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7 Листопада 2006 09:27  

Кількість повідомлень: 279
Projet - Newsburn
Mr cucumis
Bonjour :

Il parait qu’il y’a une erreur dans le nom du traducteur du texte au lieu de marhabanil existe ton nom JP dans le projet suivant
Newsburn - نيوزبورن la mention Traduit par JP ترجمت من طرف


7 Листопада 2006 12:22  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hello, jp!
Can you delete this translation request: "Amabila mea vecina nu admitea sa se petreaca ceva...", the user is sweet_girl_mirela. It has grammar mistakes, the capital letters are missing, it is written without the Romanian characters. Besides, there is an observation there in the end where she wrotes, I quote: "I demand this text to be translated in English".

7 Листопада 2006 12:23  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hello, jp!
Can you delete this translation request: "Amabila mea vecina nu admitea sa se petreaca ceva...", the user is sweet_girl_mirela. It has grammar mistakes, the capital letters are missing, it is written without the Romanian characters. Besides, there is an observation there in the end where she wrotes, I quote: "I demand this text to be translated from Romanian into English".

8 Листопада 2006 10:35  

Кількість повідомлень: 235
No problem, dude.

Oh yes, I forgot to add, the error also occurs in the Japanese interface. The date and time format for Japanese is exactly the same as that for Chinese. You can put whatever is the date in the Chinese interface into the Japanese one.

example the translation you got for "November"
"November"= 11月 in Japanese
= 十一月 in Chinese

Actually both translations are valid in both languages and is a case of writing "one hundred" or "100".

Written Japanese has its roots in Chinese; though modern Japanese and modern Chinese have evolved to become very different, still there are times when Chinese = Japanese.

8 Листопада 2006 11:07  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hey, JP.
There is an another translation that must be deleted: In noreni per ipe. It is stated on the site that it is written in Romanian, but that is definitely not Romanian. It seems that the user visted the site last time in March. I wrote to him a message long time ago, but there was no answer, so, I believe, he has no interest anymore.
Thank you, very much.

8 Листопада 2006 15:08  

Sarah Haler
Кількість повідомлень: 17

Help! How do I redo a translation that was initally rejected? The person requesting a translation and I have come to a mutual agreement on the term but I can't see how to redo it.


8 Листопада 2006 17:15  

Кількість повідомлень: 12396
RE! et on est plusieurs à l'être, j'imagine? OK, comment ça se passe? J'ai une boîte à lettres supplémentaire?

12 Листопада 2006 22:48  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hey jp, I have the same problem as usually. There are two requested translations written wrong(no characters, no punctuation, wrong words). It is the following one: "turinstii o plimbare pe lac cu barca andmirand... " and "lacul rosu este o statiune foarte frumoasa...", the user is cool girl. Please, can you delete them?

P.S.I have send her a message asking nicely to write properly, with the Romanian characters, punctuation and so on, but she continues to ignore any kind of request.

14 Листопада 2006 13:44  

Кількість повідомлень: 19
Salut jp,

J'ai remarqué que mes traductions n'étaient plus évaluées depuis quelques temps. Y-a-il un problème?

16 Листопада 2006 12:53  

Sarah Haler
Кількість повідомлень: 17

Sorry to be such a pain! I need to withdraw my translation request as I got outside help. Is that allowed? If not, don't worry.

17 Листопада 2006 08:30  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Thanks, you've made a little more light in my head (about those virtual points).
I am sorry I have to insist, but can you delete that requested translation, I have asked you? Please.
Thank you, all the best.

17 Листопада 2006 16:08  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Jp, I give up. I will not say a word from now on about the writing with the Romanian characters. I just yell as an idiot every day and a great part of the Romanians that post translations on the site just ignore my request. I tried to be polite, I tried to be mean, nothing seemed to work. From now on, I will just correct the texts that are introduced, but I am not accepting ANY of the translations done into Romanian without the characters. Maybe I sound as a stupid one or I ask too much from the others, but we grew up talking this language, we study it for at least 12 years in school, how is it possible not even to try to write correct?

Everytime when there was something wrong with my translations, I've got feedback from the English experts and I tried to respond and to adapt to their requests. If there is any kind of respect for a simple request (which, by the way, is not even difficult to fullfil), I don't believe I want to be an expert anymore. This is just laziness and, I have to say, that I really admire the French, Spanish and Portughese translators (this are languages that I can understand a little). There are always written with the right characters, as much as I can see it.

P.S I just have to thank to lavinia_m_g. She was actually the only one who wanted to respond to me.

20 Листопада 2006 21:40  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hey JP, I found an another stupidity. There was one who translate "carpe diem" fom Latin to Faroese... Belouga. He wrote "Fanga dagin", which means "catch the day". Far away from "live the moment", which the actually meaning. Can I modify it somehow?

And an another little-tinny problem. You are already used to that. "sa ma visezi iubirea mea" asked by buz3dulci, asked to be translated from Romanian to Serbian. The same "go to hell, I write as I wish" behaviour. Can you delete, please, the text.

21 Листопада 2006 18:28  

Кількість повідомлень: 2
I've studied chinese for three years at the Bologna University, this summer I've been two months in Shanghai for an internship, now I'm working for a company that is opening in China.

21 Листопада 2006 18:59  

Кількість повідомлень: 4
Bien reçu, je prends note

23 Листопада 2006 00:55  

Кількість повідомлень: 235
Hi jp,
There is a new member by the nickname Whisky. He/She has translated about 50 entries into Chinese (Traditional) yesterday all at once. And the translations are flawless, capturing the meaning of the original text completely. I would recommend that he is made an expert. We have too few experts for Chinese.

btw, apologies for being nosey, I followed your conversation with ilar. I believe he is a genuine translator for chinese. I edited his text only because I was fussy. It is better to have a translator who understands the original text and made a not-so-fluent translation than to have a translator that misunderstands the original and make a fluent translation.

23 Листопада 2006 08:03  

Кількість повідомлень: 2102
Hello jp,

Sorry for being such a pain, but I have to ask you, again, to delete a request of translation. The user is : SPATARU, the text "Stimate domn, avand in vedere..." I wrote to her a message asking for correction. It seems that I am just that idiot from the site who bugs them from time to time. She has not even had the common sense to send me to hell, at least.
Please, if I do not ask too much, can you delet that request?
Thanks, have a nice day.

24 Листопада 2006 08:02  

Кількість повідомлень: 1263
Hello, JP!

whisky is very good at Chinese (Taiwan Traditional), are you kind enough to make her/him expert of Traditional Chinese? She/He is excellent.

27 Листопада 2006 17:44  

Кількість повідомлень: 4
Ok d'ac ! merci pour tous ces renseignements. J'ai réfléchi à ta proposition, je suis d'accord.

Maintenant il ne me reste plus qu'à contacter Guðrún pour mes quelques questions (si elle est là) et à me munir de pincettes et d'une loupe.

29 Листопада 2006 16:40  

rosangela maluf
Кількість повідомлень: 21
Ok, escreverei em minúsculas..
Tive problemas com o teclado! Sorry!
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