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World of Plainness


约有3项,以下是第1 - 3项

2020年 八月 4日 10:02  

文章总计: 1263
Pingfan de Shijie


In 2009, one wish came upon me that I should translate Lu Yao's novel Pingfan de Shijie (World of Plainness), so I communicated with the printing house, but they refused me and claimed that they would find a foreigner to translate this great novel.

In 2019, I communicated with the printing house again, but they firmly stressed that they would find a foreign sinologist to translate this book.

On 14 April 2020, I completed the draft translation.

It's really hard for a translator to live on translation, I don't know how far I can move forward. But I have decided to translate more books to serve as the monuments of my career as a translator.


My parents (Liu Zhendang, Wang Shuhua) are semi-illiterate farmers, who have supported my education from primary school to university, so I have enough knowledge to travel around the world; who have taught me to be honest and simple, so I have the faith to insist on the simple truth.

My grandma (Liang Xiuying, 1909-2008 ) was illiterate, feet-bound, a legacy of late Qing, a mother of three sons and one daughter, who taught me to cherish every piece of paper, even used ones, and taught me to take pride in learning & knowledge.

My English teacher (Wang Mingchao) taught me in high school years, and during my stay at the high school yard for fetching the letter of admission into university, she urged me not to give up my English skills.

World of Plainness, Lu Yao, pluiepoco, draft translation 20200416

Volume 1-Volume 3:

2020年 七月 28日 09:05  

文章总计: 8114
Wow! Congratulations Pluie

2020年 八月 4日 10:00  

文章总计: 1263
Thank you pias for your congratulations!
More to come...