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Inbox - Aneta B.

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4 October 2011 16:39  

Number of messages: 1538
I hope what I wrote makes sense

26 December 2011 00:58  

Number of messages: 1538
Good night prof! I've almost done it

14 February 2012 06:08  

Number of messages: 4

3 April 2012 00:55  

Number of messages: 12396
Thanks dear, I wish you a good (well deserved) night! Thanks again for the work you're doing about the slide-show!

6 April 2012 00:16  

Number of messages: 1538
"Pizz" sounds like Neapolitan!

Talking about pizza is making me hungry again!

7 April 2012 13:50  

Number of messages: 1538
Do you already know this?

20 April 2012 01:01  

Number of messages: 12396
Oh, crossed messages again! (but no, vaping is NOT smoking, when I vape,I produce vapor, not smoke, there is not one single particle of what one has in the air with blowing out the tobacco smoke, only vapor!

Yes, I'll tell JP about Liu's pic


9 May 2012 23:02  

Number of messages: 12396
and told him I was fed up with this kind of moron, asking him to unregister me and erase all trail from me in eht forum. And apparently they were feeling very embarassed with that. He answered he was talking about with the team and will promptly give ma an answer.
In the meanwhile, I had vry friendly replies on some threads, and also very friendly messages in PM from some other users. You know, it's all time the same, when you're leaving a place and feel you're right about leaving, there are always good things that are happening, like these friendly messages


2 June 2012 13:40  

Number of messages: 1538
So sad we can't poke on Cucumis as well

4 September 2012 23:05  

Lev van Pelt
Number of messages: 313
Thank you very much, Aneta !
You flatter me... But, in fact, I am enjoying very much my time here with you all !

About this most interesting quotation from The Bible, I will add that it comes from Daniel; ch. 5, v. 25-28.
As well, I have to rectify one essential point: the original sources containing chapters 5-7 of "Daniel" are all in Aramaic; so the words MENE, TEKEL, PERES are transliterations from this language and not from Hebrew, as I said wrongly before.
As you well know, Hebrew and Aramaic were written in the same characters; and were quite similar in those times, so my flaw was not a terrible one.

If you are interested in this extraordinary passage of the Book of Daniel: here you are a link to some additional information:

My best Regards!

4 September 2012 23:34  

Lev van Pelt
Number of messages: 313
Yes. Those words are a damnation.
Truly Ominous… !

Here I post the complete quotation (Daniel; 5; 25-28 ) for the rest of Cucumers:

"And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
This is the interpretation of the thing:
MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians."


4 September 2012 23:43  

Lev van Pelt
Number of messages: 313

3 October 2012 15:06  

Number of messages: 1538
Yes, undoubtedly you're right! Thing is, that line is so ridiculously simple that I wonder how the user has reached university if he/she can't understand it

No lectures this afternoon, English and Portuguese professors are not available until next week. Yay!

3 October 2012 15:59  

Number of messages: 1538
You sure? SO simple sentences? And how much time did you have to complete your task?

3 October 2012 16:17  

Number of messages: 1538
Aneto you haven't answered my question What if we wait some (two, three perhaps?) weeks before releasing the request? So that it will be to late for homework

3 October 2012 17:18  

Number of messages: 1538
I mean the question about the time, I still have no idea how is university homework, how much time should we wait? You've already attended university, so you know better!

16 Januarie 2013 23:24  

Number of messages: 159
Hello Aneta! How are you? My name is William and I live in Sweden. I'm 19 years old (20 at the 28th of February! I've never been to Poland but I would like to go there that would be awesome! Have you ever been to Sweden? I live in the southern part of the country! I was in Russia and Ukraine this summer and I have to say that I love these countries and I think I'm going to love Poland as well! Where in Poland do you live? See you later! / Kindest regards Wille

17 Januarie 2013 02:04  

Number of messages: 4611
Franck, stp. ??

18 Januarie 2013 02:37  

Number of messages: 4611
Hi Aneta. No, it is not imperative, sorry. You're right. It is '"Truth sets me free'.
So, sorry dear - suppose I wotk to late sometimes.
Thanks for having asked me.

20 Januarie 2013 16:29  

Number of messages: 5
Mogę Pani zapłacić za pomoc Wiem że to nie ładnie tak zasypywać kogoś i prosić o pomoc, ale nie mam innego wyjscia niż szukac pomocy u kogoś na tym portalu

Przepraszam jeśli zawracam głowę..
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