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Входящи - guilon

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23 Февруари 2007 19:34  

Sara Tomás
Общо мнения: 1
eu nao falo basco. eu enganei-me a fazer o meu perfil.
so sei espanhol, catalao, portugues, ingles e frances.

26 Февруари 2007 15:26  

Общо мнения: 5
Onde estou errando?

26 Февруари 2007 16:03  

Общо мнения: 5
Agradeço a atenção
Então não é: "o você está falando sobre...", mas sim: "do que você está falando, Espanhol bastardo?"

23 Март 2007 20:13  

Общо мнения: 1180
Esta traducción es demasiado literal...

Por un lado, la frase "running over the same old ground" es parte de una canción; pero, además, en esta frase "ground" no es terreno ni suelo, sino "tema" o algo así (matter, subject). Por ejemplo, en inglés se puede decir:

"we keep going over the same groung" (lit. seguimos en el mismo terreno, fig. no hacemos más que volver sobre lo mismo).

Por favor, preguntale a alguno de los evaluadores que sepan bien inglés. Gracias.

26 Март 2007 23:53  

Общо мнения: 1
mi avevno tradotto la frase "oggi mi sono laureato" anche così:

se gradùan hoy a mì

che ne dici?

27 Март 2007 11:54  

Общо мнения: 1180
guilon, ¿nadie sabe polaco? Podrías revisar esta traducción, parece que hubieran pegado otra poesía y para colmo esta evaluada como correcta.

12 Април 2007 12:05  

Общо мнения: 4
ke tal?

18 Юни 2007 21:44  

Общо мнения: 2132
Bonsoir Guillon,
Je te remercie beaucoup pour ton aide ici :
et puisque c'est grâce à toi que ma traduction va être validée que dirais tu d'en partager les points avec moi?
Je pense que je vais passer beaucoup de temps à lire tes traductions afin d'amèliorer mon portugais, j'en ai grand besoin, encore une fois merci.
à bientôt,

18 Юли 2007 21:48  

Общо мнения: 1014

could you look at this if this is correct?
I don't know how good I am at spanish or not

18 Юли 2007 22:30  

Общо мнения: 1014
thanks for accepting!
want to watch this?

don't know the 2 last words!


20 Юли 2007 05:54  

Общо мнения: 1014
it would be fair, but if they ask for it!
I could consider..
but Francky said I could do it, it was not a problem..
but the ones are not allowed to reply this, which I understand!


31 Юли 2007 19:48  

Общо мнения: 1
hola tb soy d España

2 Август 2007 11:50  

Общо мнения: 45
Hello Guilon,

I was wondering what you would put instead of "ordre voucher" in this translation. Goncin proposes " loan form",
what do you think about it ?

Thank you in advance,

8 Август 2007 20:11  

Общо мнения: 1
solamente queria agradecerte por que acabas de solucionarme un gran problema...muchisimas gracias de verdad...y feliucitaciones!!!
sos un verdadero experto

15 Август 2007 16:16  

Общо мнения: 6
please this is "voala" translations.

thanks guilon.

24 Август 2007 02:36  

Общо мнения: 1263
But guilon, who is in your avatar, is it Cervantes? or Shakespire?

24 Август 2007 03:09  

Общо мнения: 1263
Here it is:

your avatar

26 Август 2007 14:49  

Общо мнения: 5
più probabile
ho corretto la traduzione, grazie

27 Август 2007 22:46  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
I think I can say (in Porfyhr's and my name)
thank you, Guilon

27 Август 2007 23:13  

Общо мнения: 793
Dear Guilon,

I have read the translations made by Saffah. They are not even acceptable, I'll ask JP to atleast block him from translate anything that has a connection to Swedish.

His Swedish translation is so ridiculous that I think he offends the requester as well as the Swedish language.

In order to show it I have bridged some texts for you to deliver the correct translation and maybe make him understand why I'll ask JP for blocking further translations into/from Swedish.

Please let me know your opinion as well.
(I wolud like to ask you for priority...)
Most grateful!
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