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Входящи - iepurica

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22 Октомври 2007 13:36  

Общо мнения: 8114
Hi lepurica, I post this in your 'inbox'...maybe
the forum for cards is not 'the right' to talk about dogs ...I dont know.. (I seem to talk at 'wrong' things in wrong 'forums...all the time )but...about dogs
that is really tough, to loose them... It is stupid that their lifetime seem to bee so short , TO SHORT compare to , but the joy to get to know them is anyway great. I can imagine how tough it must has been to loose a dog...that young .

22 Октомври 2007 14:16  

Общо мнения: 8114
Yes, why not That is a good idea!

Anyway...I dont mind other people see what I am writting, Its no big secrets I guess (he,he)
I guess everyone sometimes seem to be a little bit more personal...and that is fun...I think.

Anyway lepurica...I wrote you and ALL(20!!)other people on the 'postcard list' a postcard this weekend...uh...I really got cramp in my arm.
(I seldom do handwriting, that is probably why)

see ya!

22 Октомври 2007 16:17  

Общо мнения: 8114
I might be a bit persistent today ...
But, as we talked about dogs (animals)
you might find this a bit fun ? vs Monday.wmv

23 Октомври 2007 20:00  

Общо мнения: 1
kannst du mir einen gefallen tuen bitte

was heisst auf römnisch

hallo mein schatz
wollte dir alles gute zum geburtstag wünschen...
ich muss nur an dich denken du gehst mir nicht mehr aus dem kopf .ich werde auf dich warten...
ich liebe dich schreib bitte zurück verena

24 Октомври 2007 12:30  

Общо мнения: 5
Salut salut
Am invatat la Universitatea cat am put si eu...
De atunci au mai trecut cativa ani, asa ca am venit aice, ca sa nu uit limba. Si as vrea sa ti spun ca de pacat esti singura romanca care a vorbit asa rau cu mine vreodata...
Imi pare foarte rau..
Si de info.... am coretctat-o imediat dupa ce mi ai scris asa....frumos...

24 Октомври 2007 16:11  

Общо мнения: 5
Buna, Buna!
Vad ca te ai mai inervat cu mine, dar nu mai
Daca vrei poti sa refuzi toate mele traduceri, nu conteaza.
Ce conteaza este ca am mai scris si eu la limba romana. ti am mai spus, ca nu am mai scris de cand am terminat facultatea in Romania, din pacate am ramas cu placute amintiri, dar stii, vad ca in toate tari sunt oameni si oameni.

Dar cel mai mult ma bucur, ca in cund de cand mai am posta de tine.... ca sa nu uit de loc Romana.

Hasta luego


24 Октомври 2007 19:27  

Общо мнения: 1014
Could you please translate this into english?
this has to be translated into dutch

25 iunie, aşa că sînt în continuare în vacanţă Nu mi-a vorbit nimeni de la club despre o asemenea variantă.oricum, eu am spus deja că am luat hotărîrea de a nu mai juca la Steaua. Am explicat şi motivele, iar acum aştept să văd ce se întîmplă în discuţiile de transfer la FC Bruges.dar ar fi bine pentru toată lumea să se ajungă la o înţelegere.În discuţiile cu Bruges nu mi s-a spus nimic despre această condiţie, aşa că sînt încrezător că negocierile se vor finaliza pînă la urmă cu succes

I understand that it's the 25th June, she/he went to Belgium for holiday and watched FC Bruges!

I donate you half of points afterwards!

Btw: long time ago, how are you?


25 Октомври 2007 11:17  

Общо мнения: 1014

you ignore me!!

25 Октомври 2007 12:29  

Общо мнения: 1014
But I asked! how you were!

25 Октомври 2007 14:42  

Общо мнения: 1014
I don't know what happened..
it just happened, I woke up with it!

I have had it 1 year ago, but that happened because I fell (quite hard.. oké, I almost broke my neck there) with snowboardig!

25 Октомври 2007 18:19  

Общо мнения: 2
Cook died on 14 february 1779 and like the great sixteen century explorer,Magellan,he was killed by Polynesian natives.Cook's third and last voyage had raken him to the norther Pacific.

25 Октомври 2007 19:37  

Общо мнения: 1014
Hmm! what translation?

and a nerve infection in my spine or something!


26 Октомври 2007 10:12  

Общо мнения: 1014
I was never upset about you!
and yes, I know I have sent that text, asking if you could translate it into english

although, did you translate it yet?
because I cannot find the english version of it


26 Октомври 2007 10:40  

Общо мнения: 1335
never mind

26 Октомври 2007 10:56  

Общо мнения: 1014
I haven't seen that you have made the translation!
why would I be upset about you? ^^
you are nice against me so, no reasons to be upset!


28 Октомври 2007 17:45  

Общо мнения: 1014
Hey Iepurica,
do you got msn?


28 Октомври 2007 19:51  

Общо мнения: 1014
Oh ok!

Thanks a lot!


29 Октомври 2007 22:45  

Общо мнения: 7963
Hi little rabbit

I've never heard of this term before - can you send me the link?

31 Октомври 2007 17:37  

Общо мнения: 7
multumesc si imi cer scuze

31 Октомври 2007 21:08  

Общо мнения: 3785
It's done, now you are iepurica and not Lepurica anymore
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