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21 Август 2007 19:45  

Общо мнения: 464
Iemand van mijn leeftijd en dan nog wel uit België; nooit gedacht dat ik hier zo iemand zo zien!
Zo te zien ook al veel verworpen vertalingen gehad en ze goed verdedigd - ja hier vinden ze je hele vertaling zever als er een klein woordje verkeerd is.
*zucht* In ieder geval, laat eens een keer iets weten, altijd leuk om iemand te kennen die in het Ests kan vertalen!


21 Август 2007 20:58  

Общо мнения: 464
Haha, wat denk je hier dan van, bij het vertalen van een Engelse tekst naar het Nederlands neem ik per ongeluk "and" terug over, had de tekst nagelezen, maar zo'n klein woord daar lees je natuurlijk over.
Boem, hele tekst afgewezen omdat de expert geen tijd had (te lui was) om dat te verbeteren, en wanneer ik dan begin te klagen, krijg je iets van "extreem zware vertaalfout" en "experten zouden niet hoeven te verbeteren".

Tja, soms vergeten ze dat we ook maar mensen zijn.

Nog een vraagje, hoe kom je eigenlijk op deze site terecht? Vind het geen toeval dat er amper twee weken tussen onze inschrijvingen zitten :P

21 Август 2007 21:16  

Общо мнения: 2747
Ni Hao!
Hello there,
First of all, I want to thank you for the great opportunity you are giving me by letting me stay a year with your family!
Let me introduce myself:
My name is Nathan De Bruyne, I am 16 years old, and my birthday is on the 5th of November.
I have two brothers and a sister; their names are Killian, Kellen & Skralan…
Skralan, my sister, is the youngest and she’s 13 years old. (Her birthday is on the same day as my mum’s)
Killian is 19 and Kellen is 15.
My mum’s name is Christel Baisier and she works as a nursery teacher.
My father’s name is Hendrik De Bruyne and he’s a worker at ‘Pluma’. It’s a big company that makes cured meat.
I’ve also got a few hobbies, Computer, Football, Snowboarding and Hanging out with my friends.
I often go on the computer to chat with my friends, and sometimes I play games on it.
I also like playing football, I live near a football ground so, during the holidays, you can often find me there!
Snowboarding is also one of my hobbies. I just love snowboarding.
I’ve been snowboarding for four years, and every year I go to France to snowboard for a week and once every few months I go to an indoor slope to practise and just enjoy myself!
I am a sociable boy, so I love to hang out with my friends! Every Friday I go to a public square where I meet my friends, and make new ones!

If I have to define myself in 3 words, then it would be:
Sociable, Humouristic and Curious.
Sociable: I love talking and making new friends. One big advantage is speaking so many languages! The more languages you can speak, the more people you can talk with! At the moment I’m studying 5 languages at school and I speak Estonian/Lithuanian.
Humoristic: Don’t ask me to tell any jokes, because I am not good at it! But just by being myself, I know how to make people laugh.
Curious: I am someone who wants to know what is happening in the World, and what has happened in the past!
I watch the news every day, and I try to read the newspaper as often as possible!
I also like History.

Maybe you want to know why I chose China to study?
Well, I already knew for a long time I wanted to go to a foreign country for a year, after I’ve graduated.
I always wanted to hike in Australia, until my English teacher told me you could redo your senior year in a foreign country. Ever since then I’ve wanted to go to China!
Since the age of 10, my dream has been to study Chinese at university!
I said I would study ‘sinology’ at university.
The school subjects I like are History, Languages, Economics and Geography and I am also very interested in foreign cultures.
So Sinology would be a good choice.
And a year China would give me a good basis of Chinese language and culture!

That ‘s more or less all there is about me,
Here are some photos of my family
Picture 1: Me and my mum in Tenerife!
During the summer holidays went to Tenerife with my family.

Picture 2: Another one with me and my family, without my eldest brother
He didn’t go on holiday with us, because he had to study for his exams!

Picture 3: Me and my little brother and sister!

Picture 4: Same!

Picture 5: Me, sweet 16,
This is I in red, to the left of me you’ve got Vincent, and to the right of me you’ve got Michiel.
Those are two of my best friends. This picture was taken on my 16th birthday.

Let me know if its all ok

For getting it translated into chinese I could give you some points if you like/need.


22 Август 2007 05:16  

Общо мнения: 464
Jaaaaa dat dacht ik al, exacht hetzelfde, zo'n tekst in Panache over Web 2.0!! Dat moest gewoon dat zijn ^^ Tja ik ben ook graag bezig met (ver)talen, en ondanks sommige experts die graag pietje precies uithangen, vind ik het nog best een leuk initiatief!
Ja, als je al die baltische talen wel inbeelden dat je wat te doen hebt. *jaloers*
Het beste nog!

31 Август 2007 12:31  

casper tavernello
Общо мнения: 5057
It's because you voted that the 'portuguese' translation was wrong. But it's the dutch one that's badly formed. You could have warned the dutch experts then, ok?
See you.

1 Септември 2007 05:39  

Общо мнения: 42
hm.. I don't think so, I think Korean is easier in some point.

How many?

First sound : ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ (19)

Second Sound : ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ (21)

End sound : ㄱ ㄲ ㄳ ㄴ ㄵ ㄶ ㄷ ㄹ ㄺ ㄻ ㄼ ㄽ ㄾ ㄿ ㅀ ㅁ ㅂ ㅄ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ 無 (2

so we mix these 3, so..
19*21*28 = 1,172

1 Септември 2007 15:54  

Общо мнения: 42
hehe, take it easy.

but for me Chiness was tooooooooooo difficult.
they have 4 sounds, even with same character. It made me made. I will pray for you friend.


2 Септември 2007 20:58  

Общо мнения: 165
Ooh, ben si, j'aime bien le neerlandais
Ik heb het veel studeert als ik jonger was, maar dan heb ik het bijna niet meer gesproken! Als ik texten in het nederlands lees, kan ik ze begrijpen, maar ik heb heel veel moelijkheden, om het te spreken.
Ca, c'etait sans doute la plus longue phrase en neerlandais que j'ai ecrite depuis 10 ans, c'est te dire! Et je suis sur qu'elle est plein de fautes! Hehe

2 Септември 2007 21:08  

Общо мнения: 2102
No Nathan, I am just a Romanian who moved 5 years ago in Faroe Islands. They speak Faroese and Danish here, ocasionally English. You were cute! Romanian is spoken only in Romania and Republic of Moldavia. And in small areas in Hungaria, Ukraina and Bulgaria, which were part of Romania once.

PS. The Faroese expert happens to be my husband and he just did some small translations in Romanian, which were correct, by the way, that's why I gave him high marks. Otherwise.... I wished I could speak my own language here....

2 Септември 2007 21:04  

Общо мнения: 2747
Hi Tristangun

Yes please

I will go and resubmit a request. There may be Belgian doctors that can find this protocol for us


2 Септември 2007 21:41  

Общо мнения: 2747
Hi Tristangun,

**** is the name of the person for whom the contact has been found. Its just to keep it anonymous.

The "contact" is meant in the sense of having the name and adresss of the oncologist.


2 Септември 2007 21:47  

Общо мнения: 1549
manantial = spring,
sabiduría = wisdom

3 Септември 2007 06:19  

Общо мнения: 878
haha, ik weet niet waarom maar ik geef meestal een 7 voor vertalingen.. misschien moet ik daar eens iets aan gaan doen !

3 Септември 2007 11:00  

Общо мнения: 2247
Now you can see the slide at MEMBERS!

Hugs Nathan...

3 Септември 2007 14:18  

Общо мнения: 165
Hello Nathan Bedankt voor je correcties Mijn grootste "probleem" is dat ik na school Duits aan de universiteit gestudeerd heb, en dus meermals denk ik aan duitse woorden als ik probeer, Nederlands te spreken :P
En tout cas, l'estonien, le neerlandais, le francais... tu en connais des langues!

3 Септември 2007 14:27  

Общо мнения: 165

4 Септември 2007 06:19  

Общо мнения: 878

Zou je er op willen letten dat je hoofdletters enzo gebruikt in je vertalingen? Nu moet ik dat allemaal veranderen namelijk...


5 Септември 2007 13:29  

Общо мнения: 7963
No, I don't speak Latvian - why do you ask?

5 Септември 2007 13:56  

Общо мнения: 793
Hi Tristangun,
could you bridge me this one, it doesn't have to be perfect, I know a bit german too, but if you please help me, I'll donate half the points!



9 Септември 2007 11:26  

Общо мнения: 1549
It must be a mistake for "esperando". No doubt.
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