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| 5 Junho 2008 19:19 |
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| 6 Junho 2008 18:30 |
| Hola, soy Edurne, he traducido un texto del sueco al español y querÃa saber cual es el motivo de que la hayas rechazado, para poder ir corrigiendo mis errores.
Muchas gracias! |
| 7 Junho 2008 17:48 |
| Tack för översättningen väldigt tacksam ! |
| 11 Junho 2008 23:11 |
| Thank you lilian!
next time i'll notify! |
| 12 Junho 2008 22:54 |
| Hola Lilian:
Tú que eres brasileña, ¿puedes decirme si está correcta ésta traducción que hice?
Muchas gracias
P.S. En inglés serÃa: "Portugal winns the European Football Championship" |
| 12 Junho 2008 23:55 |
 jollyoNúmero de Mensagens: 330 | another question:
which is it:
because they burn
because they burned (which seems very unlikely in this sentence...)
because they have burned
jollyo |
| 13 Junho 2008 22:49 |
| test test test  |
| 14 Junho 2008 09:11 |
Cada uma. |
| 14 Junho 2008 19:36 |
| Hi Lilian,
I am going to China the 25th of July, and I made a blog.
There is one problem: Could you, please, help me with translating this blog in English?
My english is not dramatic, but it is nicer that there aren't any mistakes in it, right?
Regards and thanks in advance,
Nathan |
| 15 Junho 2008 08:42 |
| Hi Lilian,
I have done the translation in Spanish, here.
| 18 Junho 2008 07:44 |
| Hi Lilly,
Thank you for your kind note! Yes, I still check in regularly to  (especially when I receive a personal note, or a request to bridge from Japanese texts or to judge the accuracy of a translation, etc)!
However, as you have probably noticed, I haven't been doing much else here at  !  I want to thank you, for doing the "lion's share" of the English-language validations, while Laura, Ruth and I are busy with other things!  You are really really appreciated by us all!
Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive and well, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to do some more validations in August and September, when I don't have to teach at university!
See you again soon around here at  !
PS: I forgot to thank you for your kind wishes on my birthday! It was very thoughtful!  |
| 19 Junho 2008 02:42 |
| Hola, como estas? un gusto saludarte... crees que pudieramos conversar en ingles, para practicar un poco??? recibe un saludo!! :-) |
| 19 Junho 2008 03:05 |
| hi! thanks.. how this work, im send my msn account? this is javier_hernandezl at hotmail.com
:-) |
| 24 Junho 2008 20:32 |
| Hi Lilian.
Pls look at this |
| 25 Junho 2008 22:40 |
| "I am not a man for just one woman"  |
| 26 Junho 2008 12:19 |
 RampaNúmero de Mensagens: 2 | Hej Lilian, I pretend that you don´t exist. Skulle jag översätta till "Jag lÃ¥tsas inte om dig"
Eller "du finns inte för mig" Lite svårt är det, när man har det så där korthugget att välja rätt alternativ speciellt när det finns så många att välja mellan.
Mvh//HÃ¥kan |
| 27 Junho 2008 16:23 |
| thank you very much  |
| 27 Junho 2008 20:00 |
| juste pour dire bonsoire et que je suis ici |
| 27 Junho 2008 23:57 |
| no estoy jugando. el ingles lo se muy bien. y no estoy usando traductores ok. ah! y disculpas por intentar el idioma que estoy aprendiendo. |
| 30 Junho 2008 06:05 |
| Oyeme, muchas gracias por la traduccion.
Espero no te moleste si te pido otras...
Gracias de verdad, y me deja impresionado las multiples lenguas que manejas. Eres filologa?