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11 Март 2007 00:47  

Общо мнения: 7963
Hi jp

Can we do something about all these names that people want translated from Brazilian Portuguese into other languages? When I went to see how many translations needed evaluating today, there were 46 - and about 20 of them were names!

12 Март 2007 12:15  

Общо мнения: 9
Vc esta de parabéns, hoje é a primeira vez que vejo seu site e ja gostei, independente de vcs traduzirem o que pedi, ou nao, eu tambem vou estar disponivel para ajudar no que puder.
Sua ideia é otima e tambem acredito que podemos nos ajudar atraves da rede.

12 Март 2007 19:46  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
I think this one was made with an automatic translator.

15 Март 2007 00:12  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
I am webdesigner and I realize how hard is making this hole site work and grow bigger by yourself.If you think I am able to help with something you can contact me.

15 Март 2007 19:16  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
The animations on these:
and others now offline.
I made them but my brother (octagono sistemas) put them in.I try to do them a better way but the customers wanted their way.I am much more criative then that.
PHP and Java are my next objectives on learning.I got skills on Flash and html.Hope I can help you (us all)in the future.

16 Март 2007 04:55  

Общо мнения: 235
Hi, in the event that there are no experts for a language (for example Malay), then what happens?

16 Март 2007 06:31  

Общо мнения: 235
Unfortunately, I have a proficiency level of about a 2-year-old. Do look out for active users who indicate that they live in Malaysia, they speak it every day.

16 Март 2007 17:49  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057

18 Март 2007 21:30  

Общо мнения: 1268
Pourrais-tu effacer ce text, stp? Irini a envoyé un message à propos...


Et aussi pourrais-tu effacer ce text? Il y a quelque message...

Un autre text un peu "compliqué"...

Un autre

voilà... Pardon pour toutes ces segnalations...

Un autre... Aussi frajofu a envoyé un message...

Ce text est "double"

Un text "russe"

Regarde ici

19 Март 2007 12:25  

Una Smith
Общо мнения: 429
Thank you for the points!

20 Март 2007 18:30  

Общо мнения: 7963
Hi jp

Please see my note under this translation.

21 Март 2007 04:14  

Общо мнения: 7963
This one is posted backwards - the languages are switched.

21 Март 2007 08:09  

Общо мнения: 1180
There were many objetors to my translations, or what? All my latin translations are fine. Please, there must be an explanation for this.

21 Март 2007 13:43  

Общо мнения: 1180
Thanks a lot!

26 Март 2007 20:18  

Общо мнения: 2102
Jp, hi. Sorry for responding so late, I have been sick for a few days. There is true, I have written to that one (ionutz_blondu00) a few messages explaining to him that he has to correct his textes and if not, he will have the account deactivated (the rule with three textes...). I have deleted his target languages, he reintroduced them, several times, with the same misspelled text. If I think also about ignoring the warningmessages, I believe I have nothing more to say about. It is your call, but if you ask me, I would been deleted his account long time ago.
Thanks anyway for the help, whatever is your decision.

27 Март 2007 20:04  

Общо мнения: 1268
Salut jp, est-ce que tu pourrais regarder les remarques de irini et pirulito ici? (Agapimena Principissa, kano poli kallá, den gnorissa...)

Et aussi la remarque de Borges ici? (nabor de seuvo si mas peletanto gacodo)

Cette traduction (Kata Ton Aaimona Eaytoy)est la même de cela (ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΔΑΙΜΟΝΑ ΕΑΥΤΟΥ)

Désolé, il y en a une autre "doublée"... (lachon mojego "black bro" tak ?? elo)

"This is absolutely not polish language" (Tu esi grazi ir myliu tave!!!!)

Idem (droga nani milã ... tego iyeza Tobie e...)

Cela est une traduction un peu difficile à faire... (chcesz akus looknac)

Et aussi cela... (korba ma luzy)

1 Април 2007 16:33  

Общо мнения: 972
In this text do you mean changing the target language, not adding one more, do you?
If so, it is not clear enough. I would say "change the target language".

2 Април 2007 19:32  

Общо мнения: 1655
Ciao JP, when I receive the mail with notification of new message, this is the text...

Hai ricevuto un nuovo messaggio su

I guess you can find the mistake in it, if you'd like to fix it, you can do it

4 Април 2007 09:25  

Общо мнения: 2102
Hi, jp. Sorry to bother you, but I have a problem. Rearding this translation:|||||11||||.html I can not validate it, because it is actually nor correct. That name does not exist in Romanina, so, validating it would be something actually false. I don't know what to do.

On the other hand, I wanted to wish you Happy Eastern and all of the best.

4 Април 2007 21:03  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
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