Hi Bendek,
As you said above, you are not familiar with the features of the site yet.
Let me explain how evaluations on Cucumis.org work.
We are intended to be a community made up of two kinds of users from around the world.
In the first group are those who:
1 - need a translation into a language they don't know.
2 - want to understand a text written in a language they don't know.
In the second group are those who:
1 - know well more than one language and are willing to help the first group for free.
2 - were chosen by the admins to become experts due to their skills, reliable work and availability.
The expert for a language is not supposed to know all the languages listed on the site, although some of us command more than one language as experts.
The expert's job in an evaluation is correcting the
target language, in this case English. When s/he doesn't know the source language, asks for the help of the community to check the accuracy of the translation by setting a poll where they can vote, make suggestions, etc.
Sometimes there's nothing to be corrected, every vote is positive and the translation is accepted.
Other times users point out many corrections that have to be discussed in order to achieve the best result. That's why polls exist!
And that is what Lein has been doing related to this translation.
So, please if you don't have any uplifting comment or suggestion about the translation, let her do her job, OK?
And anytime you have a doubt, feel free to post it
to one of the admins and we'll be glad to help you understand how things work around here.