| |
| 2010年 अगस्त 9日 14:22 |
| Hello Hungi_moncsi!
Can I have a bridge for evaluation, please? CC: hungi_moncsi |
| 2010年 अगस्त 24日 16:46 |
| So, maybe you can give me a bridge from Swedish version, dear Pigabriella. CC: Piagabriella |
| 2010年 अगस्त 24日 18:12 |
| "Hello! Are you ok? Hey, thereon you come home, make up 550 euros, because I want to buy thereof a piece of furniture for Cornel. Regards"
The Hungarian text correctly: "Helló! Jól vagytok? Hallod, mire jössz haza, gyűjts össze nekem 550 eurót, mert akarok Kornélnak venni belőle egy bútort. Üdv." |
| 2010年 अगस्त 24日 18:35 |
| Thank you so much, Hungi!
I'm sorry I can't understand some places.
"thereon you come home" ?
According to Polish translation it is: Can you hear me (or: Can you understand), until you come home...
And what "thereof" is for in the second line?
| 2010年 अगस्त 24日 20:00 |
| "Can you hear me, until you come home" is the correct translation.
*thereof - from that amount of money
Sorry for my bad English. |
| 2010年 अगस्त 24日 23:20 |
| Dont't worry, dear. Mine is not better.  But it is good we have possibility here to ask aditional questions when we are not sure... Thank you. I got it now.
Edyto, bardzo dobre tłumaczenie. Brakuje chyba tylko na końcu pozdrowień.  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 20:40 |
| Hej!
Nie brakuje pozdrowień bo ich nie ma w oryginalnym tekście.Pa |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 20:43 |
| Hm... Może w szwedzkim nie ma (tak właśnie podejrzewałam), ale przecież oryginalnym tekstem jest węgierski i według hungi_moncsi na końcu powinno być: "Regards" --> Pozdrawiam/ Pozdrowienia/ Z pozdrowieniami/ Z poważaniem. |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 20:48 |
| Jeżeli szwedzki tekst został zatwierdzony to jest on poprawny. Jeżeli tłumacz wykonuje tłumaczenie to może korzystać ze wszystkich dostępnych tekstów w różnych językach. Pretensje możemy mieć do tej osoby, która zatwierdziła szwedzkie tłumaczenie. pozdrowienia |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 20:54 |
| Ja nie mam do nikogo pretensji. Tylko staram się trzymać oryginału. Gdy okazuje się, że oryginał jest inny niż tłumaczenie, to chyba powinniśmy się z tym liczyć. Co za problem poprawić? Przecież nawet jeśli szwedzkie tłumaczenie zawiera błąd, to nie znaczy że polskie też musi... Od tego tu jesteśmy, aby takie błędy wychwytywać. Ja naprawdę nie widzę tu żadnego problemu. |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 21:22 |
| Hello, dear Pia!
Could you have a look at the bridge by hungi_moncsi above? I guess sth is missing in Swedish translation. "Regards" at the end. CC: pias |
| 2010年 अगस्त 26日 21:29 |
| I can see now. Justyna, who translated into Swedish, wasn't sure of some abbreviation at the end... (vide: remarks) That's it!  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 10:12 |
 piasचिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 8114 | Morning : ))
No, it was Boroka who translated the Swedish text, Aneta! Hungarian is her mother tongue and since she works as a translator... I'm pretty sure her translation is ok. She also wrote in the remark-field: "Incorrect Hungarian, but the meaning is understandable. The last word, "úd" doesn't make any sense. Might be some kind of shortening, or maybe the person just stopped writing in the middle of a word?"
I think she has captured same meaning as the first bridge given by hungi_moncsi, but she left the last word untranslated.
The Swedish translation: "Hello, are you (pl.) ok? Hey, until you (sing.) come home, gather 550 euros for me, because I want to buy a piece of furniture for Kornél"
This is a meaning only request & the ST contains mistakes (it did when Boroka translated it)... so IMO the Swedish translation is fine as it is. We could of course correct the source text acc. to Hungi's proposal... and then the Swedish one has to be corrected too. I think it is a problem when a text with errors can be interpreted in different ways...
How to do?  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 10:31 |
| Morning!
Yes, Hungi told me the text was not correct, but she gave me a bridge like above, so I thought it was the valid bridge. Well, if she is sure that we have "Regards" at the end. Why not to improve it? |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 10:44 |
 piasचिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 8114 | Yes, of course it is valid, she's the expert! So, I'll edit the source text (according to her corr. in the first message) and then change "Hey" --> "Can you hear me" + a "Regards" at the end in the Swedish version.
Is that correct?  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 10:48 |
| I have also another idea. Since it wasn't corrected in the original, we may not to translate it but only add the remark under Swedish and Polish translations:
"The last word 'úd' is not correct and probably should be 'Üdv' what means 'Regards'"
What do you think?  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 10:59 |
 piasचिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 8114 | Good idea, but when I look at the ST, versus Hungi's corrections, there are MANY misspellings/ errors. (not only that word)
Is what you mean... we keep the original as it is (no corrections) and explain only the last word in the remark field?
Sorry... I'm slooow today  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 11:09 |
| Hm, more missepelings? Really? Didn't noticed. Oh, so I think the source should be corrrected as she typed above:
The Hungarian text correctly: "Helló! Jól vagytok? Hallod, mire jössz haza, gyűjts össze nekem 550 eurót, mert akarok Kornélnak venni belőle egy bútort. Üdv."
And then Swedish and Polish translations should be corrected according to her bridge, but with some improvements:
"Hello! Are you ok? Can you hear me, until you come home, make up 550 euros, because I want to buy for this* a piece of furniture for Cornel. Regards"
* since she typed "thereof - from that amount of money"
But this is only my proposition, dear Pia.  |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 11:24 |
 piasचिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 8114 | Sounds like a good proposition! Only 1 Q... that "Can you hear me" Shall it be a questionmark after? Or is it more like "Listen... until you come home" |
| 2010年 अगस्त 27日 11:31 |
| Hm, I think we should ask hungi. She accepted my "Can you hear me" what was translation of Edyta's "Słyszysz". If it was "Listen", in Polish should be "Posłuchaj". And it would sound much better to me indeed, because "Can you hear me" is a question, what doesn't really match the rest of the sentence.