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| 1 September 2006 10:40 |
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| 7 September 2006 14:24 |
| Solo agradecer tu mensaje, espero aprender a trabajar bien en esta pagina..
| 8 September 2006 09:12 |
| Hi JP,
Thanks for writing.
I can read urdu but can't write in it.
However, I can write Hindi quite well as you must have seen. I can write in unicode hindi font as well as in Shusha font with great speeds and quality.
I will be happy to be of any use for any person who is interested in Hindi.
Rawat |
| 17 September 2006 10:46 |
| "Cucumis.org le agradece por su participación
Si tus cambios son válidos, tu ganas 1 puntos alrededor de 3 semanas."
If you want to use usted (formal you form) the text must be:
"Cucumis.org le agradece su participación.
Si sus cambios son válidos ganará 1 punto que le será adjudicado en las próximas 3 semanas" |
| 21 September 2006 12:04 |
| hi jp, my goodness...u have been busy....
love the things you have added to the website...Wow! |
| 22 September 2006 23:15 |
| Just a sugestion...
Like brazilian portuguese and european portuguese are differents, the spanish is totally different like Spain/Argentine. I lived 5 years in Argentine and I was in Spain for many times, and I saw the big differences that have between the countries that speak spanish. I can see here that I use to translate the texts with the spanish that I know, that is not so formal like the spanish from Spain, and several times I have them rejected. So, I stop to translate the texts in spanish, but it will be so good, that you can put the option spanish separated like portuguese. |
| 23 September 2006 16:15 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | bonjour!
excusez-moi, mais quand je me déconnecte l' italien n'est pas correcte. on foudrait corriger "tuti" avec "tutti" et "kookies" avec "cookies".
merci! |
| 23 September 2006 16:30 |
 nava91Number of messages: 1268 | j'ai oublié... on devrait aussi mettre une virgule après "connesso".
merci beaucoup!
une question, mais aussi Witchi pourrait le modifier? |
| 24 September 2006 16:32 |
sim yzmyrden hasan ben nasilsiniz mektup aldim sagolun sevyndyk çok aylece byz
| 25 September 2006 05:11 |
| Great to hear you have the time to take such good care of the site.
I have a suggestion about the language selection column on the left-hand side. Would you consider using the languages themselves to label the selections(eg English, Italiano, Français, 汉è¯ï¼ŒDeutsch, 日本語)? Thus when someone accidentally click on an unfamiliar language (eg Arabic or Japanese or Chinese), he can get back to the right page immediately without having to guess which one to click. |
| 29 September 2006 10:50 |
| Hello there,
I would like to ask something: in Romanian language, as in German, for example (and if I don't mistake in French, too), exists the so-called "polite pronoun". We used that in every day language, we never address to an unknown person without using this pronoun. Should the translation for the webside written using the polite pronoun or should be written in a much familiar way? When I have translated the texts in Romanian,I did not used it, partially because there were translations made before in this way, partially because where I live now, no one use this and partially because I thought it should sound a little bit more friendly. What should I do? How would be the correct way of doing these translations? |
| 29 September 2006 20:19 |
| There is a spelling mistake in a phrase: Number of virtual-points for translating in Bulgarian. It should be: Брой на виртуални точки за превеждане. There should be a "a" between "у" and "л" in the word "виртуални".
Best wishes,
Nanini |
| 30 September 2006 20:23 |
| Hi, again!
I really need to ask you something. I have got this translation in English: "The best that was occur for me / It was see you for the first time", which was validated by you. If I may say, even I am not an expert in English, it doesn't sound well at all. You said that the translation should be a little bit adapted. I have given 385 points for this from what I earned, can it be corrected please? There are also some mistakes there as:"To take care our alliance forever " or "Untill" or "hand with hand". Don't misunderstand me, please, I am not complaining, it is just better if the translations are correct. From my point of view.
And there is something that is a little bit unclear for me: Why were the points taken from both Current number of translation points and virtual number of points? It would be logic to be taken only from one of them.
| 6 October 2006 22:08 |
| Not sure about Latin, sounds like A-Romanian or Macedo-Romanian - a dialect of the Romanian language. Some of the words look like Romanian, but the text has no sense for me. And I don't believe it is Latin, but I can mistake, also - I learnt Latin in school, more than 20 years ago, so it is more then rusted.
I wrote to the author, he didn't answer yet. |
| 11 October 2006 18:17 |
| ama benim klavyemde kril alfabesi yok.kril alfabesi okuyabilirim,yazabilirim;ama latin alfabesi kullanarak.Ayrica yazilanin ya da soylenenin sadece %80 ni anlayabiliyorum.cunku bu dillerin icerisinde sadece ingilizcenin egitimini aldim.onun disinda bildiklerim sadece pratikten,gunluk yasamdan ogrendiklerim.o yuzden de bu dilleri bilmiyorum ya da az biliyorum diyemem ama o dile de tamamiyla vakifim diyemem.sorun olur mu onu da bilmiyorum.tesekkurler:-)serdar ulusoy |
| 17 October 2006 15:56 |
| Hey,
There is a translation made by rodi from Dutch to Romanian, which is written not correct. Instead of "te iubesc si nu vrau sa te pierde" it should be "te iubesc şi nu vreau să te pierd". I will modify it, but I just wanted to let you know about.
P.S. I am working at the Faroese translation, it will take a while because I do not have very much time right now. But that doesn't mean I give up, so... I am doing it. |
| 27 October 2006 22:21 |
| Hey Jp, please can you help me? How can it be deleted a translation from Romanian into English requested by Mihaela? Is about this one: "diseara fac o petrecere in pijamale impreuna cu...". Is so incorrectly written, full of gramatical mistakes and absurde words.. |
| 28 October 2006 17:42 |
| Jean-Philippe:
He podido corregir muy pocos textos del sitio, porque la mayorÃa no los encuentra. Éste ("No envies mensajes personales a otros usuarios para preguntar por una traducción. Hay una página especÃfica para ésto" ), por ejemplo, donde falta el acento de "envÃes" y sobra el de "esto", no lo encuentra. Supongo que se debe al problema que leà que tuviste hace unos meses con la base de datos. ¿Cómo puedo hacer para corregirlos? Hay algunos con faltas de ortografÃa mucho más feas que éstas. |
| 28 October 2006 18:48 |
| Très bien, JP. Quoique je sais moins catalan qu'espagnol, j'ai un titre de correctrice d'estil de catalan. |
| 31 October 2006 13:23 |
| I am portuguese, i live in italy for 2 years, i have pet (not a animal, but is a degree of school of english), i understand french, but not speak, and i have a lots of freinds spanish, so some times i can help on spanish to... |