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Caixa de Entrada - turkishmiss

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14 Maio 2008 13:16  

Número de mensagens: 515
I think it's better "Endurecimento da superfície tinha sido feito ('or' realizado)"
What do you think? Does it fit?
I hope I could help you!

14 Maio 2008 15:03  

Número de mensagens: 515
Ah! Come on!
I'm sure you can do a great job translating into Portuguese!
If you need some help, any help, don't hesitate to ask me. It'll always be a pleasure!

14 Maio 2008 15:42  

Número de mensagens: 643
Ta remarque me semble tout à fait juste, miss.

Merci de corriger.

16 Maio 2008 13:26  

Número de mensagens: 4611
Bonjour Turkishmiss. non, je ne connais pas du tout le turc!!J'ai donne mon avis sur la traduction anglaise qui me semblait mauvaise et
pour le reste j'ai utilisé mon "feeling" pour essayer de expliquer un peu mon ressentiment par rapport à la traduction anglaise.
vous connaissez le turc. Est-ce-que je me suis trompée beaucoup?

19 Maio 2008 22:56  

Número de mensagens: 3769

20 Maio 2008 00:18  

Número de mensagens: 1285

Hello, Turkishmiss,
It's done.

Thanks for the message. Hope this helps.



20 Maio 2008 04:00  

Número de mensagens: 102
no it does mean touch or reach. I'm trying to understand. hani, "nazar değdi", "nazar değmesin". I feel it like sin (günah) taught his beloved's body and she became "haram", yes forbidden by religion as "dirty" and that is why he is forced to leave her (ayrılık). Can we say "haram" is "something/somebody dirty that makes dirty what it/he/she touches"? and why is her body "broken like bird's wing", the song sounds very tragic if you have got the whole text. Perhaps asking our turk friends would be the best:-)

20 Maio 2008 22:01  

Número de mensagens: 9
slm kusura bakma rahatsız ettim ama ben bişe soracaktımda. bana türkçe tercümesini yazarsanız çok sevinirim ^^C l' HOMME DE MA VIE ET PERSONNE D OTREE^^ şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim

24 Maio 2008 22:52  

Número de mensagens: 1285

I have transferred you 50 points.
Thanks again for the bridge


25 Maio 2008 20:14  

Número de mensagens: 1285

Thank you, Alex (nice to know your name )

Have a nice evening!


26 Maio 2008 19:31  

Número de mensagens: 2543
hi miss, umarım yardımcı olurum

instead of 'stranger'-'savage' nasıl olur?
or only 'strangE'?
instead of 'mind'-'heart' and only 'as mine'
peÅŸinde olmak='searching for you' or 'behind you' hangisi daha uygun karar veremedim.
'explanation' is better than 'account' methinks.
('hesap ver' için daha uygun söz bulamadım)

'Isn’t other’s pillow ... to you
Doesn’t your HEART sadden AS MINE
In each world,MY SIGH(my pain) WILL SEARCHING FOR YOU.
Doesn’t your love give an EXPLANATION to me.'
but miss,
sen ingilizcedeki daha isabetli olacak kelimeleri daha iyi bilirsin,canım, bu yüzden sana daha doğru gelenleri kullan ben yanlış yönlendirmeyeyim seni...ama türkçe için istediğini sor...


31 Maio 2008 10:39  

Número de mensagens: 655
ok I have changed it

8 Junho 2008 12:51  

Número de mensagens: 9
iyi günler rahatsız ediyorum ama kusura bakmayın ben bi fransızca kelimenin anlamını öğrenmek istiyordum da yardım ederseniz çok sevinirim 'ya rien ki compte pour mo' şimdiden çok teş ederim

8 Junho 2008 19:23  

Número de mensagens: 99

i was looking at users who are online and i saw that you have a "star" but not every one has that. Is it because you have over 10000 points.


11 Junho 2008 16:05  

Número de mensagens: 1285
Hi Alex, I figured you were busy

Good luck on your exams and thank you for the congratulations !!!


no card yet?

22 Junho 2008 17:11  

Número de mensagens: 69

30 Junho 2008 11:27  

Número de mensagens: 12
Merci pour vous aide a me traduire le texte . شكرا لمساعدتك بترجمة هذا الموضوع

18 Julho 2008 12:38  

Número de mensagens: 643
Bonjour, miss.

Nous avons plusieurs traductions du turc vers le français qui attendent d'être validées. Peux-tu nous donner ton avis, s'il te plaît ?


21 Agosto 2008 15:54  

Número de mensagens: 4611
Thanks a lot Turkismiss; Points shared if validated. have a nice day.

21 Agosto 2008 16:12  

Número de mensagens: 4611
Coucou Turkishmiss; voici un pont pour toi :

"Je t'aime oguz. J'espère t'avoir dans ma vie pour toujours.Tu es tout simplement adorable."
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