| |
| 3 Tháng 9 2008 21:36 |
| å‘µå‘µï¼Œè°¢è°¢å¤¸å¥–ã€‚è¿™è¯—ä½ å“ªé‡Œçœ‹æ¥çš„?很有æ„æ€å•Šã€‚ä¸è¿‡ï¼Œç¿»æˆè‹±è¯å·²ç»æ˜¯æˆ‘çš„æžé™ï¼Œè¿™ä¹ˆé•¿ä¸€ç¯‡ä»¥æˆ‘的法è¯æ°´å¹³æˆ‘会崩溃。所以,å¦è¯·é«˜æ˜Žå§ï¼Œåæ£è‹±è¯çš„我给大家翻好了,到时åªéœ€ç…§ç€è‹±è¯ç¿»å°±æ˜¯äº†ã€‚ç¥ä½ 好è¿ï¼ |
| 4 Tháng 9 2008 17:30 |
| çœŸçš„å•Šï¼Ÿé‚£ä½ å¤ªæœ‰æ‰äº†ï¼ä½©æœä½©æœã€‚ |
| 11 Tháng 9 2008 05:12 |
| Bonjour Pluiepoco!
Abderasmus,nouvel adhérent à Cucumis et surtout
"papa" de deux Collégiennes qui ont l'intention
de devenir Traductrices!Voilà : Il y a quelques
minutes j'ai posé une question à une de vos compatriote relative: à la différence entre le
chinois traditionnel et le chinois simplifié,mais malheureusement elle n'a pas pu me répondre.
Pourriez-vous briévement m'expliquer cette différence?
Merci d'avance! |
| 11 Tháng 9 2008 15:21 |
| Hello!
Merci beaucoup pour vos gentilles explications
à présent tout est clair pour moi!
à l'allure ou vont ou vont les choses je crois que
je vais m'intéresser à la langue Chinoise!
| 25 Tháng 9 2008 14:06 |
 piasTổng số bài gửi: 8114 | Hi pluiepoco
No, I have never heard of "berberber". What is it? I did a search and found this, is that what you mean.. That yellow smiley is something I borrowed somewhere on the net. |
| 26 Tháng 11 2008 16:48 |
| I need some translation of gambling information (20 pages) to Chinese! I can provide bulgarian and english version! Is it available and how much would it cost me per page! |
| 23 Tháng 11 2009 04:18 |
| ä½ å¥½ï¼Œè¯·é—®èƒ½å¸®åŠ©æˆ‘æ±‰è¯‘è‹±å—?
爱盲è¯éŸ³ç´¢å¼•AUDIO INDEX FOR BLIND(AIF  计划倡议书
“勿以善å°è€Œä¸ä¸ºâ€-å”夫å 公元å‰551å¹´
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| 11 Tháng 4 2010 02:33 |
| Hi pluiepoco!
You are welcome.
Aigiida is not considered to be a myth. Most of the evidence is of geological nature. Aegean sea has much less depth in relation to the Ionian. Animal fossils found on the islands show that a much larger land area must have existed providing the vast amounts of food (vegetation) that those animals needed (Aegean islands are small islands) . Finally, if you just draw a picture of the islands' map in your mind you will see how much they look like peaks of mountains distributed in a wider region and now submerged under the sea. I'm sure there are lots of other interesting things, but unfortunately these are the limits of my knowledge regarding Aigiida. |
| 11 Tháng 4 2010 15:49 |
| Thank you, pluiepoco
I'm glad to be friends with you too. |
| 20 Tháng 7 2010 07:36 |
| |
| 26 Tháng 7 2010 21:13 |
| pluiepoco, do you speak Greek? |
| 27 Tháng 7 2010 14:25 |
| ayasofya(hagia sophia) museum
it was built as a church then converted to a mosque and now it is a museum in istanbul. |
| 18 Tháng 10 2010 04:15 |
| Pluiepoco-sama,nice to meet you.
Excuse me for sending message suddenly.
Could you translate this message into your language,chinese(Mandarin)? You are an expert,so i trust your translation skill.
http://www.cucumis.org/translation_6_t/view-the-translation_v_268875.html |
| 8 Tháng 3 2011 19:49 |
| Hi pluiepoco!
1) So, in Latin, we have to divide the words Latium and Byzantium in this way:
This happens because the two vowels i+u aren't a diphthong (when two adjacent vowel sounds occur within the same syllable). The most common Latin diphthongs are a+e, a+u, e+u, e+i, o+e, u+i.
See here about Latin diphthongs: http://www.wheelockslatin.com/chapters/introduction/introduction_diphthongs.html.
2) Latin is not the genitive of Latium. The genitive of Latium (nominative, neuter, 2nd declension) is Latii (with two i). "Latin" is the English translation for "Latinus, a, um" which is an adjective meaning "concerning Latium", so "Latin". I don't know if this could be useful to you, but "Latin" as a language is "Lingua Latina".
So the syllabic division of Latium depends on ponethic laws, it isn't influenced by the case genitive or nominative.
Here you can fine other pieces of information: http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/latinlanguage/qt/LatinSyllables.htm.
Please, ask me other questions if you have doubts.
| 22 Tháng 3 2011 08:23 |
| Sorry, pluiepoco, if I didn't answer as soon as I read your message. But, please, ask me everything you want about Greek and Eastern Empire: I'll try to help you the best I can.
I promise I'll be in touch to help you with you mission.
| 22 Tháng 3 2011 08:28 |
 Freya Tổng số bài gửi: 1910 | Hi pluie!
Audrey Hepburn, yes, there were some other people in the past who said I looked like her. Well, not as much as 99% though.  Anyway, thanks!
So, now about Romania and Roma subject. It's always been this name controverse, but Romania is Romania and Roma people are Roma people, nomads, that can be found in other countries as well. They come from South-Eastern Asia, different culture, different way of life, different everything. Oh, and of course, they speak the language of the country they live in and their own language, which is not a Latin language. Normally, no Romanian speaks their language.
Romania got its name from the Roman people. Everyone knows the native tribes which lived before Christ on the nowadays Romanian ground, the Dacian people, pagans, they were conquered by the Romans and in short time they adopted the Roman habits and language, they became Christians short after also.
Interesting text to read about Dacians and Romans.
Then many invading people came: Slavic, Ottoman-Turks, hmm, the Huns and other, and they left their influence too on the Romanian people. This is why now Romanian language is a little different than the other Latin languages, not much, but still. As country, Romania is close to the Balkans and the ex - Soviet Union. I once found an interesting article on the internet which had different Romanian words, separated on two sides: on the right there were words with Latin origins and on the left synonims for the same words but with Slavic origins. So you can say that Romanian can be a two-sided language: you can say the same things using Latin origin words or Slavic origin words. The Latin ones are usually more formal, and the Slavic appear generally in the common, daily vocabulary. It was an interesting situation.
I think I will stop here, for now. If you have other questions, I will answer them some other time.
I don't know what to say about Russian and Ancient Greek. I don't know much about these language's history, unfortunately.
Bye bye!
| 22 Tháng 3 2011 11:46 |
 Freya Tổng số bài gửi: 1910 | I've found online a Romanian vocabulary structure. Here it is:
Romance elements: 71,66 %, from which:
-30,33% inherited from Latin;
-22,12% from French;
-15,26% specialized Latin;
-3,95% from Italian.
Internal word formations: 3,91% (most of them based on Latin etymons)
Slavic elements: 14,17%, from which:
-9,18% old Slavonic;
-2,6% Bulgarian;
-1,12% Russian;
-0,85% Serbian and Croatian;
-0,23% Ukrainean;
-0,19% Polish.
German: 2,47%
Modern Greek: 1,7%
Old Dacian words: 0,96%
Hungarian: 1,43%
Turkish: 0,73%
English: 0,07% This one is going up!
Onomatopaea: 0,19%
Unknown origin: 2,71%
Quite a hell of a language! LOL!
| 22 Tháng 3 2011 18:35 |
| Hi pluie!
I've got some doubts about your Greek text: where did you find it? Would you mind check your source for mistake? Or would you mind send me a copy of it?
The first line, for example, is quite a mystery (Από τις δημοσιονομικÎÏ‚ μεταÏÏυθμίσεις του Αναστασίου) because it isn't correct in Ancient Greek.
| 22 Tháng 3 2011 19:06 |
| Here is a possible edit:
Από της δημοσιονομικης μεταÏÏυθμίσης (?) του Αναστασίου, σπουδαιοτÎÏη υπήÏξε η καταÏγήση του φόÏου του «χÏυσαÏγÏÏου», που ανακοÏφισε κυÏίως τον αστικόν πληθυσμόν. ΠαÏάλληλα όμως επÎβαλε νÎους φόÏους, όπως την «χÏυσοτÎλειαν των ιοÏγων» (φόÏον αÏοτÏιών των ζώων) και την «συνωνήν», την υποχÏεωτικήν δηλαδή παÏαδόσην αγÏοτικών Ï€Ïοϊόντων γιά της ανάγκης του στÏατου.
Check your source as soon as possible. I've got great news for you!  |
| 25 Tháng 3 2011 13:58 |
| Dear pluiepoco!
I can see you have many questions to many our experts…
Well, I’d like to help you, but I doubt I am the right person, who could answer your questions. Firstly I don’t know Greek language, but Ancient Greek. Believe me, it makes a difference… Moreover, actually, my Ancient Greek is in danger of disappearing (ha,ha), because I no longer keep in touch with it.
About the mosaic in the Ravenna temple. I have seen it for the first time and believe me, I have no better eyes than you  , so I can’t tell you what the young Justynianus II is keeping in his arms in the mosaic. I am even not sure if it is really Justynianus – the son of the Byzantine emperor Constantinus IV. But I believe you if you claim it.
You know I am not an art historian, but a latinist. Of course I studied elements of ancient art too, and even the topic of my master thesis was the image of the good shepherd as a theme of ancient and early Christian art. So I could tell you a bit more about another Ravenna mosaics such as:
mosaic 1
mosaic 2
But this one, you was asking for, I have seen for the first time and I wouldn’t like to guess trying to answer you.
I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.
Good luck with your further research.
Best regards