(end poem)---
As you can see, this is a quite literal translation of the Japanese, with no attempt to be poetic!
Anyway, please let me (and/or him) know if there is anything that is very different from your intentions!  |
| 17 září 2007 14:38 |
| Hello again,
ミãƒã‚¤ãƒ« wanted me to correct one line in the English translation I did for you to check. It should not read
one cup of smoke
but rather
a lot of smoke
(in Japanese, these two are very similar, and he wrote it in the way which usually means the former!  )
FYI!  |
| 18 září 2007 14:36 |
| Hi caspertavernello,
Because you can read English too, and because it's your poem, are you satisfied with the English version here?
If so, I can validate it!  |
| 21 září 2007 01:42 |
| Hi caspertavernello,
Could I ask you to check this translation for me, and tell me if it's okay?
I don't understand the Brazilian negation system: when I think about it through French, it seems like
I'm not nothing.
I'll never be nothing.
I cannot desire to be nothing.
???, I hold in myself all the dreams of the world.
But the translator's (i.e. Wikipedia's) translation makes more sense...?
Thanks in advance for your time! |
| 24 září 2007 20:57 |
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| 24 září 2007 23:22 |
| I thought it was a bit funny... *hehe*
| 25 září 2007 11:52 |
| Olá Caspertavernello,
Queria fazer a tradução de um texto [WIKI] e questionei-me se ele fazia sentido, o que você acha que é mais experiente? Estou a falar do seguinte texto:
{Ao pedir uma tradução para o português, por favor escolha apenas aquele que demonstre ser o mais apropriado para você, a menos que você tenha certeza de que o uso em Portugal e no Brasil é diferente. Nessa hipótese, por favor dê-nos suas razões no campo de comentários. [Editar] }
Obrigado pela atenção e um beijinho para o Brasil
| 27 září 2007 20:30 |
| bonsoir,
j'ai un message urgent a traduire de norvegien en français peux tu faire ça pour moi
merci d'avance |