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Tradução - on the ground, a few rose petals ... (Inglês)

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11 Fevereiro 2009 20:56  

Número de mensagens: 3769
I prefer "a few of me" because there is nothing with "beauty".
And the word "ben=me" hasn't same meaning with "beauty"

12 Fevereiro 2009 05:53  

Número de mensagens: 7963
No - I mean "ben" = those little black marks that people sometimes get on their skin. They're called "beauty marks" in English.

12 Fevereiro 2009 13:03  

Número de mensagens: 148
It'd better be 'a few of me',good job!

12 Fevereiro 2009 17:21  

Número de mensagens: 7963
I don't think you mean "It'd better be", CursedZephyr - that sounds like if I don't change it you're going to do something bad to me (a threat). I think you mean "'a few of me' would be better".

12 Fevereiro 2009 17:21  

Número de mensagens: 7963
I think I need to ask the Turkish experts here. Which meaning of "ben" is probably meant here?

CC: p0mmes_frites canaydemir handyy serba FIGEN KIRCI ankarahastanesi smy

13 Fevereiro 2009 09:16  

Número de mensagens: 17

13 Fevereiro 2009 12:19  

Número de mensagens: 36
maybe it refers to both "ben"s so it's a word play and i'm not sure how it can be translated

13 Fevereiro 2009 15:44  

Número de mensagens: 91
Most probably "ben" here means "mole" that some people have on their skin. But we had better refer to whatandash to get a better understanding of the context.

13 Fevereiro 2009 15:56  

Número de mensagens: 655
I think ben here means me

13 Fevereiro 2009 16:46  

Número de mensagens: 6
on the ground, a few rose petals, and on top of them a few of me.

13 Fevereiro 2009 17:35  

Número de mensagens: 7963
watandash, bize bu metnin hakkında biraz anlatabilir misin? Sen mi yazdın? "bir kaç tane ben" ile ne demek istiyorsun?

13 Fevereiro 2009 17:41  

Número de mensagens: 2
yani kişi anlamında whatanadsh tan bi kactane var anlamında

13 Fevereiro 2009 17:45  

Número de mensagens: 7963

13 Fevereiro 2009 17:48  

Número de mensagens: 2
ya şahıs olarak ya

13 Fevereiro 2009 17:59  

Número de mensagens: 13
"ben" orada yüzdeki küçük noktalar olarak algılanmış. Oysa "a few of me" daha uygundu.

13 Fevereiro 2009 19:32  

Número de mensagens: 7963
Lilian, you may want to re-set the voting. It's a strange text, but the requester has clarified that he meant "me" and not "beauty marks" or "moles".

CC: lilian canale

14 Fevereiro 2009 21:58  

lilian canale
Número de mensagens: 14972
I'm sorry, but I don't fully understand what "a few of me" means...

14 Fevereiro 2009 22:14  

Número de mensagens: 7963
Neither do I, totally - it's something like "a few copies of me". Maybe we should say "a few mes".

14 Fevereiro 2009 22:17  

lilian canale
Número de mensagens: 14972
"a few pieces of me"? "a little of me"?

14 Fevereiro 2009 22:48  

Número de mensagens: 7963
It's not "a few pieces of me" or "a little of me" - that would mean that there's more of me left, but this is like several "mes".
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