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Inbox - Aneta B.Results 181 - 189 of about 189 | | | 20 January 2013 17:59 | | Oh  A czy nie moglabyś mi chociaż po krótce go przetłumaczyć? Już nie przez ten portal, ale prywatnie? np do jutra do południa? Mogłabym Ci zapłacić za tłumaczenie...naprawdę to bardzo ważne dla mnie, a nikogo innego nie znam, aby mi pomogł. | | 12 August 2013 12:00 | | hej bardzo bym prosiła o tłumaczenie tego zdania:infinita aestimatio est libertatis et necessitudinis.Każdy inaczej to tłumaczy i już nie wiem jaki jest prawdziwy sens tego przysłowia/cytatu.pozdrawiam. | | 20 October 2013 14:11 | | Hello
Thanks for your previous help on that text!
I need for three more, when you have time. They aren't big. Thank you again!
I think they were submitted by the same user. | | 17 November 2013 16:24 | | OK. Thank you, Aneta!  | | 12 July 2014 19:36 | | Forum - [อ่านข้อความ / ตอบ] - lenehc About one year ago 2 of our members took care of it, Pia and Aneet.
So today I would like to wish a very happy birthday to our dear Aneta.
Happy birthday my friend and cucu-daughter. CC: Aneta B. | | 21 July 2014 23:44 | | How could we forget you, dear.???
Enjoy your holidays.
| | 18 November 2014 18:01 | | | | 13 January 2015 00:35 | | Wspaniałe tłumaczenie !
phymor | | 2 February 2019 01:00 | | Hello, Aneta!
Do you mind giving me an English bridge for this translation ?
I suspect it's wrong!
this one and this too
Maybe the users have already forgotten his/her translation requests, but we can't leave it here "per saecula saeculorum"
Dziekuje!!! |
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